

  • leslie48240
    Saw your reply on the 'how to thank your doctors/staff' thread. Believe me...$$$ is not necessary for a heartfelt thankyou. Just let them know you appreciated their treatment and that you are still among the living! It'll make em smile...I promise.
    June 2013
  • KateMarie
    Hi luv2knit944. I saw you have had some challenges with getting WhatNext e-mails and I know technology glitches can be frustrating. I'm sure Greg will get it sorted out as soon as possible. I just thought I would stop in to say I hope you have a lovely week. Take care.
    May 2013
  • SueRae1
    Hi there - how is your healing process coming along? I found that it took several months (4-5) for my skin to fully heal after my radiation treatments - and even though it's been two years I still have a permanent tan on parts of my left breast and chest.
    May 2013
  • BobbyG
    Im Bob I have kidney cancer. Whats new with you?

    May 2013
  • SueRae1
    Hope you are feeling better today.
    May 2013
  • MarnieC
    I'm glad you got the info you needed from your doctor. Just let us know how we can best support you.
    November 2012
  • MarnieC
    Hi luv2knit - I see you have already posted a question and got some answers, so that's great. Welcome to this forum. Let us know how we can help. Once you find out your ER/PR/HER2 status (and your doctor should share this info with you) the answer you received will make a little more sense to you. I've also written an article about the various types of BC, here's the link if you're interested: Sending hugs from Denver.
    November 2012
  • SusanK
    Sounds like you've had a rough go. Sorry about the cancer diagnosis and your other health issues. Back issues really complicate things, don't they. Although I know it is hard, please try to stay strong through this fight. Don't give up, even on those dark days. You can fight this Stage II cancer! I'm glad you are using this site. Survivors like Cam can give you encouragement. We cancer fighters want to help each other. I hope you will have a good day today.
    November 2012
  • carm
    Well it sounds like you have had one tough time, I am sorry for your difficulties, and now breast cancer. May I ask, do you have a history of autoimmune diseases in your family? The next time you need to be scoped for a procedure, you can ask them to use a pediatric scope which is much smaller and will be more comfortable, that is common sometimes and a smaller scope is always a better option. Dislocated discs can be rough and may even effect the nerve closest to it which might account for the pain to your legs, has your doctor ever considered a neurological consult to help manage that pain associated with your back issues? Some drugs do have flu-like side effects although Welchol does not. But the way that you describe the stomach issues and the chronic flu like symptoms sound like issues associated with autoimmune diseases. The quality of life far exceeds the quantity and sometimes you have to bring others into the picture to help increase the quality. People like pain management physicians, naturopaths, and if necessary, neurologists. I hope that things improve for you. I hope you stay active in your care and keep asking questions that will help you understand the rationale for your treatment and current physical condition. As I stated earlier, I am always here and I am sure that you will find many here who have had similar experiences should you choose to seek them out. The aches that come with Arimidex do not come on suddenly but gradually over time and as I stated earlier, there are other options. my best to you and I can imagine that it must be hard to explain it all, but I am going nowhere and with time and correspondence, we can educate each other. You are in my thoughts, Carm.
    November 2012
  • carm
    Thats wonderful, I hope she explained that after being on Arimidex for awhile you tend to have a lot of skeletal aches, sometimes women are switched to Tamoxifen. You make sure and let her know if this is the case, and may I suggest that you go to and sign up, its free to register, and on the right of the homepage half the way down lists cancers and their regimens. Here you will see the different type of treatments used for malignancies such as yours. This is a very useful site. You should also go to and sign up to get your free cure magazine every season. It is great and a wealth of information as well. I am always here if you need anything. Thank you for the praise in my response, Carm.
    November 2012
  • geekling
  • geekling
    And thank you so much for asking :D
    October 2012
  • geekling
    Thank you for asking the question you did. Too many simply swallow their discomfort. They wind up mistreating someone else in misplaced anger. I very much appreciate you voicing your reactions. Blessings.
    October 2012