Lori, I just found this site while searching Turkey Tail Mushroom Extract. I just received my bottle, but have been taking the capsules you mentioned you were taking in one of your previous posts.
I am wondering if you are still taking these and if so, have they been beneficial. Also, what is the dosage you take?
I am in Spokane. I have a rare aggressive uterine cancer (carcinosarcoma) that has gone to my lungs so I am now Stage 4. I recently had Cyberknife treatments for the lung nodules. I had chemo last spring. I will be getting a followup PET scan this month to see if anything else shows up. I just started on the mushroom capsules (Host Defense) I am hoping these will make a difference in my outcome (along with the extract I just received)
I will be going to Seattle in the near future to the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance to consult with one of the doctors there who is experienced with my type of cancer. Thanks Lori!02017 09 -
Greetings. I noticed that you had posted something to IronMom's wall. I hate to pass on bad news, but we lost her last May. Her aunt was able to get word to us. This loss hit us all pretty hard, as she was so young and she loved her kids so much. I just didn't want you to think she was ignoring you. We both know, if she was here, she'd be having a lively discussion with you.02017 28
Hello, thank you for sharing your diagnosis and experience with me. Yes, it does scare me a lot however, running nor ignoring isn't going to do any good. I feel as if I have a handle of moving towards the upcoming chemo treatments yet at times thru out the day I get depressed and sad. Can you please share with me how did you prepare yourself for the next round (chemo) treatments) did you have a felling of dread. Did you try to think of all the things you needed to get in order ? Im at this phrase where I'm not quite sure what to do first.02017 19
Bye LM, I'm off for 6 mos. Thank you for sharing your journey with me. I'll keep you in prayer. Keep on, my friend H... had those walking aids for 2 years. They work.02015 13
Hey how are you? How's the lymphedema from flying? Hope you are well.02015 22
I read what you wrote about Maca. You are drinking a powder from a plant native to Peru which has more B & C vitamins than most plants, as well a minerals. and omega fatty acids.
In case no one mentioned, you need to take a week break from it every two weeks. It isn't meant to be taken otherwise.
Best wishes. I love the way it makes things taste.02015 22 -
Wow this lymphedema thing is something eh? Hoping all goes better for us but could be worse.02015 03
Hi L! Good for you! Sorry I'm late at the congratulations on your clear scan. Thanks for listening too02015 05
Hi again I'm so happy for u!!!! Was wondering if you still going to do the brachy?02015 23
Congrats on finishing your class. What's next for you? Lol "what-next"? Fitting.02015 05
How you feeling? Last chemo starting to wear off yet? 4th brachy in the morning so far still good. Then just one left on Tuesday. Then gotta psych myself up for chemo again. Tonight trying to decide if should go to work party tomorrow as haven't been to work in over 5 months but some invited me to come. Miss peeps but I'm not sure if go or not. Hope your well.02014 18
Hi yes really been easy and again went exactly like your doctor said. Yesterday actually felt better than have in a long time. Too bad back to chemo in January cause my was to be split up. So for you, you can go on to brachy and put this behind you! Thanks for keeping in touch. Know you will do great too!02014 12
Hi as you probably seen from my general post all went well. Exactly as your post from your email said. Feel well so far and just the whole atomosphere was nicer. Thanks again I hope yours goes just as well if you do it.02014 10
I was following you before but think you were one of the ones I accidentally unfollowed.02014 10
Hi again. Did you have lymph node involvement as well I believe that is what stage III is and if so did your onc say Chemo would take care of the lymph nodes? Thanks again for all the support.02014 10
Hi. looking for some support tonight. Radiologist called and really gave me a hard time for quitting the external. just really bummed me out but I wont go back. Know you understand. also told me how less likely it would be i would recover. I resent this greatly. so now still trying to work out about the brachy which wants me to combine with chemo. I want to keep the separate. My body can only take so much lately. Been doing all this since july 10. Thanks.02014 04
Hi thanks for the anemia thoughts. I reread our post from a month ago where we talked of radiation. You were declining but considering brachy. Did you continue on that route? If so wish I would have. I stopped pelvic radiation after day 5! Horrible. Worse than chemo for me. Will attempt brachy and will return to chemo in January. Hope you are doing well.02014 01
My chemo ended in April but my cancer returned on the vaginal cuff. I really wasn't keen on having radiation, but it was my only choice at this point. I started nearly 3 weeks ago and will have 7 1/2 weeks of it, 5 days a week. The last two weeks will be brachytherapy. This has been hard. I almost think it's been harder for me than chemo, but many people seem to do ok. I'm starting to feel like avoiding food because everything goes right through me. I've always had stomach issues but this is not like regular diarrhea. It leaves me exhausted and weak and occurs many times a day. Not fun at all. I have a prescription but it doesn't appear to help much. I guess I'll get through it. I can't imagine having it at the same time as chemo though.02014 01
Hello our stories are almost identical. My hyst was July 10th. Tumors too big went davinci to open. Called following week with the news. 3 weeks to the day had exploratory lap with 51 Lymphs removed stage 3 c. Having same issues with chemo. Again this site is amazing to share. My 3rd chemo oct 22. Hope again side effects lessen for u. I'm sorry but did you say you will have radiation too?02014 19
Welcome to the WhatNext family! The WhatNext family is made up of people like you who are looking for help or looking to help others. To help you along your journey the WhatNext family has put together a Beginner's Guide to Cancer that I highly recommend you check-out here: http://bit.ly/10BQKCi. Also, please do not hesitate to reach out to others or ask for help.
Wishing you the best.
Founder, WhatNexter02014 10 -
Hi L_Meligne. Welcome to What Next. There are lots of great people here. I understand that leg pain you are going through. My first chemo, my legs and feet hurt so bad. The on-call oncologist (it was a Saturday...) didn't mention it would fade. I was just thinking that I couldn't do that pain for 18 weeks. It did fade & I did go back to work that Monday. After that, I was basically on the max dose of oxy, starting Friday night, then all day Saturday, tapering off on Sunday and then on ibuprofen during the days starting on Monday. Oh, and I was diagnosed w/stage IV B endometrial cancer in July 2012. Same regiment as you, w/the chemo, no radiation. As of my CT last month, I am currently cancer free & hope to remain that way. I'm glad you found us but sorry for the circumstances that led you here. Wishing you the best.02014 10
Hello and welcome, we are happy to have you with us. Please feel free to join in the conversations. Here is a link to our cancer dx page for your type of cancer. Take a look at it to get you started on some information. You will notice at the bottom of that page 4 of our active users who have had that journey already, you may wish to contact them for their experience and wisdom. Also, I encourage you to go to the questions page now by clicking on the questions tab at the top of the page and post what is the most pressing issue you have right now. This will introduce you to the community and get you started on the help you need right now.
There are also subtypes listed on this page to narrow down the type of cancer to match your dx.
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GregP 3X Survivor02014 10 -
Hi Meligne, I also had uterine cancer (stage IIIC) in 2011. I had surgery, chemo, and radiation. I'm still in remission, but I'm told that it's likely to recur. I'm checked every 6 months now. I hope you progess well through your treatment.02014 10
I want to welcome you to WhatNext.....a great place to meet individuals like yourself who are asking questions...sharing their experience...and looking for hope! Feel free to jump right in...02014 10