

  • LillyRoseJazz
    Hi Viking...I am new to the site. I was diagnosed with IBC in February 2015. After further testing it was discovered two tumors in right breast. Skin was starting to show IBC on that breast. I had a mass between the two tumors the size of a small apple. One tumor was HER2 positive and hormone negative, the other tumor was hormone positive but HER2 negative. I also had chemo started within two weeks of diagnosis. It was for 5 months, then double mastectomy, radiation and now Anastozole. Herceptin affected my heart so I had to stop it after five months but now my heart is back to normal. Just found out cancer is in my lungs. They had removed 21 lymph nodes and 4 were positive they know it was in my lymph nodes when it was diagnosed. I just wanted to share my story with you. I am 44. I thought I had this beat but now the journey continues with this new discovery last week. Hugs to you...

    June 2016
  • JoAnninCal
    Hello.. I have Inflammatory b/c, invasive ductal and invasive lobular. two separate mastectomies. How are you doing ? I am "No evidence of disease". I'm on are you? JoAnnSurvivor
    November 2016
    I don't know how to take away the triple negative. I am her2 + er + pr- It wont' let me undo that. I caught mine accidentally I did 6 months of chemo every three weeks the herceptin will be finished Feb 27 and 33 radiations, it's strange how differently we all experience things. I had no reaction to radiation, I tan well and I think that helped. I didn't realize anything was happening. I did take a test drug to go along with the herceptin and it did have some bad side effects. I just wanna say you are one strong women. How you lost a daughter and helped you Mom while fighting a battle is amazing. Go have fun! You so deserve it....Happy New Year!
    January 2014
    Just wanted to say hi and we share the same type cancer. I was a stage ll .I am at the end of herceptin in Feb. Personally I had never heard of her2 and wonder how likely it is to return. I have a family member who is in the field of cancer drugs and said it should keep it away 20 years or so. What do you know about it? Are you taking an er blocker? Any side effects? Another sister that cares!
    January 2014
  • Topazcat
    How are you doing? I haven't heard from you lately. Just found out that my cancer is back and is in the spine and hip. I was cancer free for 1 year and 7 months. Not too happy about it coming back, but I am gearing up to fight it again. Has the snow melted at your cabin?
    June 2013
  • Topazcat
    I have been following your progress. You are a very strong and brave woman!! So glad you can celebrate. I have my ups and downs but am glad that I fought Inflammatory breast cancer with every weapon I could find. I have been cancer free since October 2011! Good luck to you. I would love to talk more with you. Why the name Viking when you live in Packer country?
    March 2013
  • SpunkyS
    Congratulations! on your milestone.
    March 2013