

  • MommaBunty
    Thank you for your uplifting, positive response to my question regarding my husband's esophageal cancer. I almost forgot that we have always been positive people. Suddenly I am waiting for more bad news all the time. You reminded me that I am not that person. :-)
    August 2013
  • Memmie
    Peroll I hope you are feeling better hugs haven't been on for a while been not feeling well - hugs my friend
    August 2013
  • zoe
    I'm so happy that you're ok Peroll ! Keep up the good work! Zoe
    August 2013
  • zoe
    Peroll, I"m so sorry that I didn't know you were sick and in the hospital.From what I can tell ,you are ok and feeling better. I'm sorry you had to go through all that. I don't know how you do it, and keep your sence of humor to boot!
    I saw the surgeon today. You said the most important thing is to like your Dr. Not only did I like him, I LOVED him and so did my husband.We don't need a 2nd opinion....he's the man,for sure. I am getting a PET next week and a
    wedge resection on Sept.16th. You know what a chicken I am, so you know I am beyond terrified !!!
    I wish I had a dog to hug right now,but I would be afraid I would drown him in my tears.
    Keep feeling better and better. Zoe
    August 2013
  • gwendolyn
    How are you doing? Get sprung from the hospital yet?
    August 2013
  • zoe
    Thanks Peroll,I've always been such a baby when it comes to anything medical. I'm praying the Dr. wants to just watch it for awhile,that would give me a break from this intense anxiety. Thanks for your reply and good luck wishes.Stay well. Zoe
    August 2013
  • zoe
    Thanks Peroll..good info. You always make me feel better. You sure are a big boy ! I'm 5 feet 1 and 105 lbs. so you're REALLY big to me.
    Stay well and give your babies a hug for me. Zoe
    August 2013
  • zoe
    Thanks so much Peroll,I always appreciate your responce. I will take your advice,but how could I possibly find his records? BTW,he is only 43 and only doing this for 13 years. I don't know if I'm comfortable with that. Hope you are doing well,Zoe
    August 2013
  • LMM
    Peroll, how do you keep your sense of humor? How do you deal with this condition? I am having such a hard time with this. The past 8 months have been so hard to deal with. The chemo was tough, now I will be starting radiation to my bottom area, I have to work during this treatment this time or else I lose medical insurance. Can you beat that? Working while being burned? I am so worried about the side effects and how they will interfere with working. I know I will be humiliated the day I can't control my bowls and poop on myself at work at home or in the community setting. How I HATE cancer.
    July 2013
  • zoe
    Thanks Peroll,I'll check it out.
    July 2013
  • Kato12
    Thank you for telling me how to post a photo. My husband also had Colon cancer and had a resection done in 2002 and is doing just fine with no reoccurrence, THANK GOD. But it was found very early. and that is so important.
    I lost my cousin / sister to ovarian cancer in 1999 and she made me promise her if I ever thought that something was wrong to go to my doctor. I made that promise and feel that it has saved my life, at least several times as I have congenital heart disease as well as the cancer.
    God is so GOOD.
    July 2013
  • frannorm
    U are a very courageous man, It is a very tough war against cancer, just watching my husband going through it is hard .
    July 2013
  • zoe
    Thank you Peroll,for your ever so informative reply. I don't know how you were able to go through all that you did. I can't imagine that I could ever be as strong and as brave as you. I know people say "you gotta do what you gotta do " but I really don't believe if it comes to a biopsy I could deal with it. I am not exaggerating when I say I think I would have a stroke or at least a nervous breakdown if it came to that. I had a needle biopsy while awake for my pancreas and I still have nightmares about it.
    When you say that a measurement of 6 cannot be used to conclude to any certainty that the nodule has actually grown, are you saying it is possible that it really has not grown? Do you think it's possible knowing that I already have pancreatic cancer and smoked years ago that this nodule may not be malignant?
    What do you think of waiting another month or two and having a PET?
    Also, do you think I should ask the Dr.if taking TARCEVA might shrink it ?
    As you can see I'm trying to come up with ANYTHING to avoid a biopsy.
    I appreciate your knowledge and willingness to share it very much and always look forward to your answers to everyone on "What next"
    One more thing...why do you suppose my Dr. is sending me to a thoracic surgeon and not a thoracic oncologist,if there is such a thing?
    I hope you're having a peaceful weekend Peroll.
    Thanks for listening.Love to the babies. Zoe
    July 2013
  • zoe
    Thanks Peroll. I should be seeing theDr.within 2 weeks.I'll let you know the outcome.Take care. Zoe
    July 2013
  • zoe
    Hi Peroll.Well, I got the results of my scan today.The lung nodule has grown.It went from 5 to 6 mm in 6 weeks. My Dr. is sending me to a thoracic surgeon.He wants me to get established with him so we can make a game plan. He said the nodule is too small to biopsy right now. From what I understand it's possible I could have "radiosurgery?" My head is still spinning so I really don't remember everything he said. I just know I'm really scared . The more information I get the better I'll feel,so I better get busy. I hope you're feeling well Peroll and thank you so much for your good wishes. Zoe
    July 2013
  • zoe
    Thanks so much Peroll. I will keep in mind what you said and let everyone know on Fri.
    July 2013
  • bluangel20945
    Ty for the info you shared and encouraging words. Much appreciated!!
    July 2013
  • zoe
    Thanks so much Peroll.
    July 2013
  • zoe
    Hi Peroll,No more questions.You have answered them all in great detail as you always do, and I thank you so much. I am having a ct on 7/25.I just had one 6 weeks ago and my onc saw something on my lung that he wants to check out. I may not even need a biopsy,he may just want to watch it.
    I am already in a panic and want information so i'm prepared for what the results may be. I thought an open chest biopsy was just an incision to take some tissue to check for cancer, Iguess I'm just wishful thinking.Thanks for the info,it gives me lots to think about.I hope you're feeling well and enjoying your doggies! Zoe
    July 2013
  • zoe
    Way to go ( so to speak ) on your last test Peroll !!! Congrats! Zoe
    July 2013
  • Ydnar2xer
    Peroll--sounds good to me! We might want to have it at a bar or restaurant--let the mgr know what we're doing so we can "reserve" a spot. That way would sound a lot safer to me if I were a single woman coming alone. Thanks for the response. Nonnie is from around Everett, I think. Haven't heard from her, yet. I know there are also some people on the site (but not very active) from Oly and Vashon.
    July 2013
  • zoe
    Thank you so,so much Peroll.Your answers are always so thorough. I am extremely needle phobic
    so the thought of a lung biopsy is so terrifying to me that I would much rather go through chemo again and just assume it is cancer.That probably sounds very ignorant,but that's how I feel.
    My next scan is July 25th. I'll let you know how it goes. I hope you are feeling well,love to your babies! Zoe
    July 2013
  • zoe
    Thanks Peroll, that really helps me.I think I'll forget that idea, plus I don't have a power port. Kisses for your 3 babies ! Zoe
    July 2013
  • zoe
    Thanks always have the best answers. KimG is right, you really are needed on this site .Next ct is July 25th,I'll keep you posted.
    June 2013
  • zoe
    Oh she loves her Daddy, that's beautiful. I LOVE dogs and it always warms my heart to hear when they are so loved and cared for. I wish all of them could live a happy life like yours do. Stay well my friend, Zoe.
    June 2013
  • zoe
    Thanks Peroll,that's what I was hoping to hear. What a beautiful dog you have,looks like you two are best friends.Nice to see you have eachother.
    June 2013
  • Missvampyr
    Hi Peroll,

    Thanks for your helpful info, its good to know that its not just me who is having sugar issues. I use and insulin pump so I am getting insulin 24/7 with different amounts at different times of the day and night. Its gotten to the point now that I make sure to dress appropriately for bed now cause at this rate I have no idea who I may wake to find in my bedroom in the morning lol. I need to laugh about this or else I will just cry. I keep 4-5 cans of reg soda plus a candy dish full of lifesavers right on my nightstand but my sugars have been dropping while I am asleep so I am not getting any warning signs about it and when it happens its happening within a 10 min. time frame. Now I will not go to bed unless my sugars are at the very least 150 but no higher than 200 just to be on the safe side. I keep candy dishes all over my house filled with lifesavers and the only room in my house right now without any is the bathroom and thats only because I haven't found a safe place to put a candy dish lol. During the day time if my sugars drop and I am unaware of it my dog senses it and will nudge me to check my levels and take the appropriate actions. I am not undergoing any other treatment other than the masectomy that I had on May 30,2013 but thats still enough to wreak havoc on my sugar levels for sure. Thanks for sharing your tips with me, it really helps to know that other diabetics have the same issues as me cause I was beginning to think I am just abnormal all around. So again thanks
    June 2013
  • Ydnar2xer
    Hi Peroll--just wondering how a fellow Washingtonian is doing after your latest procedure. Am sure the Queen is treating you "royally"!
    June 2013
  • Outlier
    Greetings Peroll:

    I posed the question related to (CFS) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Since my post I saw my Internist. He confirmed diagnosis of CFS. This based on my medical history/series & symptoms presented.

    June 2013
  • Journey
    Hi Peroll,
    Thank you for your answer about airplane travel. I will check with my doctor.
    June 2013