

  • geekling
    Hi; I just read your 'funny' cancer story. You are one clever lady. I actually did laugh out loud. Thanx!
    March 2013
  • maralyn
    CONGRATULATIONS on benign!!! i will keep extra prayers coming your way for all this pain and complications to get resolved soon, "May God Heal Your Body"
    February 2013
  • maralyn
    well, after getting some sleep finally, with the help of meds, which i hate to do!, i answered my own question,,, i was definately"feeling sorry for myself" !!! i need to focus on trusting God and doing the next right thing for myself to get healthy and have Faith that it will all work out+++ being too couped up my sick mind, it starts to have control, and that is not a good thing!!! Thank You for letting me vent, ***God Bless You***
    January 2013
  • maralyn
    i wanted to post a question, and i read some of them, and i was almost ashamed and embarrased to be asking such a petty thing, but i was wondering if you could give me any ideas, you are so gracious with your time and comments on here!!! here goes,,, i am trying to get over bronchitis for the second time since new years,,, never had it before, and i was wondering, will our bodies get to a point again where our immune systems can fight off sickness more easily??? i am struggling with "poor me's" ( aka whining ) and i know i have to get well and stronger physically before i can have this next surgery, i lost 5 lbs over the new years bout and have gained that back, and boy, i am fighting so hard to start gaining again,,, the surgeon wasnt happy with my weight 11/2 weeks ago,,, i want this surgery to get this cancer out of me, and start the recouperating process, i am struggling with patience and i suppose anticipation of what is to come!!! tell me straight__ any thoughts, or do i just need to quit feeling sorry for myself???
    January 2013
  • maralyn
    oh my, i never took the time to read your journey!!! you have been to #### and back quite a few times, and here you are, offering your experiences and such support to all of us,,, "Bless You" i pray i have the strength and the courage to handle all this next surgery has in store for me!!! your quality of life and your outlook on life gives me hope that i can get through this, too!!!
    January 2013
  • Jayne
    What an inspirational story! You are one amazing woman to overcome all of that and still be so giving. Like you, I believe we are all going through this ordeal in order to help guide others through what is certainly the most brutal fight of our lives. Being "normal" again is not an option, but learning that the "new normal" is ok becomes such an important lesson. I think each one of us has issues that were not present before getting cancer. Learning how to cope and more importantly overcome is the name of the game. Remembering those who were not so lucky aways humbles me. I am truly amazed at your tenacity and appreciate reading how you battled the elements!
    January 2013
  • polgara
    Thank you for sharing your story, it is so well written and took me back to the first time my doctor said you have cancer. I have IBC which is a rare type of breast cancer with low statistics for survival. Your story gave me hope and know that life can continue. God bless and may you have many years with out cancer.
    January 2013
  • LMM
    Thank you for posting abrub. I am praying for a successful outcome I am ready to fight, I know it will be a tough battle but I will fight. Thank you again.
    December 2012
  • SueRae1
    I love the octopus menorah - wish I had one - DH and I collect menorahs-sorta, after DD was born it became too expensive. Will speak to my Dr about advair, sounds like a real life saver. I also missed several parties, including our family's annual one.
    December 2012
  • SueRae1
    I love the octopus menorah - wish I had one - DH and I collect menorahs-sorta, after DD was born it became too expensive. Will speak to my Dr about advair, sounds like a real life saver. I also missed several parties, including our family's annual one.
    December 2012
  • Lillylung
    Thank you for your post on not assuming all women with cancer have breast or "woman parts" cancer. I too am recovering from cancer. Surgery one year ago, finished chemo and radiation 9 months ago. Everybody assumes i will donate and volunteer for any and all breast cancer programs/benefits. Although I wish all cancer programs well I am sometimes resentful that most people don't realize the mortality rate is much higher for several other cancers and more needs to be done for research in ALL areas of cancer.
    I guess that was a vent. Sorry, but I do feel better.
    September 2012
  • cancervivor
    Nice form on the Curling, ( I think that's Curling) we are in the South, can't have a Hockey team without refrigeration.

    Glad to see your able to be active!
    October 2012
  • BrickHouse
    Great news!
    October 2012
  • GregP_WN
    Wishing you a surgeon with good sight, a steady hand, and an anesthesiologist with the goooood stuff.

    Let us know when your up and at em!

    greg P
    October 2012
  • teddyfuzz
    Hi abrub. I hope your surgery went well and am crossing my fingers that you sail through the recovery. Thinking of you and sending lots of positive thoughts your way.
    October 2012
  • SueRae1
    How are you doing? Hope you are home and resting. Hugs.
    October 2012
  • BrickHouse
    Best wishes for tomorrow.
    October 2012
  • SueRae1
    Hugs and good luck tomorrow.
    October 2012
  • myb
    I see you mentioned "My dr recommended 600-800 mg twice a day; I took 600-800 mg after breakfast. I couldn't tolerate the evening dose. Saw improvement in a few weeks"

    So do I understand that your doc wanted you to take 1200 to 1600mg a day total but you only took 600-800mg? I currently take a 300mg pill with breakfast and then at lunch. It helped during chemo with the hand and foot cramping symptoms but now have constant tingling in hands and feet since 9/18. Onc mentioned could last a couple of months.
    October 2012
  • Therose
    According to what you stated plain old do not assume
    September 2012