

  • BoiseB
    Hi Shelby. I want you to know that I am deeply saddened by your latest diagnosis, I will keep you in my prayers. It must be frightening to go through all this during the epidemic
    June 2020
  • LiveWithCancer
    Thank you so much for your kind and supportive words!!!

    You're right, kitty purrs help everything!
    May 2019
  • rosey
    I don’t come around often anymore. Love seeing a long time survivor of late stage cancer thriving!! Hugs, Rosey
    December 2018
  • meyati
    Buckeye-the happy pagan---Again, I am impressed by you. The words in German no less. Obviously I don't know the words in English or Spanish-which I should---Though atheist, my family sang Christmas carols with the neighbors, so nobody thought that we were Jewish.

    -may you enjoy the holiday.

    December 2018
  • knightwingfire
    Shelby. I have been on Gabapentin EMTEC 30 Pain Control since 1993. I have so much Nerve damage from the SKUILL to the T1 VERTEBRA and T10 to S1 a total of 15 and 17 damaged Disks, I have the choice to live with the pain or Have My spine Fused into a rigid STICK. I chose the pain. At now and since 2003 have relied on 3000 mgs of Gabapentin And my Next OPIATE is OCYCODONE also ON my BIT NO list . in 1968 I severed my Trigeminal Nerve root in 3 points and that pain alone is far greater than ANY other I know of. IN 2003 a surgeon went wild and removed most of it from the Lower jaw and Gum about 5 inches' all told. That was when I jumped to the Max dose of Gabapentin. Yes that surgery supposedly to end my pain simply increased it by such an experience I was left to find a Means of Controlling it. ONLY Gabapentin would help and a second Neuro Epileptic that was added shortly after for Headaches From HELL. THE Nerve removal was the Cause of the headache For Life NO refunds NO returns,
    Like You If I miss one dose of run short for a dose the pain, PAINS that I can expect is beyond comprehension. MY LTC Spine Pains All climb out of the closet along with the Trigeminal pains along the edges where millions of are OVERACTIVE and all too willing to let me know they hurt. The headache is what will wake me up If I am sleeping.
    Like any Chemical It is being used to react with so much other chemical that comes from these pain centers It is OVERWORKED already . To address the CIPN it must be increased in dosage to levels far beyond the save human consumption. Probably reaching twice the normal Max legal dose.

    I already have permission to short term rise to 4800 mgs per day and Return to 300 as soon as I see fit. For times when The hell I described hits hard. luckily, like You, That comes on with ONE missed dose but takes up to 4 days to Wrestle back into submission.

    FAR too many Doctors do not Prescribe Gabapentin and instead impose Oxycodone on patients with spinal pain like my own or TGN. and Other Neuropathies. That opiates are simply NOT Effective on.

    Ive suffered Sever pain since 1968 and have a long record of Being willing to try new ideas and Research Ive done on my own with a Doctors prescription. knowledge of Pain Chemistry is important and has lead me to CONVERT my OWN Doctors into Believer's in the use of Neuro Epileptics As a ADJUNCT to PAIN especially Pain from NERVE damage that is otherwise Not treatable. My Doctors now ASKL me What to try. I am far from an expert of a Doctor however As a Researcher All my life and a Salesman Of the chemicals I developed its fun for me to look at the chemistry needed.even the complex bio chemistry of our bodies. It keeps my mind active and I enjoy it I no longer look at the chemical reactions only the category of chemical its basic functions and relationship to US.
    That's How I convinced my Dr. to start the Gabapentin program.
    You made me happy when I understand Gabapentin HELPED you.
    However Being on such a high dose beforehand Made my CIPN WORSE by hiding it from me too long. By the time it exceeded what my Gabapentin could handle and I recognized what it was . TOO LATE. I was my own worst enemy.

    However I am Glad its Working for you and Well enough you can spot if you miss a dose as I also can .
    WHat In this picture is too bad is that Perhaps We can expect a CURE or Untraceable Cancer. we must endure this hell as a result of the victory. Like the wars of the worlds Past the damage done is often so bad and so costly to repair the memories so painful for so many the way we Win the war leaves scars and unrelenting pain Often like this, seemingly endless.

    I wish you the very best in your War on your Cancer. We know it can be defeated. It is this we must tell our stricken friends about and warn them if the side effects that they are tolerable regardless of how we feel. CANCER KILLS CIPN is controllable. I will find what's needed for my problem. I am so glad you have found your help. Even 4800 for 7 days did not help me. We just meek on searching the Books for a cure.

    A huge Cyber HUG to you from me .


    November 2018
  • Bug
    BuckeyeShelby, I love avocados. I'm glad you don't sacrifice them. Oh, my gosh - I laughed so hard when I saw that. Thanks for the injection of humor.
    October 2018
  • meyati
    Hi-- are you still here? I'm done with that question about religious or secular. It made me so tired. I shot my bolt, and that's it.

    I only care how people treat me--and you've been pretty nice to me. I've been rocking along--I finished all of my annual exams this week- stomach-mouth- ear/nose-scans. I'll see the eye doctor next week---Since my eyes weren't affected-no big deal.

    It's snowing in the mountains already-so this might be a good-fire free winter---

    Thank you for being so kind to Pauline. She seems to live alone and not get out very much. I like her. This had to be horrible for her.

    I think that Russell would have found one of Boise's posting or someone saying- I'll pray for you and would have still gone off about religion.--anyway- I need to go to bed.
    October 2018
  • anitalou
    Hi BuckeyeShelby It is because of you that I found this site. I was told I have an abdominal hernia just above the belly button area.
    It was found on a CT of the abdomen which was done to rule out a a mass in the left upper quadrant. They said there was no mass but a "small hernia". I can actually palpate it. They said it was from weight gain over the past 4 years. I went from 140 to 215. Have been dieting since April 1st and down to about 190. I found your story when I did a search.
    October 2018
  • SettledSue
    Hi! This is SettledSue. I don’t come here often but I remember you from when I did. I also was diagnosed in 2012. Have been NED since 2013. I worked through treatment and retired in 2014. I have two grandsons now; the older one just turned 5 yesterday. Just thought I’d say hi. Sue
    September 2018
  • lindaglover920
    Thank you for sharing your experience, this is the first time i heard that the taxol can leak, but i do have a port. Sorry that you had to deal with a chemical burn, as if the chemo wasn't bad enough. God bless.
    August 2018
  • LiveWithCancer
    Would you do me a big favor and see if you can still access that blog post I did? I was supposed to have that as "private" until LungCancer.net publishes it ... and I failed to check that box. Thank God you "liked" it so I would know I made that error.

    Anyway, when I click on it, it takes me to the blog since it is on my computer. I hope you can no longer see it... (I get paid for the blogs I submit to LungCancer.net. They obviously do not want the blogs published anywhere else :))
    August 2018
  • KLuk
    Thank you for sharing your experience. I have longer commute. I will try to find a place closer to my house.
    July 2018
  • Ydnar2xer
    How are you doing, BS? You are a "veteran" of this site, too!
    June 2018
  • geekling
    Good morning! I read you calling asprin innocuous. It gave me a smile because asprin has not ever, not once, been tested for safety in humans. I did a lot of research when I wrote my book about food. It seems that asprin supplanted a weed herb which, being then freely available, was what people took for colds and flu. There was a theory that the great flu of the early 1900s was the first test of asprin and many people were simply overdosed. No records exist to either prove of disprove the theory but there are records to show that no patient given the herb neglected to survive. I find such things interesting. I hope you dont mind me sharing information. Enjoy your day.
    June 2018
  • meyati
    Hi,Shelly, I wanted to update you about Jax- Missy's companion dog-LOL.

    We're all getting along together. Jax was really traumatized for awhile. No matter what, the poor boy frantically wagged his tail and hid in a corner. Thank god that he ate OK., and had only one potty accident in the first 48.

    I was told that he has been in several homes and that he was about 3. He has the learned habit of waking up right at 2 am, and wanting to play-be a kissy face. At first, I hauled his rear out, then I realized that somebody probably came home at 2 am or left for work at 2.

    He probably had the holy s-hit beat out of him for hound talk. He's starting to talk, and he looks around like -What? Nobody is mad? That's weird man-- At first he had a few strangled yelp like somebody stepped on his tail. Now, he's baying pretty good- each day is better. At first, he acted like Missy would be in trouble.

    He's very puppyish, and I find it hard to believe that he's a young adult.His fur is puppy soft. He chews a lot. His feet are really big, and his breast bone sticks out like a growing pup.

    I'm hoping to get some good pics of him tp post. He think that helocopters are huge birds of prey that want to eat little hounds. The national guard has been practicing the last few days. He gt tired of running in and hiding. He now sits on the patio and eye balls them. He's a pretty brave dude.

    Anyway- keep on trucking and representing cancer patients.
    May 2018
  • Hilkei
    Hi Shelby! I used to live in Akron. :) Just thought I'd say hi and let you know that I appreciate your continued postings. Especially the cute cat memes. They are adorable.
    March 2018
  • Boomerinaz
    I’m a Buckeye too! Born and raised in Columbus. Was just there over Christmas visiting family.
    January 2018
  • BoiseB
    Hi Shelby, I think you mentioned that you celebrate a holiday around this time of year. Hoping it is a happy one for you.
    December 2017
  • Neuf84
    Thank you for the information. I appreciate it.
    December 2017
  • BoiseB
    Hi Shelby
    I know Halloween has religious significance for you. So I am wishing you a Happy Halloween
    November 2017
  • fastdog
    Your comment about worrying if your cat could get sick from licking you really hit home. I got the whole "pre-chemo" lecture about keeping my toothbrush separate, keeping the toilet seat closed, washing my bedding 3 times if I threw up, etc etc. So, the first night I had chemo, I threw up in the middle of the night, right on my dog! I was sooo worried about her, but the oncologist just laughed and said, "well, she'll never get cancer."
    May 2013
  • Hopeful56
    Thank you BuckeyeShelby for your recent post. So far I haven't had any nausea from the chemo. Went into work yesterday it felt good. I was so scared of getting sick after chemo. Your response was very comforting.
    Thank you.
    September 2017
  • geekling
    Boomer said on FV that he us back in his home with minor damage and power. My next door neighbor has power. How far behind can I be?. I have been going in that house wearing a mask. I hope there isnt mold. Another neighbor already has mold developed. I desperately need some really good luck
    September 2017
  • geekling
    Please keep those hopes up BuckeyeShelby. Wont know much of the extent until the power is back on
    September 2017
  • Cliftonswife
    Thank you for your input. I have been taking Oxycodon and recently switched to Robaxin and Aleve. Now that I've been taking them for a couple of days, I feel much better. I now need to see what I can do to increase my energy level.
    Have a great evening.
    August 2017
  • geekling
    Read about your chemical spill. Horrid. Doesnt anyone get what was promised without incident?

    Hope your day goes really well.
    May 2017
  • geekling
    Crying when you are happy is a relief from anxiety or worry.

    Being overwhelmed can be from either extreme joy or horror. I prefer the former.

    It happens more as I get older. When I was toung, I could just throw myself into the dance rather than be undone by emotion.

    Ah well.
    April 2017
  • geekling
    Scary about your car. Try any or all of several tricks depending on your perseverance and pocket.

    1. Visit a different mechanic. Find out what might be the matter and then go back to dealer.
    2. Ask the dealer for a 'recall list' for your car. If he says he doesnt have one, ask him to contact the manufacturer. Professor Google has such a list but it isnt in any sensible (for the general public) order. It goes by date. Sheeessh
    3. If your car is pretty danged new, tell them you want a different one of the same make and model (or pay the difference from the NEW price of your car).
    4. Talk about the Better Business Bureau and your local city news show where a cousin in law of your co worker is a producer (the odds are actually very good that line is close to truth).
    5. Explain calmly that you dont like to be unsafe on the road.
    6. Reinforce everything you've said by standing on the hood of a car in their outside lot and dialing the city desk of that news show or news paper and telling them there is a woman junping from car to car in the dealership parking lot and giving them the address. This last one actually worked for me back in the 70s. No cell phone but I was screaming loudly and demanding to attract attention the dealership did not want. They agreed to give me a different car and I got down.

    Be safe BuckeyeShelby

    April 2017
  • sugar
    Hi BuckeyeShelby! How are you doing? I have not recently been to my gyn oncologist nor my local hospital so i can't really can't comment on your question, however, the folks who work at my gyn onc's office are not very friendly, nor do they have good customer service. In fact, i dread ever having to go into his office. It's not easy pulling information out of them and I never feel comfortable asking questions. I am limited on who I can choose for gyn oncologist due to my insurance. What was your experience?

    On another note: you know how you receive the WhatNext emails informing you of the most recent posts etc.? Well, all the older emails I receive from WN are attached to the newest one of the day and I accidentally clicked on a much older email where you posted your latest results of the ca125! Well I was so excited to see that and was going to send you a "congratulations" today regarding that when I realized i had clicked on an older email from my inbox. Regardless, I wanted to send you a "CONGRATULATIONS!! and a "WOOO HOOO!!" I was really happy for you and hope your doing really well. I'm sure you don't mind my belated congratulations :)

    Please let us know your recent experience at the Drs or hospital ok?
    April 2017
  • sugar
    My post today was regarding your question you posted about "have you noticed a change in attitude or vibe at your local hospital or DR's office lately?" For some reason when I went to post my comment to your question it would not let me so I am posting my response here on your wall. Hope that's ok.
    April 2017