

  • meyati
    Happy Fourth of July!! About the 15th-new shows and series are starting!!

    Did you watch Passport to Murder!! I give it a thumbs up.
    Coroner and 6 Degrees From Murder are starting around the 15th-

    Hotel Horrors--Those are good- don't know when they start. Last night watched one in London-upper class hotel. The murderer hid in the couch and watched the police investigate his 2 murders-Police were behind the 8 ball because of massive riots. Each one has a different feel for the area the hotel is in.

    Guess I'll close- Happy 4th - Happy viewing---
    July 2016
  • meyati
    Ah- did you watch the Pedestrian murders in Phoenix? That slipped my mind. That was horrible-and they way they did it, it took a while before the police realized the murders were connected.
    July 2016
  • meyati
    Cry Wolfe will be on july 26-----private investigator in LA---that keeps a person on the edge their seat----it's really great------A woman is suspicious of her older fiance- Wolfe follows him- and he's checking into a hotel with a hot babe--it's his daughter-he's being cautious-to make sure it's not a scam- he requested DNA- Wolfe takes the woman--and they find out she's his daughter- he was about 17 when she was born.

    Another time he stumbles onto an illegal liver transport. he sets up an arrest with LAPD----It's not for liver transplants--it's illegal goose liver for restaurents- they all went to prison anyway.

    June 2016
  • Bug
    Carool, did you have your mammogram yesterday? If so, how did it go? Thinking of you.
    June 2016
  • meyati
    Hi- how are things going with you and bernard?

    I don't know what you think about "I AM HOMICIDE", but I'm not fond of it.

    This show has boring murders--when you are on TV-it becomes entertainment. The first set up with the female commentator looked like they used Joe Kenda's set-where the lady reporter talks for Kenda. Besides interesting cases, Joe kenda narrates the whole story. I am Homicide might get better---

    Too Pretty to Live, so far has been on ID 20/20 with John Quiones, Murder Comes to Town, Unusual Suspects, the ID own special show TOO PRETTY TO LIVE.

    It has a CIA sanctioned double murder, hillbillies, crazy people, a CIA Army hitman during 'Nam, and a Maryland cop-all in Kentucky. The special has all of the actual interviews-court- there is only one re-enactment-which is the muder. The other shows have some of the actual interviews.

    The crazy murdering army nitwits are selling this to get money for appeals. The police to fund their department and try to keep the murderers in jail, the family of the victims to raise college money for the baby that saw his/her parents killed, the murderers family so people know how evil the murderers are and how they suffered. I'm pretty sure the DA wants to sell his book and become a famous author and become a prominent DA-maybe politician.

    The 20/20 with Jon Quionese has nancy Grace saying, I can't believe they'd kill the parents in front of the baby! The CIA? In Kentucky? Just what does the Maryland police have to do with it?
    Nancy must have gone home and got drunk after it was edited.
    June 2016
  • meyati
    How can anyone call Ali a coward? My husband did not think he was, and my husband was a Southern conservative. How can anyone call a boxer-fighter a coward? Black troopers were often treated poorly when on leave in Saigon, and in support units behind lines. They sound like NAZIs. .. Sieg Heil- leave America!
    June 2016
  • geekling
    Wow!! Strange days. Who woulda ever thunk we would be in agreement on anything and I would wind up defending your views?

    I think Mohammed Ali was awesome. It is very disappointing and somewhat sad to see someone write that they will not honor his choice of name and actually believe he had no right to change it.

    Things are getting, um, tumultuous. Have a good rest.
    June 2016
  • meyati
    Hi, it's named I AM HOMICIDE Tues. June 14, 10 PM EDT

    I think it looks like Buffalo, NY.
    May 2016
  • meyati
    Hi, I was unhappy with Las Vegas. It was horrible.I think the jury was right. The victim's friends didn't witness for her. His did. Then her walking around the hall in his pants-no staggering, etc. Just shows how bad these things are. The parole hearing show was good. See if I like it next week.
    May 2016
  • meyati
    Yeah, I found her but not on my cluttered wall. A Texan engineering student should be leasing an apartment in your building.

    Stanford and Palo Alto engineering dormatories have a unique event each spring. Booby trap your room- make it burgler proof-but also break in as many dorm rooms as you can and leave your calling card. So far a few Texans won. They cleaned 12 gauge shot guns in the common area for a few days. Posted a sign on the door. OPEN DOOR 12 GAUGE goes off!! Nobody has ever wanted to find out if that was true. When the texans come back- they go to the roof, toss a climbing rope and rappel down to their rooms and go through the window.

    Too bad you and Bernard can't do that- a lawyer is a safer bet-

    How about hirely a Texas engineer to set up a pepper spray attack? I am the person that's unable to disarm alarms when I know the code.

    Now- recommeded types of likes and unlikes
    It Rocks------ Hate

    May 2016
  • meyati

    May 2016
  • LiveWithCancer
    Wow Carool, a belated happy anniversay!! That's awesome to be surviving your cancer for so long!!

    Have a great weekend!
    May 2016
  • meyati
    Would you take a rubber band ball if it came with coin collection that was collected in person in Asia and the Middle East? Would you take the rubber band ball, if it came with all sorts of stinky fish things and people asked you if you had a dead dog under the house and a dead cat in the roof? All sorts of fishing stuff.

    The screaming was real short-the hounds don't have blood on them-- the screams must have been from the fear factor.
    May 2016
  • meyati
    Hi, I really admire your wall. It's so clean, and it seems undercontrol. I'm trying to do that with my wall. I removed lung cancer from my profile. Greg told me that would help.

    I entered lung on my profile after my X died. I think that part of it was curiousity, sad that he passed- We did have 37 years together in spite of me trying to put his rubberband ball together, etc. We had good times-danced in the gentle silver green phospherus surf under the silvery moon-- Anyway. I wasn't finding people or experiences with mesothelioma. So I removed that.

    I'm also thinning out people that I follow. That should get my wall under control. I just go into any type of cancer where people ask about radiation-that I understand as treatment and palliative care, etc.

    Anyway, I hope that construction on your building is getting under control-ending.

    The wind is supposed to come up again today. I need to get out in the yard and clean up dog gifts and start some spaghetti sauce.
    May 2016
  • meyati
    The toilet passed the flush test with flying colors. Tom was grumpy. He doesn't like the way it looks. To him it looks like a coffin. The part on the floor is square, and it has a fancy trim. The tank top is the same. It's sort of imposing-really. Lots of commentators called it a "Throne". It takes up the same space as the small old one.

    Anyway, after eating, drinking coffee, he had to use it. He grumbled that a gallon and a half of water wouldn't do the job, etc. He came out with a smile. He said that it took care of the job without any problems with one flush. He thinks that it's a good investment now. We were surprised that he decided that he liked it so much. You know how men are, they don't like to change their minds. He was impressed when I told him that the toilet bowl has extra slick surface to help the goods slide on down, and the bowls are now treated with an anti-bacterial-anti fungal to keep it smelling good and kill germs-- He's happy.
    April 2016
  • meyati
    Hi, how are you doing? My son is coing home from the Gulf Coast today. I did what I could for his room. I threw out what I thought that I could get away with-he saves boxes and gift bags for one-I threw them out. This will amaze you-I threw his nasty toilet out-Really I did.

    Sailors always have to conserve water, so they only flush when they have a dump, and men don't flush urinals anyway. He doesn't flush-and I couldn't stand it anymore. I bought him a new water saver-power flush toilet. I poured about a gallon of bleach on his floor-and mopped 4 times. I'm going to try to convince him to flush while he's taking a dump, since the toilet uses 1.6 gallons of water. Anyway, I'm going into his bath and flush the toilet before I go to bed to try to keep things cleaner.

    My X was an orderly hoarder, my son is not. UUgh!! I'm moving his Coast Guard stuff out, boxes of boat safety lit is everywhere. Hopefully I can clean his bathroom once a week without him crying.
    April 2016
  • meyati
    A BIG GREEN BUG-- HELP !! My father was a nudist until I got about 9-I think. It helped me a lot-really. I was able to care for him, rub his back-thighs when he was dying because his body wasn't strange, and I wasn't scared of going blind. I don't know if going blind exists outside of New Mexico-but there it is.

    When my brother was 3 or 4, we went back to Iowa for 2 weeks-Christmas. My mom bought my dad a pair of pajamas that he had to wear. All of the grandkids and great grandkids slept on the parlour floor and couches. My Dad got up to check on us.

    My brother woke up and saw a giant green bug getting ready to eat him up alive. He screamed and screamed. Every one woke up and began screaming. All of the adults piled out with guns and rolled newspapers. . My brother was terrified. My mom had to explain that Dad was a nudist, and my brother was scared of the green pajamas. Grandpa couldn't understand that because he wore a wool union suit all year long-a real cowboy of the 1800s. He sniffed that the Army ruined my father. Grandma sniffed, "Why couldn't just pull on his trousers like a normal man?"

    April 2016
  • meyati
    Hi--are you getting the WHATNEXT DIGEST? or anything from Whatnext? I think that there might be a computer glitch or something-but I don't want to complain-----then I worry about Greg and wonder if he's OK----
    April 2016
  • geekling
    Hi, not that it matters but the only requirement to being a Jew is to celebrate Passover. You can skip Yom Kippur and eat during fasts and maybe even pork too and still the Rabbis can accept you.

    It was explained to me that Passover is the one holiday which is an act of faith in that we celebrated because the Lord was expected to do something rather than celebrating remembering something (tradition) which had already happened.

    I had a very weird Passover start. I broke bread with a devout agnostic.
    April 2016
  • barryboomer
    April 2016
  • meyati
    Hi, are you having a Joe kenda withdrawal? I am. I guess that I like his voice and syntax. Did you ever enter any of those ID mystery contests-where you enter the word of the day? I never have--I like the prize of being in my fave show---That would be Homicide Hunter. I think that everyone in my family would choose that.

    I hope that your new landlords are getting finished-- giving up--Everybody there deserves a gold hard hat for living on a construction site. ha, ha, ha!!! Well it's off to bed for me.
    April 2016
  • mtnraindancer
    I'm so glad my post touched you in some way..The most valuable lesson I learned thru our journey was just be present in the matter how big or small...I truly wish lots of good energy your way and peace in every step you take. Thank you for taking the time to leave a note..always nice to start your mornings with a gave me one..hugs, Missy
    March 2016
  • meyati
    Hi, how are you and Bernard doing? Are the nasty new owners about done with the remodeling? How are the other tenents doing with all of that? I hope that you are doing OK, and not having any C problems. It's almost 7 AM, and levi is in the kitchen singing. The dogs came in. I have my cup of coffee next to me. The weather has been pleasantly warm, and we've been keeping our patio door open in the afternoons-fresh air in the house-more dust in the house-things like that---Take care----
    March 2016
  • meyati
    Hi, how are doing with the forced remodeling? I imagine they are using every power tool known to man and are dropping lumber and metal work on the floors. I keep thinking how horrible and nerve wracking it must be for you and the other tennents.

    I wish that I owned property, and the property included something decent in NYC that you and Bernard could crash in. I'm not Yoko Ono or Jessica Parker, but I have this thought.

    Take care, and talk 2U later.
    February 2016
  • spdsgrl
    Thanks for the post earlier. I try not to feel guilty, but as this treatment stretches on and my time lessens (not going anywhere any time soon though ;-) ), the more I feel like I should be happy and enlightened. Leaving my family with words of wisdom and comfort all while raising awareness so others can avoid my fate. I feel like there is something I need to do but don't know what it is. Lol. So, right now, I'm focused on my kids and making it to (& beyond ) their major life events and getting our tiny foundation for the blankets set so that maybe it carries on beyond me. I suppose that if I make a difference for my family and maybe someone else that I will be lucky when I go. I just watch people sicker them I am right now doing big things and making major differences. At those moments, I think I should or could do more. I really am upbeat and positive most of the time, but lately I'm a little more emotional (must be my son's upcoming wedding :-) ). I am sorry to unload on you. I really did just want to say thanks for what you said.
    Have a great day!
    February 2016
  • meyati
    May you and Bernard have a great day!!!
    February 2016
  • barryboomer
    Hey Carol.....wanted to share my new song "BROOKLYN BERNIE IS THE REAL DEAL" Hope all is well with you and yours...B
    February 2016
  • meyati
    I have a good GI doctor. I explained to him that I have great difficulty in getting in. How the phone rep at the eye doctor told me that I couldn't have follow up. I got the follow up. I pointed out that I called for an appt 12-2-2015, and far back was that? Anyway, I told him that I can't tolerate artificial sugar and why. He said your stomach is that tender, and you are still alive. Anyway, he's of the theory that gas in the gut causes colon and lower intestine spasms, so I'll take a Gas-X every 6 hours. That makes perfect sense to me.

    I say that I eat regular food- that's a nice Jewish pot roast with potatoes, not Chicago or Coney Island Dogs, you know what I mean. I see him in 3 months-we'll see each other once or twice a year, so I can get help if I need it. He was really impressed that I am used to being awake during colonoscopies-looking at the monitor,
    January 2016
  • meyati
    Any time I have problems, I imagine myself at Buchenwald or other camp-in the snow-barefoot in wood clogs, a thin dress, digging ditches or laying bricks after some ersaltz coffee and a slice of bread made with saw dust. I think of having to run and jump over a ditch for elimination. I had a comfortable bed and couch. I could cook up my rice and eat when I wanted. While I had abscesses and my hair falling out, my BP never got low and I could stand up by myself. There's a lot to be said for that.
    January 2016
  • meyati
    Why am I miserable? My eye bothers me. It feels heavy and aches. I definately have blind spots. I have been freaked out of my mind of what I should do if I have bad diarherria for a few weeks. The ER and UC doctors are inept, and they tell you to contact a doctor, and it takes weeks or months to get in with anyone. I told Dr. Gunturu that I wait about 2 weeks for things to clear up, in my 70s, I don't think that I could hold up It's frustrating that my Armour Thyroid is going up $10 the last few months.

    I'm frustrated that I'm having all of these problems because a company refuses to make a 45 cent pill. Physical and mental pain caused by inept doctors, a clumsy health system, and drug companies shutting down-does create misery. Yesterday, a male patient in dermatology said that it's the way that the Soviet Union was when it broke up. He couldn't fill his prescription that he got last week. Cancer meds that's high profile, but dermatology, hormones, stomach meds, etc. Nobody cares. No wonder these people that get IBS from chemo are asking for help. I haven't been a member that longI think since summer of 2013, but it seems that people seldom asked for IBS help.
    January 2016