

  • barryboomer
    Check out The China Study and this hopeful site below and Chris's facebook page


    I feel it's important that WE do as much at home as the Docs do. Let's get as healthy as we can for the best outcome.
    Food is our medicine and Medicine is our FOOD'
    AND God is the best Nutritionist!!


    January 2014
  • Beeps
    So sorry to read that you are feeling 'blue'. I think this journey has peaks and valleys. Some days are much better than others. For me too, I can be going along just fine- then something triggers a 'down cloud'... I've had a rough couple of months too.... Just one issue after another, MRSA, broken tooth, etc... I don't bounce back the way I used to!
    I also have a wonderful son ( he'll be 21 in a few wks) I know exactly what you mean by enjoying your son's support! He is one of my greatest blessings!
    So- I'm sure my note does little to cheer you, but do please know- you are not alone in this battle.... It's not just the cancer itself that we have to deal with.... It's a thousand 'other' things that just seems to go along with it!
    I hope your blues lift away quickly!!
    October 2013
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome to the WhatNext family! The WhatNext family is made up of people like you who are looking for help or looking to help others. To help you along your journey the WhatNext family has put together a Beginner's Guide to Cancer that I highly recommend you check-out here: http://bit.ly/10BQKCi. Also, please do not hesitate to reach out to others or ask for help.

    Wishing you the best.

    Founder, WhatNexter
    June 2013
  • zoe
    Hi Donna ! I can't find your post to me,I guess it got lost. Anyway ,I'm really happy to hear you are ok. I haven't seen you for awhile and was praying everything was ok with you and your son.
    I'm doing ok. Thanks for writing,take good care. Zoe
    October 2013
  • zoe
    Donna...Haven't heard from you or seen you on here. I'm praying you and your son are OK. Zoe
    August 2013
  • zoe
    Hi Donna,good to hear you are doing so well !
    I'm sooooo happy for you that your son is with you,I can feel your joy in your posts. Congrats on having your port removed,you've graduated ! Do you have a scan appt. on the 14th? Good luck with everything,I'll be thinking of you. Zoe
    August 2013
  • zoe
    Hi...Just checking in to see how you're doing. Hope everything is ok.
    August 2013
  • zoe
    Thanks Donna.Tomorrow is the BIG day ! I'm so grateful to be here to enjoy it !!!
    July 2013
  • zoe
    Hi Donna, cute pic ! I'll put mine up too,if I could ever figure out how to do it ! Hope you're feeling much better. Zoe
    July 2013
  • zoe
    Hi...I just sent you an email.It came back. I'll check with Greg to see if I got it wrong. Zoe
    July 2013
  • zoe
    Hi Donna...I'm doing pretty well,a little stressed out waiting for July 25th ct scan. Dr. saw a couple of lung nodules so we'llsee what it shows.YIKES !!!
    I've been thinging about you and hope you're doing much more than ok Zoe
    July 2013
  • Russ
    That's wonderful news Donna...we can stay in touch through this website or we can do it one on one through our email addresses at home...or we can do both. If you would like to communicate one on one...just let me know and I'll have Greg give me your email address.

    It is difficult once you are finished with your treatments. You feel that you have lost your security blanket. The biggest fear after your treatments are done is that you feel that every pain is the cancer..."oh my gosh it has come back!" It too will diminish with time. You'll soon become an expert at scans. Take care Donna and let me know if you would like to communicate one on one.
    Best regards,
    June 2013
  • Russ
    Am I to understand that you were give a clean bill of health and that you are now in the 6% of those who survive pancreatic cancer for 5 years? If so welcome and congratulations! You should be ecstatic...and I give you my best.
    June 2013
  • zoe
    H i pcsurvivor... Thanks for your response .It's nice to hear you're doing so well,it gives me hope. Sorry I don't know how to use this website yet.I haven't learned how to answer or thank anyone who has responded to me yet. I'm 62 years old
    female,married with two married daughters. I live in Saratoga Springs ,NY. Hope you get this message.Take good care ,Zoe
    June 2013
  • DeanaBeana
    Hello and welcome to the site! We're happy you found us. If you have any QUESTIONS just post them on the Questions tab so everyone can see. Someone will come along and help you. If you find any conversations that interest you, feel free to jump right in and join them. There are some wonderful people on here just waiting to connect with you. You'll have a great support system on this site.
    June 2013