

  • Lirasgirl33
    Hi Mel. Been thinking about you girl. How are you doing? Hoping all is well and that you enjoyed the holiday season. Sending well wishes and hugs your way. Say "Hi" to Chase for me. <3
    January 2014
  • RachaelC@StF
    Give your sis some love from all of us WhatNexters since this is her last day of chemo. Woo!! Seriously awesome!
    June 2013
  • mistyb
    I must say I love your photo counterpart!!! :)
    Thanks for the practical advice..It gives me something to focus on and maybe keep me a little more grounded today! Good ideas about the wet wipes- that's great.
    Hard for me to not know how things will go, how long I will be off work, etc. I'm a planner and this has definitely changed all of that! I know everyone is different, but it sure helps to have an idea of what other people have gone through and what helps!
    May 2013
  • Harmony
    Hi Mel :-) Not pleased to meet under these circumstances but admire such an amazing group of people. And you said it right, no one in the outside world understands how we feel. Wishing you healing and much happiness.
    April 2013
  • Brielle
    Greatly enjoying the book, too. Haven't juiced yet , but do use coconut water and frozen fresh fruit in daily slush. Planning to start the smoothies this week. I am introducing my husband to the veg dishes, but he is also meat/ pot. He tasted the chocolate black bean brownies, but prefers his ice cream. So I eat a warm delicious brownie and he has his ice cream. Works for us and helps get my chocolate fix. Grocery shopping is very different now. What fun it is though to discover new recipes and how empowering it is to feel that I am fighting the c in one more way.
    March 2013
  • geminitonia
    I'm new @ this and just recently had a mastectomy(3-20-2013). I'd like to know from did you feel about yourself after surgery? I'm having a lot of different emotions and I hurt emotionally.
    April 2013
  • Lirasgirl33
    Love the picture girl! :) You look great and so does doggie. What's his/her name?
    February 2013
  • zappons
    Hey, Mel, Good luck with the transfer/exchange! I'll be praying it is uneventful! Please keep me posted!
    December 2012
  • HollyGolightly
    Hi Mel,

    Glad to hear that you are healing good. I noticed that you mentioned nipple reconstruction and I wanted to recommend to you 3D Nipple Tattoo. Check out Vinnie Myers. It is all that he does. I decided that I did not want to have anything poking out and I liked being smooth. I decided to go see Vinnie in Maryland. He is incredible. I love my tattoos. They look awesome. All my docs are impressed. Just wanted to mention this option for you. Good luck to you. Holly
    January 2013
  • zappons
    HI, you said you had TE. I find them very uncomfortable. Did you?
    December 2012
  • Crash
    I'm a firm believer that that is why God made alcohol!
    October 2012
  • Blepta
    I had oophorectomy/ hysterectomy before the mastectomy. I was sure I was done having children already, so for me it was an easier decision than electing to have mastectomy before a cancer diagnosis was. The sudden menopause was not so fun, but I suppose one goes through it one way or another anyway. I had a hormone patch for the first four months so I could heal before having to deal with hot flashes keeping me up at night. Seven years later I still get the occasional hot flash, but much less severe. The bonus is no more periods! I was afraid there would be negative side effects in the bedroom, but that has not been a problem, thankfully.
    November 2012
  • Blepta
    Hi Mel, please feel free to ask any questions you may have. I have not had cancer, but I have the BRCA1 mutation, so I chose to have risk-reducing surgery. I had my mastectomy and reconstruction in 2007.
    November 2012
  • Lirasgirl33
    Hi Mel, hang in there girl. I know this all sux. I know it's hard to think of "better days" when what we are going through and feeling inside is crap. But please don't stop hoping and believing that there will be better days.

    I understand the boyfriend situation too. I was pushing the man that loves me away. I went through a period of time when I truly did think it would be better if we split up. I felt he deserved better than me and to not have to deal with all this cancer crap. The one thing that helped was to talk to him. I poured my heart out to him about how I was feeling and he made it clear that he is in it for the long haul no matter what and that he loves me. I finally accepted that I deserve to be with someone who loves me, cancer or not, and so do you. If these men have chosen to love us the way we are, we need to take that as a blessing.

    On days when you feel so-so try to do things that make you happy. Sometimes the saying "mind over matter" does really work. Then there are days that you just need to let your body rest and there will be tear shedding emotional rollercoaster rides, and that's ok. Just don't forget to live. Just know you are not alone. I'm here if you want to talk, chat, email. Sending hugs your way.
    November 2012
  • pixel_bunneh
    Hi Mel, Welcome. I also feel like sitting around and crying, doesn't seem to be anything else to do. All alone, feeling lonely and totally alone. :(

    November 2012
  • Nanc620
    Thanks for sharing your experience with chemo. I'll be doing a really short cut just before chemo begins...I am a bit bummed becasue I have finally gotten my hair to a length and color that I love. But my 18 year old son said it best..."Mom, it's hair, it grows back. Wear a cool hat!"
    October 2012
  • MarnieC
    Hi Mel - just wanted to say welcome to the forum and sorry you're having to go through this. You are so young - I was in my late 40's when I got my diagnosis 8 years ago. I write a blog to help others through this journey, in fact I have a couple articles about triple negative BC: I hope that I can help you, even if only in a small way. Sending hugs from Denver.
    October 2012
  • GregP_WN
    Hi Mel, I know it's a long haul. I used to count them down, seems like it made the time go quicker.

    I'm impressed that you are able to run that much, I could barely get around, slow, but I did.

    Let us know if we can help you with navigating the site.
    If you have questions, please click the "ask Network" link above the text box, that sends it to everyone who is looking at questions.

    Hope your well.

    Greg P
    3X Survivor
    Team WhatNext
    October 2012
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome. Thank you for registering. Here are a few tips to get you started:

    1) Find other people like you. You can do this by clicking on "see more" in the "People Most Like You" box to the right.

    2) Go to our Questions page to see what's been posted, ask a question or give some advice. Here is a link to our most popular questions:

    3) Complete your journey profile to share your experience. You can do this by clicking on "Add Experience" in the box next to your picture above.

    4) Don't forget to upload a picture!

    Thank you for being here and sharing your story. If you have any questions, please check out our FAQ or contact us.

    Team WhatNext
    October 2012