

  • GregP_WN
    That link to the 187 fake alternative treatments is a bad link I guess. I tried to find it but couldn't. It linked to and the list is on that site, but it will take a while to find it. Once I do, I will post it.
    June 2014
  • LMM
    LMM glam
    Good news Glam.
    June 2014
  • LMM
    LMM glam
    Glam, you have been on my mind. I was thinking about your test. They saw cyst, but you did not mention suv numbers so if things aren't actually lighting up you are ok.
    May 2014
  • LMM
    LMM glam
    Que tal Glam? How is your visit going? You feeling ok?
    May 2014
  • aarongutier
    Thank u so much for your great wishes glam!..i really appreciate it.
    I finish my 7th treatment today..5 more to go..)..
    Blessings 2u as well.
    April 2014
  • Christiana3
    Hi Glam. Awhile back you gave me information about erbitux and what side effects you had and how you handled them which was greatly appreciated! I do have one question tho, I will be receiving my fourth (every two week) treatment and wanted to know how many treatments did you receive? I started to have breakouts on my face for the first two treatments but now dont have that problem, just very dry skin. Any information you could give me would be a help. You are an inspiration to me as it seems we are sort of on the same journey. Thank you in advance!
    April 2014
  • Judt1940
    How are you with the earthquake? Soon as I heard news I thought of you.
    April 2014
  • LMM
    LMM glam
    Glam, how are you feeling? How on earth did you and your husband deal with the both of you being DX with this evil being? How is your husband doing now also? What alternative medicine are you taking?
    March 2014
  • Judt1940
    Somewhere I read you had accupuncture. I have first appointment tomorrow to try help for neuropathy. Did it help you?
    March 2014
  • cuddles456
    Glam, my teenage daughter has colon cancer, spread to her lung, for the past 1 year. You are also very young. What types of chemo are you taking.
    March 2014
  • azzarix
    Hi Glam, i am Azhari from Malaysia... i was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer in 2012 ... i refused for chemo and my friend introduced me to this supplement called 'Transfer Factor". It's 2014 now and i'm free from cancer...if this product is good for me, i think it would be better for you too..try it, it's really worth it.
    February 2014
  • eac4277
    You just posted a response to my question & I had to come here to thank you. Your words were so kind & inspiring & I am grateful that you took the time to respond to me. THANK YOU !
    I am so happy to hear that you are doing better.
    You are absolutley right, only God knows what the future holds. I have been holding onto my faith so tight. I know that prayers work & I believe our higher power is always with us.
    Thank you again for your kindess. It is so very much appreciated.
    - Elizabeth
    January 2014
  • barryboomer
    Hey Glam,
    I was noticing how many side effects you had.
    I wrote a song/rant called SIDE EFFECTS I'd like to share with you. Thought you might get a chuckle.

    February 2014
  • LMM
    LMM glam
    Glam, I am reaching out to you because I know you have knowledge of this. I remember reading that your husband was diagnosed with cancer, then the day of his surgery you received that awful diagnosis yourself. You see- I am now worried about my husband. He had his yearly physical recentnly and CBC came back as being slightly under normal range. His doc is sending him to hematologist for further review. Glam I am so worried. My mind keeps spinning what did you both handle and get through your dignosis? God bless and be with you. Lisa
    February 2014
  • Cats4mamac
    Glam, one more and I will most likely never physically cross paths, we may live on the same side of the planet but I'm closer to the top while you're closer to the bottom, lol! What I want you to know is this; regardless of the fact that we will never come face to face, you have impacted my life in a way I shall never forget and I want you to always remember, somewhere in Fresno, California, USA, there's a kooky woman who loves cats, chocolate,U2...........and you.
    February 2014
  • Cats4mamac
    Glam, I must tell you that you are the one of the most extraordinary women, no.....people I have ever had the priviledge of coming in contact with. I have followed you on WN since I first discovered this site. You have made me laugh and cry. And I have wept buckets and ached for what you have endured. When you have written about your father and given us the privilege of viewing the extraordinary relationship you share you are opening a window to your soul. The gift you pass on to us is unsurpassed and generous to a fault. Instead of keeping your father just for you, you have generously shared this extraordinary man with us which shows what a truly extraordinary person you are. After all, are you not your father's daughter? You are who you are, because you first belonged to him. God sent you to your father just as surely as your father sent you to us. The cycle of life is never ending and the joy, warmth and hope you share with us gives us all that little extra bit of strength we need. That you do it so unselfishly (and I am sure there are lots of times you'd like to retreat from every thing but you don't) THAT is the true definition of unconditional love. You are truly a remarkable woman with the capacity to share your pain and joy in an extraordinary honest way. I thank God that I have crossed paths with someone like you. I know your father is so proud of you for who you are and whom you have become. You and I both know you could not be who you are without him, always by your side whenever needed, always filled with love and joy for you. And you? You are your father's daughter. God bless.
    February 2014
  • Afterglow
    glam, thanks for the warm thoughts. My prayers will be with you also.
    January 2014
  • ngelina
    Thank you so much for your responce! I hope you are doing well and that soon you'll be able to look back and say I am strong... I made it!
    January 2014
  • Bestmomever
    Glam, I too have the radiation questions. This technology the doctors consider necessary, and they feel it outweighs the side effects, but they're not us! And my doctors haven't been saying too much about what future side effects it will bring. I feel like I should be glowing by now! I have a CT or PET scan about every 6 months, it was 3 months. I don't like the idea of drinking all those chemicals either. Let's just pray that these doctors are correct in their thinking. Take care and God Bless You!
    January 2014
  • HOBO
    Hello Glam,

    Hope you are still enjoying your trip and that your.dogs are.getting along well. I just know 2014 is going to be a great year for you and all of us. Wishing you.well.

    January 2014
  • akc1213
    I wanted to say thank you for the kinds words you wrote about my dear sweet Ben... I hope you are ok... How are you feeling?
    December 2013
  • barryboomer
    Check out The China Study AND this site below.

    We NEED to take ownership of some part of our treatment.

    December 2013
  • HOBO

    When to you leave on your trip? How long is your flight. I think you are.brave to travel and to.take your pets! I hope your trip is everything you want it to be.


    December 2013
  • Rob
    Rob glam
    As now a 2 time cancer survivor my prayers are always with all cancer patients. Thanks for your reply to my question.
    December 2013
  • gracie1
    I wish I could get him to diet and exercise. We are very Italian, believe the diet wont happen. Eating is one of the loves of his life! I'm trying! Thank you! Gracie
    December 2013
  • BetsyP
    glam - I am so thankful to get your message. Your wise suggestions bring me comfort. God bless you and your husband's recovery journey.
    December 2013
  • genejr2014
    Thanks forr the quick's nice to have people to talk to that have had similar experiences to me. I am also a caregiver to my 74 year old father who has parkinsons. Between the two of us it feels like I'm always at the DR's. I don't talk with him much about my cancer concerns because ii feel hue has enough to worry about. i go meet my new (just moved) oncologist next week so i'll find out when my next PET scan is. Good luck with everything and please keep in touch.


    December 2013
  • mkjetset
    Thank you for your response to my chemo brain question. I will definitely try your suggestions!
    December 2013
  • LMM
    LMM glam
    Happy belated birthday Glam.
    Wow Glam I was reading a recent post you wrote to someone where you stated you were IV B with no mets!! That is amazing Glam. You said "they" say you cannot be considered cured. I agree... To me you have been healed by a much higher power the ultimate physician.
    December 2013
  • TSFC
    I was diagnosed November 8, 2012 with colon cancer. Found out the next day it was stageIV. Had surgery to remove main tumor in colon the next day but they were unable to remove the other tumors in the liver and nodes. I too have always dealt with bowel issues but never dreamed when I went in for my colonoscopy that it would be cancer especially at 40. Told my worst case scenario was 6 months. I woke up after surgery and thought to myself F!CK CANCER. I have done both western and eastern medicine and completely revamped my diet and on September 25th went in for my second surgery and they think they got it all. Just had my labs done and CEA down to less than .5 and everything else stable and in range. Have a PET/CT on Friday. Started up chemo again today. I will head back down to USC to see my other oncologist and firm up this stage of the plan. It has been a crazy journey over this past year. So glad to hear of other people kicking cancers butt. I have a blog at I apologize for the language but that phrase or TSFC has gotten me through this past year. Thank you for sharing your story. So inspired!
    November 2013