

  • labring
    Have been on that in past an now taking Effexor have had fewer side effects.
    March 2014
  • Seraphim
    I just read your post from 10 days ago to someone regarding preparations for ileostomy reversal. I am scheduled to have one in a week, so I really appreciate your suggestions. Thanks!
    March 2014
  • Gmo
    Hi LauraJo,
    Thank you so much for responding with such helpful information since unfortunately we share the same cancer BUT so happy you have recovered and are doing well. Kudos to you! Not sure if I have stage 3 A, B, or C as i didnt even know it was diagnosed in that way. You have been the 1st person to make me feel that I'm not alone in this when I feel like I've been dealt the Death Card. So scared!

    I hope you don't mind if I ask you some questions to help me through this process. Wondering what type of radiation treatment you were on? I was scheduled for a IMRT Radiation but my insurance denied it so now I am dong the 3D conformal. Also what chemo pill did you take? I have Xeloda 500 mg that I am supposed to take 3 twice a day. They tell me that's a low dose and I shouldn't lose my hair which I hope that is the case but I guess no one really knows as everyone is different. My treatment plan is 5 1/2 wks chemo/radiation then FolFox for 4-5 months and then surgery with temp bag 6 months and reverse surgery after. It sounds like such a long process that I dont know how I will have the strength for it. I was told by my colon surgeon that FolFox would be after surgery, was your treatment like that? Sorry to come at you with all this but just scared for Tuesday when treatment starts and just the 'unknown. Sill learning this site and how to respond to people when they comment on my posting so I hope I am doing this correctly.

    I am surprised that people have been able to carry on with their work through this process which gives me hope. I was thinking I would be bed ridden. Again, thanks for your helpful info and your encouraging words when I feel like my life is doomed.
    Take care and thanks.
    September 2013
  • Gmo
    Thankyou LauraJo for your help and info. I'm trying to think positive thoughts. I will make sure I have a choice where the placement of bag is.
    December 2013
  • zoe
    Hi LauraJo...It is good news and I am grateful. I just get myself into a panic when I let my mind go "THERE" I'm trying to relax and remember how lucky I am to still be here . Maybe I'll get a manicure tomorrow,that always lifts my spirits. Thanks for your prayers LauraJo. Take care,be well. Zoe
    September 2013
  • zoe
    Ill check it out next time Zoe
    September 2013
  • zoe
    That's really cool that they would play music for you.They must really like you...they didn't offer me anything. I could have used a little " Bob Marley" today !!!
    September 2013
  • zoe
    Hi LauraJo.... Got through my PET today,it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I'll post the results when I get them. Would't it be funny if they said " we didn't see anything,you can cancel your surgery ! " Boy is that wishfull thinking ! Take care, Zoe
    September 2013
  • zoe
    That's so funny about your friend and the bag, but really how would anyone know ? I have a PET and pre-op testing on Mon. I'll make sure I have all my questions written down and have all the answers before I leave. Goodnight my friend,sleep well, I know I will ! Zoe
    September 2013
  • zoe
    LauraJo,YOU ARE THE BEST !!! Thanks so much for writing back. I did imagine a big tube sticking out of my chest. Also, I was worried that to have a pump you needed to have an epidural. I am going to draw a picture and mark where you said they put your tube and ask my surgeon if I can have it in the same place, it's worth a try. Thanks for all this info,I'll sleep better tonight than I have in weeks. Between you,Peroll,Glam,Phil and a couple others,for the 1st time I REALLY feel that I can do this. Thank God for you all and Whatnext ! You are all in my prayers. Zoe
    September 2013
  • zoe
    Hi LauraJo !
    I was so happy to see your note. That was really nice of you to take the time to do it. When you said about the chest tube "it really wasn't bothersome at all" I wanted to jump for joy !!! For some reason the chest tube scares me more than the surgery. When you said that you had a morphine pump,does that mean you had an epidural or did they hook it up to your IV ? Did it hurt when they removed the tube? After reading what people on here have been through I shouldn't complain at all. Good tip about bringing earplugs,I won't forget to to do that and I definitely WILL NOT forget about the stitches ! Thanks again. Take good care. Zoe
    September 2013
  • TaraMac
    GM LauraJo, I get such encouragement from reading about your progress. U r a miracle in the making... may god continue to heal and bless you. Thanks so much for the hope, since my diagnosis I don't know what to expect and I'm so afraid but through your experience I have a lot of hope. Thank you for that, Be Blessed.
    May 2013
  • Khoffart
    What kind of probiotic do you take?
    March 2013
  • DaveWaz

    Thanks for taking the time to share your story and help others. You are a true inspiration. I like your picture. It looks like you are surrounded by two strong support pillars.

    Founder, WhatNext
    January 2013
  • LMM
    Hello LauraJo, I have been trying to figure out how to send you an email. I will figure it out eventually. Until then I justed wanted thank you for your welcome to WhatNext. I am just still trying to catch my breathe from all that has happen in the last five days, the waiting is hard. Doc's are on holiday, and I have know idea when my pet scan will be or when the colonoscopy will be or if they will even need to do one being that I was told my pet scan is priority when doc's come back. That in itself is nerve wracking because it makes me wonder how farly advanced this is. I have felt soo good, little upset over the few pounds I had gained over the past year but all in all no loss of appetite, not tired just enjoy my family my work my life and BAM!!! What my family doc said was hemmroids is actually a tumor. Doc who found it said it is too big for surgery right now. I must go through chemo and radiation before any surgery to remove the mass. I am a Christian and believe in the Lord and in his healing. I have placed everything in His hands. I hope that you are doing well and enjoying this Christmas season. I will be keeping in touch with you. God Bless.
    December 2012
  • LMM
    LauraJo, thank you so much for sharing. Your story gives me hope and has lifted me even more. I will most definitely ask about the j-pouch. I have an HMO insurance and I am not sure how hard I am going to have to fight them for a colectal surgical oncologist. A general surgeon has been assigned to my case. I agree, they should lower all the screening ages I have a friend that had breast cancer in her mid 20's, but because they don't screen until your 40's she had to have her breast removed, but praise God she is still here and just shy of 50 yrs old. And yes, I agree the Internet is not a good place to seek info; it is dated info, I am so blessed to have come across WhatNext and all the people here, you all are so inspiring to me. God bless you and thank you.
    December 2012