

  • jtsmom91500
    How are you doing Topaz?
    August 2014
  • Viking
    Please let me know how you are doing. I would like to come to Ashland if you would like to meet.
    January 2014
  • Viking
    Just hoping to hear your plan of treatment is going ok. How are you doing?
    January 2014
  • Viking
    I'm sorry I haven't been here for awhile. I have been trying to substitute teach as many days a week as I can, but I'm struggling with what a long day it is with 25 children. My insurance was canceled so I'm scrambling with that and having tons of trouble making my house payments due to all my medical bills.

    Please let me know how you are doing after all the news I have been reading about your recurrence. I'm so sad to hear about your difficulties. I haven't been to Tomahawk for quite awhile.

    I'm truly concerned about you and would love to hear from you.
    November 2013
  • Gabba
    I am so sorry I missed your original post in the "experience" section regarding mets to the spine and pelvis...I think that's why you did not get any responses...if you could repost your concern under the "question" button I think you would hear from some folks...I hope you are doing OK...please check in with us. Best wishes.
    September 2013
  • Pdale
    shame on that oncologist. That's what happens when they don't pay attention to their patients complaints. Any patient who has had cancer, especially a young one like yourself deserves a thorough investigation to new onset pain. I'm sure the Mayo is up to date on the latest clinical trials and hopefully they can get you in one, if there is one available. Be thinking about a good pain management specialist as well. I would have no quality of life whatsoever were it not for my pain management specialist. In addition to my bout with cancer, I have had severe chronic back pain since 1999, had to retire early at age 58 due to the chronic pain and disabilities directly related to cancer treatment. Good luck at the Mayo.
    June 2013
  • Viking
    I will be in Tomahawk from June 28-July 7.
    7105 Eagle Lane. No phone in cottage but if you want to send email I will give you cell phone number we will be carrying with us.
    I hope all is going as well for you as can possibly be going at this time. Email is
    June 2013
  • MillieS
    I was a grumpy butt today not so positive . Need to listen to my own lecture and count those toes and fingers again. But even before cancer I had those days.

    I have invasive lobular cancer. And like you I was told that it was stage3. It was after my chemo, I had my fist CT scan, and that is when they discovered I was stage 4. I have mets to bone and liver. The chemo had caused the bone mets to be sclerosed. The liver met had shrunk by a centimeter.

    Keep positive. There are meds out there that can fight bone mets.
    Keep me posted. Thanks for being my friend. Hugs

    June 2013
  • MarnieC
    My dear, I couldn't help but notice your comment on someone else's page that your BC had spread to your bones. I just want to offer you some support, send along some love to you, and give you a little hope. I wrote an article back in April to help people understand that there is much that they can do to help themselves (things the doctors pooh-pooh or simply don't know about). Here's a link to my article, I certainly hope that something within it resonates with you: Sending many hugs to you today. xoxox
    June 2013
  • Viking
    How are you doing? I'm your friend in Wisconsin. When I get to my cottage in Tomahawk I would like to come and meet you.
    April 2013
  • Ydnar2xer
    Thanks for the message Topazcat. Is your birthday in November? I think humor improves almost any situation. If I were more computer-saavy, I would post a picture of myself in my Jon Bon Jovi wig, just for you, LOL.
    March 2013
  • ruthieq
    Hello! Sorry that you aren't sleeping well. Thanks for your words. There are many days I don't feel strong at all, but that's part of life, eh? And we know the value of life!
    March 2013
  • DaveWaz

    Thank you for taking the time to share your journey on WhatNext and help others. I can see from your WhatNext wall your efforts are very much appreciated.

    May 2013 be your best year ever.

    Founder, WhatNext
    January 2013
  • polgara
    Hi Topazcat, I also have IBC , I was just diagnosed in July. So far so good, the cancer shrunk after the first round of chemo and am starting Taxol this week. I see that you also had thryoid cancer, did they find it during your PET scan ? It's so nice to see other survivors.
    October 2012
  • MarnieC
    Hi topazcat - sorry to be so long responding. No, I don't have IBC - I am an 8-yr BC survivor and I write a blog to help others through this, that's how I knew about the website I referred you to, they're a remarkable bunch over there. I agree with polgara - it's good to see IBC survivors here! It would be great to know what you did for yourself and what you continue to do, if you don't mind sharing.
    October 2012
  • raven
    I am doing great. I did 16 weeks of two chemos and 12 weeks of another, unilateral mastectomy and 40 doses of radiation (4 weeks twice a day). Ten of the thirty lymph nodes they removed were cancerous, as was 1/3 of the mass. This past summer i developed lymphedema, which was not as bad as it could have been, but was way worse then i hope to ever have again. It is under pretty good control now. I am really careful about my diet and exercise. I see we are the same age. My husband and I are both retired. We live in Alaska. Happy New Year! So glad you initiated contact!
    January 2013
  • MarnieC
    Hi Topazcat - I noticed you have/had IBC and I was wondering if you know about the Inflammatory Breast Cancer Foundation - I've been in contact with them and they are a fabulous resource for those with IBC : Hope that helps you. How are you doing these days?
    October 2012
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome. Thank you for registering. Here are a few tips to get you started:

    1) Find other people like you. You can do this by clicking on "see more" in the "People Most Like You" box to the right.

    2) Go to our Questions page to see what's been posted, ask a question or give some advice. Here is a link to our most popular questions:

    3) Complete your journey profile to share your experience. You can do this by clicking on "Add Experience" in the box next to your picture above.

    4) Don't forget to upload a picture!

    Thank you for being here and sharing your story. If you have any questions, please check out our FAQ or contact us.

    Team WhatNext
    October 2012