

  • banditwalker
    Ok, just checking in. Hope you are having a good holiday weekend! I am staying low, just cause. Gotten to where I do not like big crowds anymore and it is still so hot out.
    September 2015
  • alscut12
    Yes it's been quite a summer. Hope your feeling well.
    I just went 1 year without being in the hospital.
    But the last few days I've got some pain in my ear and jaw.
    I hope it's just nerve endings.
    This is the first summer in 4 years that I've pretty much been myself.
    Again I hope things are going well for you.
    August 2015
  • innadoon
    Hi! Thanks for checking in. I'm sorry to hear about the spread of your disease, and I can understand why you're scared silly. I had a sparkling CT about four months ago, then one in February that, well, scared me silly. My doctor stopped the chemo I was on (said it wasn't working anyway) and said we'd try something else. Now I'm on the waiting roller coaster. Write and let me know how you're doing if you want. :)
    March 2014
  • innadoon
    Thanks for the good wishes - I need them lately! - innadoon
    November 2013
  • innadoon
    I think I've found myself wondering a lot lately about my function in life, which is leading to a change in my treatment. You're right about selling myself short - my husband is fond of saying that I touch other lives in a good way just by being. I asked the question about being an inspiration some time back, as the concept is difficult for me to handle sometimes. I think it is important to maintain a sense of purpose, which I often lack, in order to have a sound sense of self-esteem. Since my diagnosis, my only sense of purpose has been to survive, which seems empty somehow. I'm working on it, though. Thank you for the kind comments. -innadoon
    October 2013
  • innadoon
    Thanks for joining me, and thank you for your thoughts and prayers - every prayer helps, in my opinion. Utah was the apex of my wild goose chases, but they just seem to keep happening, if on a smaller scale. My oncologist appears to have something else in mind, but he hasn't given me a lot of details yet. Hanging in there... - innadoon
    September 2013
  • alscut12
    Came to conclusion don't have time to die. Snow snow snow...
    I don't even know if I should be dealing with this horrible winter.
    Ice dams on house plus shoveling.
    This snow will be around for a long time......
    Condo living and Florida sound good.
    Good news with your PET scan.
    Stay healthy!!!

    February 2015
  • banditwalker
    Hi sweetie, has been a while since we have last sponken. Yes, I am doing really well and so glad to hear from you and to hear you are also a big bundle of ya yoooooo's. I hope you can soon get the snow out of your yard. TTYL, banditwaker
    February 2015
  • lilymadeline
    Hi Cloverlady4, Thanks for following me. Take care of yourself and I wish you all the best for your battle against breast cancer! We can beat this! Hugs!
    October 2014
  • Karenhi
    Hi Clover, Haven't heard from you in quite awhile. Aren't you supposed to get a checkup this month? And how has your summer been? I am heading back for the start of year #39 as a high school physics teacher next week. Everything is holding steady for me healthwise for now, though a friend of mine (who was stage 2 and had a double mastectomy about 2 years ago) just went stage 4. It's got me a little freaked out. Hope you get good numbers this month!
    August 2014
  • banditwalker
    Hi girl, I see you had a good scan, marvelous! Was thinking of you earlier. I know it is not suppose to exactly be a scary movie but I can't wait to see Godzilla. It is suppose to be very good. You going? Keep up the good work!
    May 2014
  • alscut12
    Glad to hear your doing a little better. I have a few issues,but nothing I can't handle. Getting ready to move to Narragansett for the summer. This may be the best one in years I hope. Keep getting better. Enjoy your summer to . Keep in touch. Al
    May 2014
  • alscut12
    Glad to hear from you. I tried to look you up but forgot your name. We have both been through hell since we connected. It seems that when we adjust to a set back another one appears.
    I try to keep positive. It's not easy.
    A lot has happened to me. I was suppose to have the plate in my jaw removed because of a 2 1/2 year infection. It was scheduled for 1/15/14. I was in Boston on 12/19 to see the surgeon. He said he wanted to do a C SCAN on my jaw and because I had a spot on my lung he wanted to include that to. He wasn't concerned about the lung. I tried to get the results and was getting the run around, I said to my wife something is wrong. I received a call the day after Christmas and was told I was being avoided because they didn't want to interfere with my families Christmas. The spot on my lung had grown and the operation had to be canceled. I had to see a lung surgeon. He told me because of where the spot was they could not do a biopsy and had to operate to see what was going on. He talked about taking the lower lobe out, lymph nodes etc. I was operated on 1/24/14. It was cancer. The good news was it was not from my jaw. Other good news was he did not take the lobe or lymph nodes out. He said my cancer was very slow growing and that I would die from something else .
    Before that operation I developed Polymalagia. It is unbelivible.
    I could not sit or get up from a chair. My wife had to dress me. I had to get a chair with a lift. When in bed I could not move a 1/4 of an inch. It was worse than anything that has ever happened to me. I was referred to a rumatoligest who said she thought she knew what it was. She was putting me on Prednesone and if I felt better in 3 days it was Polymalagia. In three days I was pain free.
    It was like a miracle.
    Now a bigger problem that 4 doctors had to deal with was that the prednisone killed my immune system. I had two operations that had to be preformed and they were afraid of serious infection.
    The decision was to give me the prednesone while I was being put under for each operation. It worked.
    The plate was the thing I worried about more than anything because of all that could go wrong. I was a nervous wreck worrying. The operation was last week. The doctor said everything went absolutely perfect. What a relief.
    Because I had radiation the stiches have to stay in longer than normal. I have a new infection as of last night and will call the doctor today. I'm scheduled to have stiches out this Monday.
    Don't know if I'll be in Boston today for infection.
    Like I said we have been through hell.
    Better days have to be ahead!!!!
    Good luck. Keep in touch.
    March 2014
  • Karenhi
    Hi Cloverlady4,
    Glad to hear from you again! I knew there had to be something serious going on, you've been so good about keeping in touch and checking up. So sorry about the surgery and the infection. It just seems to be one thing after another, eh?
    I've never heard of intestines twisting. Sounds awful. How are you doing on the letrozole? That's what I am on, for about a month longer than you. I have opted to forgo the Zometa for now, while my back heals. Just started PT today and that will let me build strength so I can ditch the back brace eventually (I've gotten a little dependent on it). I am back at work and geez that 5 am alarm is no fun--but I am liking my students a lot (the paperwork, not so much). I don't have a lot left at the end of the school day, though, and am way behind on checking email, reading the paper, etc. Only the essentials!
    I hope you continue to heal from the nasty infection. Take care!
    February 2014
  • hscancer
    I'm writing to ask how you are doing these days. I hope well and not so tired anymore. And, I hope you're keeping warm.
    January 2014
  • banditwalker
    Hey there, just checking in. I read you are very tired lately. Hope the onc has good news for you Monday.
    Stay warm! Curl up and watch a good scarey movie!
    January 2014
  • Ilovemycatlady
    So, now you disappear? What is up with that? Cosmic...Dana
    December 2013
  • MaryEdythe
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
    November 2013
  • banditwalker
    Hey there, hope you had a good weekend. My blues are all gone and hope yours are too. Had #2 chemo on Monday and still feel slightly nauseous but can handle it without meds. I also get very lightheaded like I may pass out but it does not last long. Don't know if it is the chemo or the neulasta shot that is giving me the side effects. Hubby took me out for a late lunch today and I cheated and ate all things bad for me. Back to eating good tomorrow, bummer. Are you doing radiation after your chemo? OK, have a good week!
    November 2013
  • alscut12
    Hi, You said in a previous correspondents how pretty the leaves are.
    If you think they are so pretty you can come to my house and rake them.
    Just think how much you can enjoy yourself.
    You seem like you are back focusing about the good things that will happen.
    Wishing the best to you.
    Alscut12 was a number plate that represented the business I had . A Hair Salon. I had Alscut my wife and children had Alscut1, 2, 3, and 4. My name is Al.
    November 2013
  • alscut12
    Everyone's has moments of frustration and anger but we also seems to be able to handle what's dealt to us. Next year you will be doing the clean up again. I remember last year when I couldn't go to my summer home in Narr. I was discussed. This year I went but I had to make adjustments with the sun. I can't wait for next year. I will do more of what I like and so will you. Good luck
    November 2013
  • alscut12
    I was just reading some of the latest experiences you are going through.
    I feel so bad for you. I was In contact with so many people that I forgot what was going on with you. I'm really lost for words after reading your latest problems. I will pray for you. I know you are a fighter and will eventually put this issue behind you. Good luck and keep in touch.
    November 2013
  • alscut12
    Good news no tumor. Infection again . Stayed for 3 days in hospital Will be on antibiotics for a long period of time.
    Lymphdemia in jaw feels better. Closing mouth with less pain. Antibiotics are working. I know using to many antibiotics are not good for you but have no choice. Raked leaves the day after getting out of hospital. Going to Pats game Sunday. Going to just go on with life. Can't change whats is going on. You know what I mean.
    November 2013
  • Gabba
    Sorry to hear you were down for the count with this treatment...hope you will feel better soon...did you watch any of the World Series or the parade yesterday? Take care.
    November 2013
  • banditwalker
    Hi there, how was Tues. chemo? Your last right? Hope you are still feeling OK. Just checkin'.
    November 2013
  • alscut12
    How are you doing? Are you still having treatments?
    Hope you are feeling better
    November 2013
  • DanaLeigh
    Hi there...I am doing okay. Gonna move on Monday and at the moment have cramps...too much laxative. Well, I was following directions!
    I am going to get a nap now since I got woken up early, then start packing my car. Hard for an old lady with lung cancer. I keep trying to move at my own pace and sighing when I cannot. I need to remember the sitch here, dammit. On Monday I will be driving 250 miles. So I need to be rested. Good thing the ex gave me carte blanche to leave stuff here and get it as I can. Oooh, this just gave me an idea. I am going to look up for car travel tips for cancer patients.
    Lady C...I am going to be back on schedule by Wed-Thu, provided the xalkori does not flatten me, I miss our talks! As to the Xalkori...the phys. asst. told me that either people tolerate it or they flatly do not. I won't need a long time to find out. I have permission to stop it immediately and restart something else if it does.
    I have new insurance and hospital lined up for the new area, since I have medicare advantage, it is cheap. One thing that has been keeping me busy is finding any insurance that far from the city. I was determined but overwhelmed last night when my search turned up a federal insurance page out of some departments adobe document. I found the only insurance they have out there that is not the $200-per month variety and I am not kidding...whew. I have my agent looking it over and since I am not changing it until the 15th *I have one more appt. here on the 14* we have a little time. Okay, that nap sounds great right now...feeling weak...x-o, dana
    November 2013
  • avonlea02
    I was just reading a post on your wall, and wanted to say that I LOVE Ghost Adventures (in fact, I'm watching it NOW!) and The Dead Files. Love Ghost Hunters. My favorite was Psychic Kids with Chip Coffey (I think that's the name..chemo brain is big-time!) and I haven't seen it for ages! I hope they bring it back. I loved that one, too! Guess I watch them all!

    No idea why I wanted to share that with you. Guess it's just fun to talk about something other than cancer, too, isn't it?!

    I miss Paranormal State; hope that Ryan Buell has recovered from HIS cancer...maybe he's not well enough for the show. But I miss him! I also miss Grant Wilson from Ghost Hunters and the one they did Ghost Hunters International. Hope some of them return!

    Okay. Enough of me reminiscing! I like those shows!!

    October 2013
  • Karenhi
    Thinking of you as you do your next chemo...
    October 2013
  • Karenhi
    Hi, Hope you're having a good day!
    Saw my oncologist for The Prescription, and she gave me a 2 month reprieve--I get to wait to start the AI till I am recovered from surgery! She is also giving me a choice between Arimidex and Femara. Not bad…thinking of Femara.
    But the blood work showed elevated liver enzymes (it's NEVER good when your oncologist calls you personally first thing in the morning! and her number is on the caller ID twice the night before when you were not home!) and told me to get a liver CT scan. While they were at it, they would also check on some lung nodes that needed followup. Tried not to freak, and they fit the scan in the same day; long story short, the liver scan was good so it's "Who knows, we'll check blood work again in a month" but not a big worry; the lungs must be old scar tissue from all the bronchitis and such I used to get.
    I just want to go back to my old, boring life!
    October 2013