

  • MaryEdythe
    Prayers from Seattle for your surgery and your future. MaryEdythe
    August 2013
  • JeanB
    Hi Zoe. Haven't seen you around lately, how are you doing?
    August 2013
  • Linda2010
    HI Zoe. Thanks for the information. Did you have your PET scan yet? I pray everything is ok. Keep in touch
    August 2013
  • patrick1989
    Dear Zoe: I did receive your long message and felt so bad to hear all that you are going through. Yes, our emotions, fears, anxieties are really heigtened with a cancer diagnosis. And that is our right. I have tried to just accept the fact and have stopped thinking about the what ifs, as hard as it is. and focus on the facts alone. When you actually look at the facts, life isn't as bad as our mind tells us it is. Yes, we are all terminal to a degree. Isn't everyone. No one can ever know what we are going through nor can they understand our emotional swings. That is what is nice about this web site. We have people to relate to.

    I am going through a downward spike in my emotions at this time and my Oncologist just got me in touch with a program at the Hosp. called STARS. My first apt is next Thurs so will keep you informed as to what it accomplishes. Hope it puts me back on the upward swing soon. Until then, I will love my Dog more, look at the stars and plant some flowers so I will have new blooms to look forward to. I also look forward to hearing from you because Zoe, you are both a star and a flower. Embrace yourself as others embrace you.
    August 2013
  • patrick1989
    Dear Zoe: Wrote you long message and have no idea where it went. I will try to write again tomorrow
    August 2013
  • Beeps
    Good morning! Thanks so much for your note! You got everything exactly right in regard of my 'ex'-job!
    Wow! To move from SW Florida... Most folks go the other direction when they get a little older! Haha! I sure do 'get' wanting to be near your child! A lot of parents can't wait to get them out of the house... I'm wanting mine, who is 20, to stay! I want him near me for as long as its possible and thankfully he wants to be here!
    From what 'they' say... I probably only get a few more years, I want him to have that time close by!
    Who was your doctor at Moffitt? Is your diagnosis exocrine or endocrine?
    I do hope that you will be able to get out today and take that walk you mentioned! Prayers continue for your peace and well-being!
    August 2013
  • music
    Hello Zoe,
    I am sorry you are going through this.
    My prayers will be with you on September 16.
    August 2013
  • Linda2010
    Hi Zoe. They did do a biopsy in his lung. At the time when we got the biopsy report they said it was probably from the pancreas but a primary lung lesion could not be ruled out because some of the stains were negative. Since he is in a weakened state we had talked about a wedge resection but thought it would be too rough on him. They wanted to do the Radio Frequency Ablation but the dr. felt the tumor was too close to the aorta so they did Stereo Tactic Radiation which was 3 treatments over a 2 week time. He handled that pretty well. His scans were great for about a year and then that nodule started growing. The Dr. actually told us they he might not of got all the edges of the tumor. We could not do radiation again so the physicial decided since it was larger he could get most of it with Radio Frequency Ablation. They did the ablation to this spot last Sept and it has stayed stable. He is still getting chemo. Just got new CT results today . Now he has enlarging nodule in left lower lobe which is concerning for metastasis. Another one in the left lower lobe which is more typical for a primary lung cancer. Evidently the Gemzar has not helped with these tumors.. Also they saw a soft tissue nodule which is concerning for metastasis. In going over this in my mind I bet there is no mass there but he had rt inguinal hernia repair between the last two scans. I hope this is what they are seeing.
    Thinking of you and keep me informed.
    August 2013
  • Beeps
    Good morning Zoe- just read a couple of your posters from yesterday.... So sorry that there is more going on! You say you are scared! I sure do understand that! All of these treatments, surgeries etc. sound very scary! I pray for you to sense God's presence surrounding you with love. Glad to hear that you feel so positive about the surgeon! It sure makes a difference to feel confident in your medical care! Do you know when your surgery will be? Very best to you!
    August 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Wishing you a good appointment today!
    August 2013
  • Linda2010
    Hi Zoe. Did you have surgery for pancreatic cancer. Also, did you have pancreatic cancer an it returned. I would like to hear about your treatments
    August 2013
  • EllasDaddy
    They usually leave it in for a few days depending on the amount of drainage. If the put it in surgery you won't feel a thing. Taking it out is a little tugging but no pain. Good luck.
    August 2013
  • AlizaMLS
    Dear Zoe,

    I'm glad to see that you're seeing someone at Albany Med. I can try to put my Librarian research skills to use for you and see if tomorrow I can see if I can find someone in the city who's been in "Best Docs in NY" at either Sloan, NYU, Mt. Sinai or Columbia, but only if you wish. As Librarians, we believe "knowledge is power"...;) (If only our salaries reflected that thought as well!...;))

    Hope the visit to Albany Med goes well!

    Warm wishes,
    August 2013
  • pcsurvivor
    Awesome pic! Sassy! Lol
    August 2013
  • Beeps
    I guess the scan results were a tad disappointing...so sorry...I suppose it could have been worse?? Sometimes it seems best to just try to deal with one day at a time! When we are having to deal with all this stuff...making appointments, going to appointments, getting prescriptions, dealing with various insurance issues, and etc... It can be hard to find the time or energy to do things that bring us joy or pleasure... At least that's how I feel sometimes! I can start to feel blue...less energy, etc... Then I know it's time to make some intentional time for pleasure... Whatever that may be! I try to schedule days that I will not deal with any medical crap beyond taking my meds! Give it a rest! I know that helps me! I don't want to look back at my last years of life and regret not intentionally seeking out more joy! Prayers for your peace and JOY!
    July 2013
  • country
    Prayers from Western Pa for you!
    July 2013
  • patrick1989
    Don't worry about losing long notes, I do it all the time. Just enjoy the wedding this weekend and will talk to you next week.
    July 2013
  • pcsurvivor
    "You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have."
    July 2013
  • FreeBird
    Are you receiving chemotherapy right now, Zoe?
    July 2013
  • pcsurvivor
    Zoe, I had the tail of my pancreas removed along with my gall bladder, spleen and part of my stomach. I feel good. I try to stay positive but it's difficult at times. I believe talking to people who have had pc will help us. Let's stay in touch and we can help each other through those tough times. Donna
    June 2013
  • Russ
    Russ zoe
    Hi Zoe,
    At first I thought that maybe my remarks may have been too harsh, but it looks as though you understand. Having cancer, especially pancreatic cancer, can be very scary. Feel good about yourself, because you are on the road to recovery. Please feel free to ask me or anyone on this website any questions...and I mean "any" questions. My best goes out to you and I look forward to further communication with you.
    Best regards,
    June 2013
  • Russ
    Russ zoe
    Hi Zoe,
    At this point I don't know if we have communicated. It has been awhile. You have gone through the toughest part Zoe...surgery, treatments, and still have only to get through any scans that you need. Get a grip on yourself...you have a lot to offer others who are newly diagnosed with any type of cancer, but especially pancreatic cancer. Being a survivor means that you have another day to live, but you must live it with a purpose. Your purpose at this point is to reach out to others who are newly diagnosed. I am a 12yr+ stage III pancreatic cancer survivor, and my journey continues still today. We survived this horrible disease call pc, and now we both can be a crutch to others who follow in our footsteps. I want to see your name on someone else's wall as their support person...you can do it Zoe!
    Best regards,
    June 2013
  • Beeps
    It looks like you have just joined the site! Best wishes on this new? Part of your journey!
    June 2013
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome to the WhatNext family! The WhatNext family is made up of people like you who are looking for help or looking to help others. To help you along your journey the WhatNext family has put together a Beginner's Guide to Cancer that I highly recommend you check-out here: http://bit.ly/10BQKCi. Also, please do not hesitate to reach out to others or ask for help.

    Wishing you the best.

    Founder, WhatNexter
    June 2013