
  • geekling
    Hello, it has been a while. How are you doing? It is my hope that you are somewhere between better and well.
    July 2018
  • GregP_WN
  • GregP_WN
    Hello! We hope you're doing well. We have a partner that is looking for people that would be willing to share their experience with prostate cancer with others. They are looking for people that would like to help others by sharing their story speaking to groups of people about it. Others that have had this opportunity report that they thoroughly enjoy it.

    If you think this is something you would like to do, just click this link>> , and answer a few questions to see if you would qualify for this.

    If you have any questions, you can email me at greg @ whatnext . com as always, thanks for being with us here at WhatNext!
    September 2016
  • geekling
    How are you?

    Hope life has had some upturns.

    I'm in your corner, rooting loudly.
    August 2015
  • BoiseB
    Happy belated Birthday
    November 2014
  • IronMom45
    I liked how you wrapped up your contagious question with those "people not your friends anymore". Isn't it sad cancer steals even people we thought were friends? I've had the hardest time with this as what I now consider a side effect of cancer as much as loss of hair - loss of "friends". Interesting question. Thanks for sharing.
    November 2014
  • nealjomar
    just keep a positive mind thought and your weeks are sure to improve
    October 2014
  • nealjomar
    the year was 2012 and I was 76 yrs old
    September 2014
  • geekling
    Came over to check on you. Glad you seem to be holding your own. More sprouts please .. if you are buying sprouts instead of growing them, please skip the alfalfa ...

    I sent you a note via email .. no response so I am telling you here too that it is a great relief to hear you are holding your own.

    If/when you see this, please drop me a line because there are more things and detailed things you can proactively get involved with if you choose. There are particular foods and herbs which are specific to cancer, some to tumors and others to blood .. if you would like I can both clue you in to more edibles and/or refer you to someone who has been there and back solely through food and attitude. I want you well!

    Also, hahaha, please check out my Raw & Living Halloween Treat page ... I'm not gonna quit ... probably ever :)

    Best healthy wishes, my Friend
    October 2013
  • TaraMac
    Hi Genmar47 I just wanted to say thank you for sharing, the truth be told is if you don't believe then that leaves no room to fight. I found myself being so overwhelmed with grief that I was not focusing on the fight that lays ahead. There MUST be positive energy in every aspect because our temple (bodies) are sensitive and feels everything. If there are any uncertainties that takes away from the fight that makes for a wonderful recovery, Be Blessed.
    May 2013
  • ushawk

    Have you been told yet about this type of treatment it was all new to me until a couple weeks when my doctor was telling me about it .........I just thought i would pass it along in case you was not aware if it ...I am considering it Steve
    November 2012
  • geekling
    Thank you for the good wishes. Right back at you too.

    The first cancer joke is an old one I was told by a lung cancer patient over a decade ago. It is about a dog run over by a car. The owner picks up his fallen four footed friend and rushes over to the vet.

    "Doc, you gotta save my friend." the man pleads..

    "Put him up on the table." says the vet and the man complies. The vet examines the dog and says to the man "I'm so sorry but your dog is dead."

    The man can't accept the loss of his friend and says "No, no, Doc there must be something you can do, he can't be dead. Check him again." The Doc asks the man if he would like a second opinion and the man nods yes.

    The doc whistles and through the door comes an exquisite looking chocolate brown Labrador Retriever which bounds up onto the examination table and sniffs at the man's dog then raises its head and howls, jumps down off the table and out the door. The Doc shakes his head at the man and again says "I'm very sorry for your loss." The man is beside himself and demands something else be done as he can't believe his beloved dog is gone.

    The Vet rings a bell and a Seal Point Himalayan Kitty saunters into the room and jumps up onto the table where the man's dog is laid out. The kitty hisses, jumps down and is away. The vet again shakes his head. The man breaks down, "I understand, Doc, what do I owe you?" he asks.

    "Everything in total comes to $28, 297." says the Vet.

    "WHAT!!???", the man cries, "The dog is dead, you said so, how can you give me a bill like that?"

    "Well," says the Vet, I'll gladly take off my $250 examination fee but you know how it is with pricy lab reports and cat scans, there is no way to reduce those fees."

    Ba dum chang.
    October 2012
  • geekling

    I wish I could personally thank Owen Wilson for being the cause celeb of the second cancer joke in existence:

    "A few years ago, I was in a cancer treatment waiting room right after Owen Wilson (actor from the movie "Wedding Crashers" and others) tried to kill himself. The report came over the waiting room TV.

    One cancer patient said: "I wish I had his money."

    To which a second cancer patient responded: "I wish I had his problems."

    Ba dum chang. There is a reason for everything, I'd suppose. :-]
    October 2012
  • tomget
    Hey Genmar..thanks for your answer on my prostrate cancer question..Goodluck with your situation.
    October 2012