

  • Angelavt
    Hi Sue,
    I just joined. I too have been diagnosed with two different cancers. First Merkel Cell carcinoma in 2010 then in 2012 a PET scan for followup found breast cancer. I have completed 5 months of chemotherapy, surgery, and last week finished radiation for the breast cancer. Presently both hopefully are in remession. Stay strong.
    March 2013
  • little_fut
    SueRae how are you today? Just wanted to say thank you thank you thank you.......
    May 2013
  • CAS1
    Hi Sue Rae, Did you see my post for PDL-1..For Kidney cancer too...Its coming..they are getting closer everyday..and those results are from people already heavily treated..
    May 2013
  • pinkflowersc
    Hello my friend I think of you often how you doin g? Im hanging in taking their vitamins healthy foods sunshine water lets see anything else im trying real hard I get hyper some days I push my self to be healthy then a day or two I get tired sleep a lot them days but I get a cycle back to been healthy again I wish a miracle could happen and cure every one on this site God bless im here if you want to chat
    May 2013
  • carter4
    How are you doing ??
    May 2013
  • BobbyG
    Hi Sue Rae,
    I am a new member of the Clear Cell Kidney Cancer Club. I have been reading your journey, Hugs. I am interest in knowing how the oral meds continue to work.
    May 2013
  • caevans
    I do not have kidney cancer but metastize breast with lung and bone involvement but it was suggested to me that adding Afinitor to my treatment has been very successful for stage 4 breast met breast. How were or are the side affects to this medication.
    April 2013
  • Vjp2012
    Hope your feeling better & that you have a wonderful weekend!
    April 2013
  • lyblev
    I know the rash may be a little irritating but what good news about your other tests!
    April 2013
  • pinkflowersc
    how you doing? im feeling better on hormone therapy. But I feel still not the same sick trying to be positive up beat constantly active trying to be prepare to fight scared
    April 2013
  • Buttercup
    Hi Suerae1. Just wanted to let you know that the Doctor took me off of Tarceva. He said only 2 out of 100 patients have the kind of reaction that I have. I was ready to give up and just let the cancer win. He wants to see me next week about other meds that might work. I have already made arrangements for my memorial service because my body is going to the state anatomy board immediately after I die. How are you doing on the meds. Hope everything is working well for you!!!! Buttercup
    April 2013
  • little_fut
    Just wanted to say......YOU ARE WONDERFUL!
    April 2013
  • KimG
    Hey SueRae how have you been feeling? Congrats on also being a top contributor. I really have to get back to this more. Like I said I feel like I'm on a hamster wheel. Even breaks at work(which I think are useless exhaust me.)You have to run all the way to the breakroom-which believe me is a truck(a good half block)forget it if you have to use the bathroom) You finally get there sit for 5 minutes and then run back to your work area because you have to clock in and out for breaks on time. Silly huh!!! This place is huge-they should just let you take your break if you want and just punch for lunch. We are adults not children and I don't believe that but a few might take advantage of it. Hey did you see the hair cut?? I might go back and get more lopped off, I already have the next picture. Bangs are kinda for younger people. I have a baby face already, now I look like I'm 16. oh well it's ok for a while-kimg09
    March 2013
  • janj
    SueRay1, thanks so much for your message of encouragement and good vibes. We are definitely looking forward with optimism to our visit to MD Anderson. Yes, the waiting time and uncertainty is the worst. Spring is blooming in Ft. Collins, Colorado. New life, rebirth with songs in the air and colors springing up! How is it in NY? Thanks again!
    March 2013
  • janj
    Opps, I meant SueRae1.
    March 2013
  • pinkflowersc
    Hello how you doing ive been so tired lately taken vitamins resting any help with getting some energy back hope you have a great holiday god bless
    March 2013
  • pattiep
    They told me the port was worth it and it is only slightly uncomfortable. I'm sorry your poor veins went through so much. I think they thought it would avoid what you went through. As for my sense of humor- it's back and it's demented! I have a college age daughter with the same sense of humor so she can usually revive mine.
    March 2013
  • Buttercup
    Hi. Glad you were able to start the tarceva. I was in the hospital till 5:30 this morning. I was dehydrated from he vomiting and diarrhea.I pray that your side effects stop at just some nausea
    March 2013
  • pinkflowersc
    How you doing today?
    March 2013
  • carter4
    checking in on are things??
    March 2013
  • debwadham
    Right now just got ct back it showed several masses in right center lobe of lung , multi masses in multi lymph nodes , thyroid goiter , go to local hospital Tue for ultra sound and blood work , my doctor is trying to get me set up to go to Janes cancer hospital in Columbus Oh
    March 2013
  • KimG
    Hey SueRae, KimG still here. Sorry I haven't been able to get to the site lately. I''m exhausted when I get home from work. Honestly sometimes I feel like I'm always falling behind or trying to keep up. I love the work I do so I hope they keep me. It is a temp to perm kinda thing. Was sitting in the dentists chair for 2 1/2 hours the other night getting a temporary bridge until my permanent one is ready. About 3 weeks to 1 month. Really Really miss talking to you and I have over 300 mostly to delete emails to go through. At least I'm still awake.kimg09
    March 2013
  • Buttercup
    Tarceva is kicking my butt. I have no appetite and if I do eat I end up with diarrhea abd vomiting. My stomach hurts all the time. I have only been taking them for 4 days so hopefully it will get better..How are you doing?
    March 2013
  • joymab
    My name is Joy, a young caring girl i saw your contact on and i want to have a
    good relationship with you, please i need your cooperation,you can contact me with my email address,
    so that i will give you my pictures and tell you more about me
    (joymabou42(at) )
    am yours Joy.
    March 2013
  • carm
    SueRae 1,
    Just a quick note to let you know that you are in my thoughts. I hope the biopsy went well for you, and that there was not too much discomfort. My best to you, Carm.
    March 2013
  • carolyn-114671
    Hi SueRae1
    Thank you for your kindness. It would seem you have really been courageous. I was just diagnosed but there is no treatment for cure and my life expectancy seems to be 2 years (11% make it to 5). I haven't stopped hoping. I am sending you care and hope too. Warm Hugs, Carolyn
    March 2013
  • carter4
    did you by chance take Afinitor??
    March 2013
  • carter4
    wanted to connect with you - us Stage 4 have to stick together - I was diagnosed from the start with 4 breast with mets to bones - just about all of my bones ! - doing adjuvant therapy as well - hang in there!
    March 2013
  • reginak
    I can't give any useful advice for raising platelets, but I am glad to hear they are coming up! You are in my prayers!
    March 2013
  • KimG
    Well I started to write this once and all of the sudden it disappeared. I was saying those 3 things he's keeping you on are 3 things people our age need. I'd like to be a donor for you but I don't think I would be an acceptable subject. One day alot of us should get together at a hotel and just have fun and see the sights. I would like that and I really want to meet some people in person. A wish of mine someday...kimg09
    February 2013