

  • meyati
    Sorry that you missed it. I know, I was gone in a blink of an eye. Go to the pinboard and do a search for "Meyati" and it brings up most of my pics from the trip. I still need to post more. Also do Japan for a search.

    The trip was wildly funny and terrifying. You know that New Mexico has a healthy movie-TV trade. This beautiful young woman boarded for Denver. 7 inch heels on black leather boots up to just below her knee. One male passenger estimated that the price was about a $1,000. Perfect black hair, perfect make up on a perfect face- teeny tiny waist-I'd say that her dress was equal to the price of her boots-not trashy, lacy sleeves down to her elbow-no cut-outs, the hem was about 3 inches above her knees, not tight, a comfortable slightly gathered skirt. nice bosom. She thanked the flight crew in the sweetest voice, put her own overhead up. It was like having a class actress like marilyn Monroe- sweet, beautiful, charming.kind.

    OK, I'm about 4th out of the plane to get to my wheel chair. I get almost down, and my underslung cowboy boot heel slipped, and I was swinging on the rail, desperately trying to get my footing. I got it and went down about 12 more feet. I was told that I was too old to wear boots. Somebody said, "Boots are dangerous, and we have a passenger that's wearing 7 inch heels on platform soles. We don't want want to have to pay for those boots or body injury". I'm getting in my wheelchair, and my female attendant says, "Oh my God! Look at her! So beautiful. I have to see this."

    She comes down the steps carefully, with a male on each side of her. The male flight already had her carry on. They told her to put her hands out, so they could support her. She came down like a French Queen, with 2 men delicately using the tips of her fingers to balance her. Every unloaded male passenger, luggage handler, pilot and co-pilot, etc were at the stairs to assist and look up her skirt. Before she accepted their help. they pointed at me. She raised her beautiful voice and asked if I was OK., and she was so sorry that I slipped. I played my part, and smiled and nodded my head-and raised my hand for a little flutter. The men at the bottom of the stairs, took charge, and got her firmly on the tarmac.

    My attendant said, "Nobody will believe me that she's so beautiful and dressed so nicely. Then she asked about you, and thanked everyone with a simple. "thank you so much."

    My brother was enraged that I was left to swing on the rail, etc. So was my son and grandson. They were mad that I was called old. I reminded them that they would have been offering their hands, and telling her they didn't want her to ruin-blush-her beautiful boots. They were made for her. They all got a funny look on their faces, turned red, and said that They would have helped me first--ha, ha, a male is a male-I don't care if it was the 18th century or now.

    But the whole trip was like that, beautiful, funny, magical---

    May 2015
  • meyati
    Hi, you're probably wondering about me and neighbors. There's a house down the alley, where they cleaned the yard last spring, and they bagged and hauled all of the trash down behind my fence. I waited 2 weeks, before I hauled all back to their place. Hint-they pruned trees and had the only clean yard. It sort of has been going on-not that bad-so I hauled their stuff to the dump before I had cancer. I did talk to them several times-- Hi, can you get your trash to the dump some how? I really don't like it being dumped behind my house. I'm sure that you can understand that I'm old, and I don't feel like hauling your trash, especially when it's heavy and I have to move it 30 ft or so to the curb. The man behind me and us sort of work together.

    The neighbor across the street calls the police every year and claims my bamboo is marijuana-it still has the Home Depot tag on it. They drink- and I've had the whole family pounding on my door about 6 AM, wanting me to settle their fight-and screaming at me. I slammed the door shut and called 911. I pretend that I'm deaf and ignore her. She also has come over on her own to fight. I just don't answer the door. She tells people horrible lies about me-and I've had neighbors confront me. I just tell them that she's a drunk and walk off. She says that she's been here longer than anybody-I said that she moved in @1999-My son has been here since 1992. I just walk off.

    The neighbor next door must have had a horrible life. She's so suspicious of everybody. She had a pit bull pup that disappeared. About a year later it was found in dog fight group on the Mexican border. She didn't want a fight dog, but the laws here is that she would face fines and prison time if she didn't claim it. Bad time to microchip your dog. She went and got it, and she was scared to death of it. She bought one of those wire nooses on the end of a big pole to keep from being attacked. Anyway it was in the backyard- 6 ft concrete block wall between us. They were out with their pit, and it tried to get my dogs. I screamed-IN-and my ninnies that were waiting to kill the pit, went in and we closed the door. I pounded the pit on the nose with a shovel,, but it was coming over. My son began punching it in the nose with his fist, and I grabbed a rake to push against its chest to keep it from coming more. We were yelling- Get your dog. Finally one them yelled-How? My son screamed- --Pull its tail- if it comes over I'm shooting it and you.

    OK, my son and I looked at our bank, credit-called fencing companies, priced fence wood, called Chuy to see if he could work. I went over to the this neighbor. I told her that my dogs needed to be safe in their own yard. She didn't need this problem again. Could we build a 2.5 ft fence extension that was painted and BRACED so it wouldn't knock down the block fence. Her side would be smooth, nice looking, painted and maintained. She kept asking me what was my angle-she didn't have money-just what did I want-why would I do this? I kept explaining that the fence was cheaper than vet bills for 3 dogs. Why should any of us pay a lawyer? We can keep it friendly, we didn't want to fuss with her. We'd make sure that her wall looked nice. OK---but she's still suspicious, doesn't really want to say--Hi- She did tell me that she can walk her dog now, and he's the sweet pup she once had. but something like that seldom happens--- If we see her, we just smile- and say-Hi--

    I had some really good horses in West Texas. I went to a baby shower, and somebody told me that they were buying that broomtail strawberry roan for $3,000 from a horse trader. The other people looked- then asked for a better description- a mare with 4 matching black stockings, a white diamond, and the mane was shaved off. The next door neighbor had been calling the sheriff, livestock inspectors on me-saying that i was abusing my animals. It was stupid----Everyone told this woman that I had some of my horses for years-I pulled out my livestock ID cards for each horse.
    Authorities went over and had a friendly talk. The Choctaws that had the baby shower had a less friendly talk. We put the place up for sale-lost a lot of money- and returned to central New Mexico. The Navy was telling my husband that it was time for sea duty again anyway. They cut all the fences down and opened corral gates one night, but we couldn't prove it. My horses just went to our hay stack and ate the hay.

    We didn't want our horses poisoned or anything. I certainly didn't want anything to happen to my kids. Here we were out in the middle of nowhere, and they called a noise complaint, because some boys came over without any amplifier for their guitar- and serenaded my daughter about 10 PM. The sheriff thought it was cool, and he even sang a song for my daughter. Those people just got meaner as they got more frustrated. We got along well with most everybody else.
    May 2015
  • LiveWithCancer
    Based on the conversation about sharing experiences, I just have to say to you, "You go, Girl!"
    May 2015
  • meyati
    Pedicures are sort of different. First they soak our tired feet in some mystery lotion that could be contaminated, and the foot bath thing could be contaminated. some massage them, then the take scissors and cut your cuticles all a round, They make the cuticle really smooth-that's how the diabetic woman here became infected and hospitalized, cuticle trimming. They push your cuticles back, trim some more. They trim your nails just so. Then they put on the base-dry it, then you pick out your colors and art work. Then they put a sealant on. Some will put little moon or star stickers and then seal it. Most paint the most beautiful and delicate things-free hand- they are real artists. It lasts a little over a week. I wore some open toed shoes to school, and the students really liked it-
    I had a mani and a pedi. Even the nail files could be contaminated. I'm praying that my sister-in-law doesn't take me out for a mani and a pedi.

    I have a toe nail that's hard to trim. It's on the inside, but it rubs the toe next to it, and cuts in. My western boots don't have anything to do with it. I used to be able to put my foot behind my neck, but I can't do that now, and I can't contort to trim that nail either. I was a volunteer ESL teacher to VN boat people. I had to sit through manis and pedis. I'd go to teach, and I was plopped in a chair-hands in a soaking bowl- feet in a soaking bowl and about 10 students watching me-their Co-teacher- I never knew when it would happen. I found the cuticle trimming a tad uncomfortable. It didn't bother me the next day or anything.

    We should get Hello Kitty Pink- set a time and paint our nails--LOL
    April 2015
  • meyati
    You do know that we're joking-and I really haven't lost my mind- gonewest and I are guilty of abusing commas.
    April 2015
  • meyati
    Carool, Gonewest and I are thinking of a peer editing group that maybe meets in Seville, Spain- some of the best coffee in the world, then wine and tapas. We'll read each others comments- make some corrections, get approval, and we can post our comments. It might help me to keep my foot out of my mouth. You do know that I was born with my foot in my mouth. LOL---
    April 2015
  • Judt1940
    Hey, hope you're not cutting me off. Carool, right now I'm fine. What you said about being NED for so many years is kinda like I feel being my age (74) and seem to have weathered treatment when so many young ones with children at home are suffering so. You take care. Judy
    January 2015
  • meyati
    Hi, I hate some of these philosophical posts-questions-whatever. I wish that we could have a point of checking-I'm tired of this- no more Emails--- Hang in their- I want to give you an electronic hug. You're a good woman Carool.
    February 2015
  • gonewest
    Hi Carol. In my opinion you are not a big mouth. I enjoy your posts immensely. Don't you ever stop talking. Best to you.
    January 2015
  • ConorPurdon
    Hey Carool,

    My apologies for the post, I did not intend to come off as rushed or uninformed. Writing and grammar have frankly never been my strong suit and I am making constant attempts to improve my vocabulary. Any feedback or advice on how I could adjust the "carelessness" you have identified in my post would be appreciated. I understand that this is a sensitive area of research that some might be apprehensive towards outsiders coming in. I can assure you that I have honest research intentions and this is by no means a scam but simply an attempt to advance particular research ideas. I also apologize if this message is also considered grammatically unsound, as I mentioned earlier it is not exactly my cup of tea :). I hope to hear back from you.


    January 2015
  • Gabba
    Good luck Wednesday with your US. Will be thinking good thoughts!
    January 2015
  • meyati
    There's nothing wrong with donating. It's so very hard to know what. As much as I love animals, in good conscience, I think of humans first.

    With SK, you helped with what I recommend. If I traveled anywhere, it would be SK. I just live in the MD Anderson area, and my advantage plan insurance-medicare-won't pay for me to go anywhere else, but the MD satellite clinic here in town. I'm grateful to have it too.

    No cancer is good. But I have quality doctors that learned and learning from SK's research on rare cancers. That beats sub par doctors that might not do the extra work of researching SK data or anywhere else.

    I was just struck by the irony of it's your last chance--and start the New Year right from a lot of people that do good, and have causes dear to their hearts.. I also enjoy the news update that I get from SK. SK was the clinic that had the Internet info my type of cancer. SK stopped me from emotionally spiraling out of control

    By the way, I'm proud of you for choosing SK, and getting that bargain. I think that you choose wisely and from the heart in memory of your friend.
    Happy New Year. and thank you for being my friend
    January 2015
  • lilymadeline
    Hi Carool, Thanks so much for following me! I love your posts and really enjoy reading them! Not sure what I am doing or where I am going but I’m definitely going off to another party and boy am I tired after last night. Hugs!
    December 2014
  • lilymadeline
    I can’t believe I forgot to include Inflammatory BC! UGH! Thanks so much for catching that, but what I’ve heard lately is that Invasive is aggressive and one of the deadliest killers. Like which one is worse? They are all awful and we should fight them all as much as we can!!!!
    December 2014
  • po18guy
    Carool , I pop in here semi-weekly. I am normally found over at
    December 2014
  • barryboomer
    NO I can't decide. I don't go back to see him for a few months and have refused already when he suggested it. HE wants to see if I have slowed down or maybe stopped the growth. I'd like to also if I wasn't afraid of BAD feel great so I don't know.....What would you do if YOU WERE ME? Not if you were YOU....
    November 2014
  • DebraC
    I just read your post and I really needed to hear someone say to not refuse treatment. I'm struggling about taking Arimidex and keep putting it off. I'm 61 and had stage 1, hr and did 30 rounds of radiation.
    November 2014
  • barryboomer
    Hey Carool........I've been posting but I guess not on the same posts.
    IF you ever want to hear my Rants go to my Mad As Hell Facebook page....lots of good stuff AND my Album is up there....SINGER SONGWRITER....My Journey from There to Here.
    All the best and I feel really good.
    November 2014
  • MoveIt2012
    Thanks for the inspiration
    October 2014
  • gonewest
    Thanks for the follow back Carool. Love your answers.
    October 2014
  • Jerry13
    Carool please don't apologize for advising me because it's more than welcomed. Thank you again.
    September 2014
  • meyati
    I almost wish that I hadn't posted about U27--- It really depressed me to see that this state is so stupid crazy about cancer as I really thought it was. Then it has other problems with medical care-You know what's sick--people come from Australia-Africa-South America-to learn how to provide medical care to distant rural towns---It's crazy---
    September 2014
  • meyati
    Carool, I got some new socks- and one already took off. I did look in the rag bag-- Woe is me---
    June 2014
  • SueRae1
    Hi Carool -- how are you doing? are you enjoying the spring weather we are finally getting?
    May 2014
  • meyati
    I returned

    I’m here, I came back, Jack
    you’re just out of whack
    I missed my soft cuddly mate

    To be on your stinky feet is fate
    So, bake me a chocolate cake
    Make it quick for pity’s sake

    You’re such a fake
    Putting me in the rag bag
    Unlike you, I don’t sag.
    April 2014
  • meyati
    I returned
    I’m here, I came back, Jack
    you’re just out of whack
    I missed my soft cuddly mate

    To be on your stinky feet is fate
    So, bake me a chocolate cake
    Make it quick for pity’s sake

    You’re such a fake
    Putting me in the rag bag
    Unlike you, I don’t sag.

    My sock returned-poor thing, and I blamed it for leaving
    April 2014
  • barryboomer
    No Problem.
    People are always mad at me for I guess If you have a lot of passion you tick somebody off.
    I have Docs and Family members mad at me for not going to an Oncologist. They are furious and think I'm nuts. I thinks chemo and radiation is nuts but NOBODY knows what the heck to do even the Docs. They are stuck with these lousy treatments and that's all they got.....not really their fault.
    Contact me any time....I love politics and enjoy a good back and forth. I learn new stuff and DO change my mind occasionally.
    February 2014
  • barryboomer
    Ii throw everything I can at it.
    Just do what you feel comfortable about and NEVER leave your commons sense at the door.
    Good Luck!!!!!!!!!
    February 2014
  • barryboomer
    Hi Carool,
    I agree that Foods alone do NOT kill cancer cells but the only Entity on the planet that knows HOW to do this resides within us with our Killer T cells. I believe that you can keep killing off the cells but if you don't change the environment inside us that is causing these cells to fall down on the can't finish the job.
    BTW...there are anti cancer supplements with lots of science that work.
    Check out Chris Beat Cancer site and the book THE CHINA STUDY.

    Good Luck!
    February 2014
  • SacredThreads

    Thank you for your.

    January 2014