

  • geekling
    How you doing?

    Happy holidays
    December 2016
  • geekling
    Hi Jodi; Everybody is different. I had a LOT more radiation than most folks get any more. Please don't believe that my journey is your journey & do let me know when things start improving so, hahaha, you can give me hope. Also let me know if there is something the docs offer to you to fix or alleviate this or that. Sssshh - don't tell anyone but it was 4 years until I could use toilet paper again. I still use ultrasoft. :-) Hugz.
    March 2013
  • mkjetset
    Hi Jodi. I just signed up last week to connect with people and get support post-treatment. I'm seeing my surgeon in 2 weeks who will, hopefully, tell me I'm all clear. My big concerns now are anal sphincter issues and vaginal stenosis. Also a total lack of libido. I, fortunately, have an understanding spouse. I look forward to chatting with you and others whom I have found are similar in age and diagnosis. Hope you are having a good day! mk
    February 2013
  • nitronick
    Well its official now. I am in remission as my final results from the PET scan done 2 weeks ago finally came in late yesterday. Doctor told me no signs of the disease are present right now. Next scan in 3 months. Thank you all for your support and answering my questions here.
    February 2013
  • LMM
    LMM Jodi
    Jodi, I am sorry to hear about your relationship. But you have to concentrate on you moving forward. Any time you feel the need to chat you contact me. Big hug.
    February 2013
  • nitronick
    Hi JOdi

    I am so sorry to hear about your relationship loss. I too experienced the loss of my marriage after 16 1/2 years to to an affair by my ex wife. I know the shock and betrayal feelings are so over whelming. But the feelings of being alone are more terrifying. I am going to email you about this. But keep looking forward. YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS!
    February 2013
  • FROG1210
    Hi Jodi
    Thanks for responding to my question, I come up questions all the time lol. I hear ya about the port. I am ready for it to be gone now!!!!
    February 2013
  • CarolLHRN
    Congratulations on being cancer free. It's such a great feeling. I am cancer free as well but still dealing with chemo side effects. Wish they would go away because they are a reminder of the cancer. I hope you continue to do well. Thank you for sharing.
    December 2012
  • Jay
    Jay Jodi
    Hi Jodi, it's Jay,
    I just viewed your post and I'm sorry that you're having a "day". It's OK to have a pity party once in a while. Eat a gallon of Ice Cream or whatever you can enjoy and feel real sorry for yourself and then the next day kick yourself in the ass and get going again! I hate the expression "but you look really well" when you're feeling bad or just not so good. It invalidates how you're feeling and that your condition is serious. I have even had my doctors say that.... I know people mean well and it is just because they don't know what to say to you. They really are trying to help. I have on occasion, especially with my good friends, have simply told them how I feel about it. I am a lot more truthful these days.
    I 'm sorry that some of my info is unclear. I need to go over it. I don't spend a whole lot of time on this website as I don't like to dwell on the fact that I have had 2 cancers. I never did the journals or went to support groups 5 nights a week for the same reason.
    My side effects keep showing their ugly little heads and I have been told that they can last for years or go away for years and show up again. The radiation pretty much ruined my digestive system and because of surgeries ( including a colostomy which I hate) I have a conditions called "short bowel syndrome" which requires me to have IV fluids every day as well as vital nutrients that no longer absorb because I don't have much large colon left. I am happy most of the time and I am very happy to be alive but it takes a lot of effort sometimes. I can no longer work because of it and I loved my job as a flight attendant at Delta Airlines. What can you do? Simply choose to be happy that's what....And count you're blessings -we all have them. Anyway I don't mean for this to be about me. I'm so sorry you had a bad day and I hope you can move on today. If there is anything I can do for you please feel free to contact me. BTW I volunteer at a local hospital in the cancer center and It helps me to count my blessings and feel good about myself. Cheers!
    October 2012
  • FreeBird
    Welcome to Whatnext, Jodi. Best wishes to you.
    October 2012
  • geekling
    Hi; when I was diagnosed 10 years ago, there were no other females they could find who had gone through the protocol. I'm so sorry stats have changed. Please write if you have something to discuss. I endured 16 weeks of radiation and two bouts of chemotherapy. They did not have the tub thing you describe back then. Cheers.
    October 2012
  • DaveWaz

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    Team WhatNext
    October 2012