

  • TinaLeigh
    Hi Barbara. Thank you again for your response. My work environment was very difficult. Home life not easy either, me with breast cancer and my husband with prostate cancer and a GIST tumor too. Things have got to get better. So glad to talk to you. Hope you are well. Hugs, Tina
    March 2018
  • Luie
    Hi Barbara,

    Thank you for the information! I’m not eligible for FMLA because I didn’t work 1200 hours in the last 12 months. I have the forms complete with all my requested accommodations from the cognitive therapist but I’m waiting for my pcp to sign it as it requires a physician ‘s signature. I hope to have it Monday so I can fax it to my EEOC office. My bosses will have to comply with what the county says and they should agree to my requests.

    I teach elementary Special Ed 3rd-5th grade. Teaching is challenging but special education is really hard. I have 9 kids with a variety of disabilities and most can’t read beyond a kindergarten level. It’s sad but they’re good kids who in my opinion, have been pushed through elementary school. My philosophy is they must first learn to read before trying to teach them grade level skills. Much of my time is spent modifying the curriculum lessons to teach them on a level they can actually understand and benefit from. This was time consuming before I got sick and now it takes 3 times longer to prepare lessons and materials. Our county eliminated the program these kids were in thanks to an all inclusive mindset. With the importance of ridiculous standardized tests that they have to take, I’m required to teach them the regular curriculum too. It sets them up for continuous failure and they already lack self confidence terribly. Being 9-10 years old, they’re aware they’re different than their peers. Most don’t have parental support either to help them at home. Omg... I could go on and on.... so I just love them and do my best.

    I’ll keep you posted on my ADA/EEOC progress. Take care,
    January 2018
  • geekling
    When a tribal chief shows you an herb and explains its effects on your body and he represents (literally) thousands of years of an oral history of forest medicine and you choose try try it, drinking the cup is an experiment but with more successful history than the experimenting that the cancer docs coerced me into accepting.

    I asked repeatedly about the possibility of this side effect or that and was repeatedly lied to and was also lied to regarding an infusion gone wrong. Please dont forget I was also dismissed as a complainer for over a dozen years.

    I would rather, so to speak, be my own guinea pig than yours.

    Life is about choices. As long as one declines to do what one finds distasteful to another, everything is okay. Sadly, for me, I found men who believed otherwise.
    February 2018
  • meyati
    Hi, I haven't seen any postings by you lately. Are you OK? Even if we don't agree on somethings, I do miss hearing from you.

    I hope that you don't have the flu or anything like that. For me old age is enough.

    My dog, Stonewall, is still doing OK. He's supposed to be dead--He eats OK- sleeps pretty well- begs for and enjoys short walks--runs and chases MilkBones. I had to increase his pain kilter yesterday, and we'll see how that goes. His cancer seems to be outside of anything vital, so I feel it, but he does what he wants--gets up and down without problems-jumps up on furniture-goes out and does his business--dreams and wags his tail. He's always been such a happy boy.

    Well-take care-and I'll talk to you later

    January 2018
  • meyati
    Barbara- Thanks for bringing this up. We agree on so many things-except for Roy Moore-but let's not get into that.

    I read the what the Beauty Queen said about Trump-- He looked at her. OMG- We don't like Trump here-but we said- What? My son said-- I don't understand-anybody can look---

    I personally told Carool the other night that I think this is a ploy to destroy Congress.

    Some of this behavior by the men mirrors actions in movies-even movies of the 1930s and '40s. If a woman doesn't like a boss coming out in his briefs-like Bill Murray or Clark Gable, they can say so.
    December 2017
  • meyati
    Hi, Happy Thanksgiving--fellow GERD sufferer--

    I hope that things are going well for you. I've been thinking of you the last few days. I'm busy moping the house, etc. Nobody is coming over-but it inspires me to pick up a mop and mop bucket. My grandson, Levi, has been helping me. I get P off at him, but he's a good kid. really good.
    November 2017
  • BoiseB
    Hi Barbara, Your post reminded me, that I should thank you for your post about Maxillofacial specialists. I searched for almost a year, I found that there are two specialists that teach at the University of Washington. I really want to thank you for this information Thank you for posting so much valuable information
    October 2017
  • meyati
    Barbara are you getting ready for the hurricane? I hope that you'll be OK- and far enough from the eye. Let us know how you're doing--
    October 2017
  • meyati
    Barbara-I signed 6 different petitions today against the new health care proposal--- Jimmy Kimmels infant son was born with a congenital conditio-- heart I think. His son will never be able to get health insurance of Obamacare is repealed--So Many people are discussing healthcare for new borns. I signed petitions- Please don't repeal ACA because it's hard for families. Please cover newborns with insurance. Please don't flip the insurance burden on states-

    Did your real news apprise you that a big tax cut for billionaires is included in this tax bill ? So I've signed petitions about that too

    And I'm still trying to be in Zinke's face-- Do you not understand that 2 years ago he promised people in the Northern Plains and Rockies that he'd fight to get better protection to preserve federal lands? Now he's wanting to do the opposite. That link I posted- Western Values- It's safe for you to read--the membership is 95% Republican---Anytime you see an organization in Montana or the Dakotas--it is basically a group of Republicans.

    So yes fake news- and Republican news has been telling me the truth about Trump and Zinke. Sunday, I watched a news show- where a Republican that just left the RNC headquarters likened Trump to an old man wandering around in the snow. I almost broke a glass, as I was washing dishes.

    September 2017
  • meyati
    Thank you for speaking up. For myself, I feel like Christians are the punching bag of the politically correct liberals. You know that I'm a liberal, but I'm also a Christian.

    I know that I got off track, but they were blaming the Christian churches for the same things that other religions also do. They got mad when I said others send out missionaries. They forget that Mother Teresa was a Christian or they don't want to remember. Christian missionaries saved the lives of thousands of poor little Korean orphans during and after that war.

    I think that Charnell is physically sick and is having a hard time. I don't understand how she can feel that it was wrong for gap to say
    "It's satan who is out to get you and that man (I refuse to call him a pastor; a pastor is a shepherd, not an abuser of the flock) and he is using this man??? to try to destroy you. Don't let him; pray for him."

    and change it to, " It's satan who is out to get you and that man"

    It's obvious that gap meant the devil was using the man to torment and abuse flute. At least I read it that way.
    Nothing like picking out a few words, to change the meaning. Obviously, I'm not politically correct. I do belive in the devil- Barbara how else do you explain WW I and ISIS? I guess that I read too many Italian works, where they often discuss good and evil- besides Job and Jeremiah.

    August 2017
  • meyati
    I just went to Fluteplayer's wall to apologise. It's ghastly about her cancer treatment and co-pays. Could you go to her page and offer her prayer and hugs?
    August 2017
  • meyati
    Barbara, I posted some pics of Bears Ears national Monument, Utah. Hundreds of rural people make a good income from supplying tourists, guiding hikers, bicyclers, rafters, rock climbers. Then family campers go their, and it's a sacred site for Navajos, Utes, Cheyenne, Piutes off of the top of my head.
    July 2017
  • meyati
    How We Designate Monuments |
    National monuments include some of America's most interesting natural and historical sites. National monuments can either be established by Congress though ...

    President Teddy Roosevelt created the National Monument designation in 1906. The very first National Monument is The Devils Tower in Wyoming. Sections of the Grand Canyon are a National Monument that was created by President Roosevelt. is the link to the Teddy Roosevelt Conservation Partnership. This is mostly an organization made of Republicans and head quartered in Medora, ND.

    It's fighting Trump and Zinke tooth and nail about the destruction of private initiative in preserving wilderness areas. I wish that you'd look and see what many Republicans are fighting for-- maybe sign one of their petions- But at least look at their pictures of the monuments that Trump wants to open up for oil exploration.

    You don't have to pay a red cent to sign petitions. I'm a paid member. I don't belong to the Sierra Club.
    July 2017
  • meyati
    OK-- there are different types of pain clinics, and they seem to push their favorite procedure. A real certified pain clinic can still be less than effective because of what they push. Barbara-even VA pain clinics are that way. The Albuquerque. VA fully used the different types of nerve blocks, then years later the Los Angeles and some Florida VAs began using nerve blocks. This was in the Military Times-not the regional VA news.

    Nerve blocks-- there are a dozen different medical mixtures for nerve blocks. I was a patient person and spent months trying out different mixtures.

    I turned down surgeries for the RSD--and left that clinic. I also started out in an AF pain clinic, where I was given surgery room strength meds. I hit one colonel in the head with an almost full pill bottle. He got the point that the meds weren't working not even a little bit.

    I was told by the effective pain clinic, later by the VA and AF that one reason my nerve blocks worked so well (after we found one that did work) was because I did not take any NSAID, acetaphenmine, alcohol, etc. I couldn't sleep over 3 hours at a time. My right hand was almost black from dead nerves. I would have committed suicide if I hadn't found that pain clinic.
    May 2017
  • meyati
    Iwo Jima One of my cousins died at Iwo on the 3rd day. I always wished that I could visit his grave at Iwo.

    My son was injured in Hawaii, and I was only a few miles from the Punch Bowl military cemetary. I spent a month there. After I returned home, I learned that the American bodies were transferred from Iwo to the Punch Bowl.
    March 2017
  • GregP_WN
    Barbara the spammers aren't looking for personal information, they are just looking for a spot to post their spam links for drugs. We are about to get them under control.
    February 2017
  • subie
    I am going to question the Dr. At one point I felt they didn't even use my chart. I had to correct their medical records that was forwarded to them. I will study up on the atrophy and see what I can do.
    February 2017
  • meyati
    Barbara--endangered species like Jaquars and Javalinas cross the Mexican border. SoCal, AZ, NM, and south Texas share deserts with Mexico. The animals migrate for food, water- and climate. North in the summer, and south in the winter
    February 2017
  • BoiseB
    I am saddened to hear of your parents passing. It must have been very to have both die so close together. I will pray for your peace.
    January 2017
  • LiveWithCancer
    I haven't read all of your posts yet on the Trump / HRC discussion yet. In fact, I have only read the first one. The voice of reason!!! I am amazed at the people who have gone off the deepend because Trump won. I think the media is largely responsible for that - they were caught by surprise when their candidate didn't win by a landslide. And, the liberal media apparently makes stuff up or.tells such slanted stories that the rabid left just has no idea who Trump is or what he stands for. Sadly, they also do not care to know.

    Anyway, it can feel lonely out there when you are a Trump supporter. I just wanted you to know that I thought your first post was spot-on. I am going back to read the rest of your comments now.
    January 2017
  • meyati
    Hi, if you're saying that many people are somewhat sensitive or even too sensitive, I do agree with you. I think that's what you mean when you say racism and racist are words used to often today.

    I'm Spanish-Irish-called Black Irish. This is from the Spanish Armada wrecking from the storm, and the sailors being rescued by the irish.

    Have you ever heard anybody being called a cold boiled potato as a racial insult? I've seen fights over this, I've been in physical-hair-snatching fights because of this.

    See, I'd meet some Irish- and they'd like me or not. They asked for my family name-some-even this century said- oh you're nice for being one of those. oh, you made me think different about your kind. One was a nice educated woman from Boston-we quit having lunch together.

    I've been escorted to a neighbor's door and told not to come back. I've been told they didn't want any N-(iggers) in the house or around their children.

    Barbara- I had reddish Auburn hair, blue green eyes, the whitest skin, as did everone else in my family.

    I'm 10 years older than Ikedo, but I've seen the prejudice that Japanese-Americans went through in the 40s and 50s, what she went through. Her mother was probably a Japanese war bride which meant that she wasn't treated well by some Japanese-Americans. She probably always had to worry about being groped or raped just because she's Japanese or half white.

    I know that you've seen the ugly. I've seen the ugly too, but in a different manner. I can't say that I've had it harder or easier than anybody else. One night I came from the back of the house and some drunk white men were pulled. They came to see the 'foreign' woman. My 10 year old son saw them put their hands on my. We're westerners, and we kept a loaded rifle by the front door. We'd been in Georgia for only a week. My son shot into the ground and threatened to kill them. A few days later I went to the country store, and I was told that I and my family were very unfriendly. I told them that I did not want to be friendly that way. If anybody wanted to visit, they could do that when my husband was home. We were very happy to leave.

    November 2016
  • icare4all
    Hi thanks for the advice about my back pain. The pills work, I just hate the fact that I have to take them, if I don't I can't move. I have tried many other ways, nothing works.
    Be well
    November 2016
  • LiveWithCancer
    I am so sorry to read that your mom died recently. I pray for peace and comfort for you. Hugs.
    October 2016
  • GregP_WN
    Thanks for supporting others by answering questions, offering advice and positive wishes! It does make a difference for them to see that other people have been there and are doing OK.
    October 2016
  • meyati
    Hi, I was trying to check on hospice sites, but they wouldn't let me. The VA decided that patients and families should have some choice in facilities, and to be able to see what a basic monthly fee is, and what services the monthly fee is. By the time, the secrecy about hospice disappeared, I realized that I didn't need one.

    My opinion is when it's my time, I don't want God's Angel tripping over tubes and being blocked from my body by the medical staff.
    I have a DNR-do not resusitate. I've had one since I was in my 20s. I had severe stomach troubles, and I was told that I'd die at a young age from it. At that time, they were keeping so many people alive with tubing, but they couldn't cure these people.

    I loved my husband and children. If it was my time to meet my God, I wanted to go. I did not want my children to be motherless, and I did not want him being alone. He kept saying that I didn't love him enough to live for him. I told him that if it was God's will for me to live, I would live. If it was God's will for me to die, I would die. Apparently, I out lived him.

    It took me 2 years to get a stupid DNR at Presbyterian, I was enraged that they'd dare lecture me, since I had been trying to get one. I filed a complaint against my doctor. He wanted me to think about it; he didn't have the time; he opened drawers and couldn't find the form. He is a Chritian, but he believes that the Angel comes only when medicine can't do anymore after years of tube feeding, etc.

    I filled out the last wishes that are specific. They argued about every answer and choice I made. They grabbed it, and handed me another one to fill out. They made me go to see a shrink because I had suicidal tendencies. The shrink-filed charges against the counselors. Now the living will questions changed, so they are mixed up.

    OK--tube feeding-3 days only and pull the tubes. I was told that I would die, and I was making the staff murder me. I told them that they do it all of the time.

    Assisted breathing-3 days-If I'm in a car accident and need surgery-get well--

    Painkillers--I want the max- I wrote-doped out of my mind-No, I don't want to see my family crying. I don't want them to see me writhing in pain. I don't want them to hear me screaming--2 doctors told me this was a scream with pain and people call the police. I did that for 2 weeks when I was 17, 5 abcesses at the same time. The police checked with the doctor to make sure that I was getting medical care.

    Cleanliness-- they actually ask if you want your diaper changed and how often-- YES-- If I'm breathing and eating on my own- I deserve to be clean. At 13 I kept my father clean when he was dying-my brother helped.

    Do I want massages?-NO- Do I want people to read or sing to me? NO If I can sleep at all, I don't want someone droning on.

    This one REALLY Made me sick to my stomach. Here I can force my family to go to Presbyterian for grief counseling after I die. More money from the feds and insurance.
    I told them--NO-- I'm not a control freak. They can do what they want, when they want, I'm not reaching out from beyond the grave to control my family-in my opinion that's sick.

    They wanted me to plan my funeral. I put down, simple ceremony, songs- Love me tender, cremate me, put me in a coffee can or equivilent, take me out to a mesa on a windy day and let me be free again.

    My husband wanted a simple pine coffin. A relative started having fits worthy of the early 1900s, and passing out. They finally let her have her way to stop the drama--$7,000 casket and casket vault for a man that wanted a cajun pine box.

    I do want hospice so my family doesn't see me in agony. I don't want then to hear me screaming. I certainly don't want my agonized life prolonged. I tell them that I want 1940 medicine. Let God have his way.

    Many pastors asked my husband and I to visit the dying in hospices-people that didn't have family. I've done that through the years.

    It's just common sense that we don't want to be pinched, dropped, hit, and tormented in other ways. That we do not want to be in a filthy place with bugs crawling over us.

    About 2 months ago, Florida closed down a nursing home, because the woman choked to death from maggots in her throat.

    I don't know what tomorrow will bring, or if there will be a tomorrow for anybody. I do know that Jesus loves me. I do know that I'm ready to meet my God and Lord.
    September 2016
  • meyati
    Hi, I still have strep. My doctor was explaining false positives and negatives. I didn't whine. I just said- I'm not better, my fever never broke. She ran a strep-and it was positive.

    My temp was down to 97.4.. I explained it has pretty much been that way, but I get nurses that write or manually enter 98.8. I think that her nurse is wonderful, because she let's the actual temp stay in my record. I just said- I have trouble getting medical care, and it's been hard.

    With the new antibiotic guidelines -starting with a low antibiotic and going to a stronger one just seems to make my nasty bacteria stronger. She wanted to give me Augmentin, but the network wouldn't let her. I'm in a really sucky era of medical care.
    September 2016
  • geekling
    You have my curiosity up ... what did you do at the FBI?

    September 2016
  • meyati
    The FDA---won't license any competiton and has been smothering competition for several years..

    The only quick way to solve this is to have the president declare an emergency----I'm a democrat- progressive-but this president has a few pet projects--and he ignores everything else. I'm so sorry yhat I voted for him-- I'm so sorry that I supported him.

    Sadly, the company and that woman haven't broken any laws- except not paying taxes.
    August 2016
  • Molly72
    Thanks for your message to me.
    Also wanted you to know that one of my cancers was a GIST. I don't know anyone else who was diagnosed with one.
    I really didn't have too many problems with it as it was fairly small. The only bad thing was with the horrible hospital where I had my surgery.
    I had the GIST, an Angiosarcoma, a pre-cancerous Thyroid tumor, and a tumor in a Salivatory gland all at the same time. All were surgically removed. No chemo.
    So, I somehow managed to get thru all that & I am still alive & kicking! I hope you are doing well, please let me know about your GIST whenever you might have time.
    Best wishes & health to you
    August 2016
  • Sharlie
    Thanks Barbara. I was going to post something else in that thread about how I really did get it but I didn't see any point in keeping the argument going...especially after the Oy comment. Sometimes it's best just to walk away. She is not very active on WN so I don't know how she would know how the conversations tend to go anyway. Hope you had a good weekend. I had my granddaughter from noon yesterday thru noon today. I was tired and sore but we had a good time. I have her again on Tuesday, then next Tuesday and Wednesday and then school starts on Thursday the 18th. It's been a long summer but I sort of
    August 2016