

  • jackieg
    Hi Nancy, How are you doing? Have you been traveling much? Hope you are doing well!
    September 2017
  • jackieg
    Hey Nanhope, I was wondering if you were running the Boston this year and if you were what is the name of your group or the internet site. I would love to donate to your run.
    March 2017
  • Lynne-I-Am
    NanHope, read your experiences and although we have different types of ovarian cancer, many of your experiences mirror my own experiences. This current posting, is it another recurrance?
    August 2016
  • GBenne
    Diagnosed with Ovarian cancer, stage 1A, last month at age 58. Had a complete hysterectomy. Spoke to the oncologist today. Extremely concerned about the treatment/side effects. Any help you might give would be appreciated.
    July 2013
  • sunshinemb
    Thank you for taking the time to post to my wall; your information is very true and I will take it all to heart. I thank God for giving me a way to communicate with others in my situation. Gods Blessings to us all.
    November 2012
  • sunshinemb
    I am new to this site; looking for someone to talk/chat with....I am a stage IIIC advanced ovarian cancer patient who has been in treatment since 2009. I am very depressed and VERY alone. I don't have a support system per say; and the friends I do have do not get it...not that I'm blaming them; they just don't understand. I pray everyday for God to either help me or take me; as I can not live like this any longer. If you have any idea of what life is like with an uncurable disease; please I would like to hear from you.
    November 2012
  • Carol-Charlie
    Welcome to WhatNext! Congratulations on survivorhsip... Glad you found us.
    November 2012
  • GregP_WN
    HI NanHope! Welcome to the site, we are glad you found us. I know the feeling of being done, and thinking "now what". I was diagnosed 24 years ago, went for about 6 months getting monthly checks and felt the same going into the doctors office and seeing all the people waiting for their treatments. I felt sorry for them, but felt like I wanted to help them and encourage them too. I was diagnosed again 6 months out with hodgkins for the second time. Then spent 18 years clean, woke up one morning to a sore spot behind my ear, #3, malignant tonsil this time. So, yes, it can come back whenever it wants to, but we can beat it down again just like we did the first, and second, and third times.

    Congrats for being clean, and thanks for being here. One thing that a lot of people do after they are done, and kind of need something to give back by participating in sites like this. There are a lot of people out there getting ready to go through the same thing that you have been through, and your story, and words of encouragement can help.

    Help someone feel better, join in the conversations on the questions board.

    Let me know if I can help around the site.

    Greg P
    3x Survivor
    Team WhatNext
    November 2012