
  • Bug
    Bug KLC
    Hi, KLC. I just wanted to check in and say Hello. I hope you are doing well. Thinking of you and sending best wishes.
    January 2016
  • pixiesmom
    had a lumpectomy for invasive lobular 6 weeks ago, sentinel node neg.,in the midst of radiation now. no chemo besides oral meds after radiation. We have a "Bra burning " celebration planned at end of radiation, but.... mood is still a roller coaster, and don't know how long that lasts once I get back to "normal life" ( am only working part time now and minimal exercise due to zero deg temps outside-aggghhhh. ideas please?
    February 2015
  • Bug
    Bug KLC
    Hi, KLC. I just wanted to say "Hi" and see how you're doing. I hope you had a good holiday.
    January 2015
  • lilymadeline
    Hi KLC! Yes my x called me up and offered to buy the THC oil for me, so I’m going to go for it and at least try it for about 6 months to a year....however long I can tolerate it and however long he will pay for it. ;-) He said a few years and I got that in an email so I am going to hold him to his promise. The Gleevec made my markers go way down, but it caused kidney problems! I felt like I was dying of thirst and couldn’t stop drinking fluids....I should have known that something was wrong, so my oncologist took me off of it. :-( Oh well, it made me really nauseous anyway, far worse than the chemo and I was looking for something that made me feel better than the chemo. So now I will probably be going back on Xeloda and also trying the THC oil. My oncologist is fine with it, he said go for it just stay on the Xeloda just in case......I want to give it about 6 months and then maybe wean myself off of the Xeloda and see what happens? Everything seems to be trial and error, finding something that works that you can tolerate! I feel like I am almost wine testing! ;-) drug testing to see what works best and gives me the best quality of life. I was so disappointed by the nausea that the Gleevec gave me and also the kidney problems. UGH! How are you doing???????
    October 2014
  • lilymadeline
    Hi KLC! I just wanted to say hello and thank you again for you good wishes for the targeted therapy- and YAY! It seems to be working! :-) YAY! And I’m in a sold out dance performance this weekend. YAY! Honestly a couple of years ago I was barely getting out of bed, but diet, exercise, and lots of prayers and work has gotten me through this far and I hope to go even further. And I hope that you are doing just great as well! Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs! :-)
    September 2014
  • YazBri
    Cody & Duffy!! I betcha they are loyal & lovable to you!!!
    August 2014
  • azsuper
    Hi KLC

    Check out the pin board.

    August 2014
  • yipyip99
    I hope this is they way to answer you. If not please tell me. I know no one here. I searched the web to find help. I have had so much thrown at me in the past 3 weeks (very newly diagnosed) that my head is spinning. I just need to know if anyone can give me information. I have excellent Doctor and she is nice. But communication, well not so much. Breast cancer and pancreatic cancer. Things are progressing without me knowing. Tests scheduled for me that no one has told me about except the hospital scheduling dept. I know surgery is going to be planned around the 3rd week of July. And I am attempting to navagate this site but I think I left my brain on a railroad track. I love you puppy. And what type of cancer do you have? I am extremely blind about cancer. Just an fyi after getting my news found out my husband has ms. So too much. I will just start off with how to respond to responces? How to locate someone with similar cancers. That will help me get on my feet. Thank you so very much for helping. I hope you are doing ok. Connie
    June 2014
  • GENMAR47
    Hi KLC. Thanks for the good words. My real dog is a Pekingnese who is afraid of everything and she hates the toy. She looks at me when I choke the toy and barks. She seems happy to see the toy getting beat up. Thanks again the best to you.
    July 2014
  • aarongutier
    Thank you so muchKLC for all you support and wonderful wishes... I had a strange bad side effects after my last treatment..I had to rush to the emergency...I'm getting better tho..just some pain on feet and hands...neuropathy...I hope goes away ..
    God bless u KLC.
    July 2014
  • kayclement
    Thanks for all the advice regarding supplements. I'm going to have to decide which ones I can financially afford to take. I love the advice re broccoli sprouts! It makes so much sense, but I had never thought about it!
    June 2014
  • barryboomer
    Sounds like you are doing very good with the diet and supplements.
    Keep it up and just do your best. I JUST decided against the toxic treatments as it seems the best for ME....maybe not for the next person. DIM is very interesting along with all the veggies with sulfurophane.
    My cancer is IN the blood and lymph system years before I knew it and it's way too late for chemo and radiation. Barry
    June 2014
  • barryboomer
    Thanks for the site. I don't have anymore money for ANYTHING...lol...Unfortunately.
    What are you using besides mainstream?
    June 2014
  • Jo-Elle
    Hey there neighbour!
    May 2014
  • aarongutier
    Hi KLC, yeah I developed neuropathy still feel pain and numbness on my feet and legs..my hands is not so bad.. oncology Dr prescribed me some pills..and took me off the eloxatin...for couple of treatments..she's planning on going bact to it for the las 2 treatments..I'm little scare that the neuropathy will hit me harder and won't go away..
    Thanks fir u concerns..god bless u.
    May 2014
  • banditwalker
    Thanks KLC, am having a real good weekend. My b'day yesterday and am continuing today with some homemade shrimp and grits for dinner. Best in the South!! I brag but it is good :)
    I now have 3 diagnosis on here and every time I try to delete one away it will not let me back in until I make a new diagnosis. I have asked Greg to help but maybe he is still working on it.
    Hope your having a good weekend also and not feeling too bad.
    May 2014
  • Ydnar2xer
    So was re-reading posts and saw that about cold caps. Have you used them during chemo, or did you decide to skip them? Just curious. Hope your treatment is going well.
    April 2014
  • aarongutier
    Thank u..I really appreciate it..I m on my seventh cycle..so far so good..just the expected side effects..Hopi g stays like throughout all twelve cycles..)..thanks u..and blessings to you.
    April 2014
  • banditwalker
    Hi KLC, remember you telling me you had not lost your leg hair. I did not either except for some stubble. Maybe I have good news. I have now lost all my leg hair but my head hair is growing good. So, maybe there is hope. Onc says it is not the rads but the lingering chemo still inside me. OK, hoping all is well and you are feeling good as you can be.
    April 2014
  • Bug
    Bug KLC
    Hi, KLC. Did you have chemo today? How are you doing?
    April 2014
  • barryboomer
    Who Knows....lol
    I can't get another Pet Scan till October. I don't know if it spread out of the lymph system. I HAVE got the lymphoma itchy rash and it's driving me nuts. All the nodes I can feel are about the same since my diagnosis 5 months ago. ONE blew up in my groin. I'm into my 5th month of Raw Foods, Juicing and Anti Cancer Supplements and figured it would be tough sledding. I figured it had to get worse in the short term while my system was getting all this good stuff. I just COULN'T do the chemo and radiation as it doesn't offer a cure either for what and how it is manifested in 5 places already. SO....I'll take God as my Nutritionist and hope for the best. I just felt that a Healing regimen of what I'm doing was a better common sense option for ME than a killing protocol. Don't forget that cancer isn't some outside enemy that has to be destroyed as it is our OWN cells not behaving. Thanks for asking and I'll keep in touch. If I could stop these little bumps from itching so much I'd be much better but nothing anybody gives me helps.......I still have hope and God already gave me 68 years and it's way more than I probably deserve. If you are interested I write songs up at barrydbutler channel on youtube...check me out!!!
    March 2014
  • Rivergal
    I saw your question about the double mastectomy and whether I will have immediate reconstruction. I am still weighing some options but I think I am going with expanders being put in at the time of the surgery. Then the PS will fill them weekly until radiation starts. About 6 weeks. Then he can't really fill after that. The radiation scars the tisse around the expanders and I will have to wait to heal about 6 months after radiation to swap out the expanders for implants. It will be a long process to get to the final result. I am just praying for clear margins and no lymph node involvement! My other option is doing the tram or diep. I just know the recovery is much longer and not sure if I want to go through that.
    March 2014
  • Rivergal
    I'm glad to see you are doing well through chemo. My last round will be later today. I had a delay this week due to changing medical groups during treatment. I should have gone on Tuesday. I was waiting for everything to get reauthorized. It's been crazy! I can't wait to get this last round done!
    March 2014
  • idahocowgirl
    re rosemary oil for thin hair, wondered if it would help with dry scalp. like cradle cap on babies. I had that a lot when my hair was coming back in
    February 2014
  • barryboomer
    This is my story. I'm going to see him again next Monday. He just talks to me and I tell him how I'm doing. It's been about 5 months now and still have no OTHER symptoms. I'm hoping for the best. Have you checked out Chris Beat Cancer yet?

    I was diagnosed 4 months ago but had small swollen nodes in my neck and
    left groin area for awhile.
    I decided to go to a General Surgeon and just have a biopsy and it came back
    Marginal Zone Nodular Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma.
    I have seen HORROR SHOWS with people taking Chemo and Radiation and told the
    Surgeon that I won't go to an Oncologist and
    I asked if he had any other ideas. He asked "WILL YOU ACCEPT THE
    CHALLENGE"...I didn't know what he was referring to but he said
    SO....had a PET SCAN and it lit up the nodes in 5 places so it's spread
    around but not to any Major organs except a little in the Spleen.
    NOW......3 months on my Protocol. My BP is 110/70 and I'm 68 and it was much
    higher. My weight dropped from 170 to 154 and holding steady.
    My anti oxidant level went from 16,000 ( worst is 10,000 and the best 50,000
    plus is 47,000.
    SO My body IS responding in some ways. I don't have any symptoms except the
    nodes I can fee. Actually I feel Great.
    I Juice for 3-4 drinks a day with carrot, granny apple, celery, brocolli,
    ginger and cabbage..
    I take Reishi and Green Tea Extract, ginger, soy/genistein complex,
    curcumin, resveratrol, dandelion extract, IP6, Glutamine powder and others.
    I eat lots of strawberries, pineapple, blueberries, melons, bananas and
    other fruits and pumpkin seeds, almonds, raisins and sunflower seeds for my
    first meal everyday. For dinner I eat Huge salad with broccoli and kale sprouts and
    many other vegetables and nuts and apples and cranberries and walnuts etc.
    I munch on the nuts all day and LOVE them all. My taste buds changed and a
    little sunflower seed is sweet. I take a powdered green drink once a day and
    take apple cider vinegar every morning and some whey protein powder and
    syllium seeds.
    I deep breath all day and walk twice a day. I also PRAY a LOT and Dry Skin
    I took on my own Nutritionist.....GOD....
    AND Hoping for the best.
    Hope that helps. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    February 2014
  • Rivergal
    How are you doing? Thinking of you! I am at chemo right now. Hoping it all went smoothly for you yesterday!
    February 2014
  • banditwalker
    Hi there KLC, I see your question for cris and let me tell you about my hair loss. I don't know if it happens to a lot of people or not but I don't see many relating this kind of hair loss story.

    I started losing some of my head hair as I swept my fingers in it 14 days after 1st chemo. So, next day I had my head buzzed, not shaved, just a real close buzz. That was back in October. I still have "patches" of hair on my head, not growing, just has never fallen completely out. My eyebrows have thinned, eyelashes have thinned, but not all together gone. Nose hair is gone. Underarm is almost gone. "Susie" hair (what we call it around here, sorry all you Sues out there) is completely gone. Leg hair is still all there, arm hair is very thin. So, as you can see I have just lost my hair in patches. It's quite aggravating, I just wish it would fall out or stay in.

    You did the right thing by buying makeup in advance. I went to the local ACS's "Look Good, Feel Better" seminar they had and I got a bunch of name brand makeup to bring home.
    January 2014
  • Rivergal
    How are you doing? Did you get the results back? Hope all is going well. I had a reaction this time to one of the chemo meds. It was scary but I got through it. Can't wait to get through this part(chemo). My hair is barely there and I need to save it but I haven't done it yet. Luckily I was able to find a nice wig for work.
    January 2014
  • HearMeRoar
    Hello Friend! Your pup is so adorable!! Yes, I do count my blessings. The time between diagnosis and final pathology was an absolute nightmare. Then as things got going I promised my sister I'd be good to myself and be positive - just like I'd encourage someone else to be. I held true to that. I promise you it will get easier as you go!!
    January 2014
  • Chinita
    Hi KLC How are you doing in the taxol so far?
    January 2014