

  • lynnann1975
    Just wanted to say hi n happy halloween
    October 2013
  • NeilNZ
    Hi Nicki you're spot on I'm from that little island at the bottom of the world (we like to thing good things are often found in little places,) and also right Feb/March are our top summer months, settled weather 70-90 degrees most days. We don't get to three figures down here often maybe 1-2 times a year but its doesn't get to cold either very seldom under 20 degrees anywhere. We have some great friends up in Fargo ND and those guys seem to get some real extremes amazing stuff is it like this for you?. Enjoy Hollowien stock up with those sweets, I hope the kids are all kind to you no tricks.
    October 2013
  • NeilNZ
    Hi Nicki hope your week is going well, Its spring down here so four seasons every day but beautiful blosum everywhere. I'm thinking you'll be heading into fall snow etc?
    Regds Neil
    October 2013
  • zoe
    Cry in a "good " way ! Zoe
    October 2013
  • NeilNZ
    Hi Nicki thanks so much for your reply . I'm not to hot on the computer so please excuse any fowpars and bad spelling! Had much better last few days My older brother completely out of the blu offered to be a bone marrow donor which was really cool and lifted my spirits. Your so right W&W is a head war as a bloke Ive always like to roll my sleeves up and get stuck in to sort a problem but not this time it would appear or not for now anyway which is as you say really really great but suckie as well if you get my meaning.
    One things for sure TIME has a WHOLE NEW meaning now
    Thanks again Neilnz
    October 2013
  • NeilNZ
    cheers nicki you look after your girl .
    October 2013
  • pcsurvivor
    Dear.Nicki, OMG you are going through so much yet take the time to write such encouraging posts to our fellow what nexters. I thank you for you support and kind words. We are all in this together and I hope that I too can help along the way. I do feel so much better knowing I have sincere support here. I am praying for you and please know that you can write to me anytime. Stay strong and know that you are loved! Thank you again, Donna
    October 2013
  • MaryEdythe
    Like Dan below me I, too, want to know how r u doing?
    October 2013
  • dan7264
    How you been? I appreciate all the goodwill and comments you share with the new folks, that is great. How you been feeling? How are the treatments going?
    October 2013
  • TraciS
    Just came by to give you a GIANT *Virtual Hug* :)
    October 2013
  • zoe
    Hi Nicki, OMG I can't even imagine 9 bags in one day, I've only had 3 in one day and I thought that was a lot ! How much longer do you have to be on chemo ? Then what ? Do you have someone to keep you company during your treatments ?
    I wish this was all a bad dream for all of us. I hope the acupuncture today works well for you, I've heard it makes a big difference for a lot of people. I will post on "Questions " what my game plan is today sometime. I hope today is going well for you,I prayed it would. My daughter lives in West Lafayette,are you anywhere near there? Good luck with all you are going through. Zoe
    October 2013
  • TraciS
    You made my day. Thank You:)
    October 2013
  • acshipway
    Hi Nicki, how you feeling? I hope you got to relax a little this weekend and not stress too much over the job issues. What day do you have chemo, is this week right? Hope it goes well, let me know, and you hang in there, don't give up on your treatment!
    October 2013
  • StamPurr
    That picture was just before I started chemo (when I had hair). Don't think I've aged all that well since the battle began. I've had two people assume that my daughter was my GRANDaughter, talk about car crying (cars, showers, and my walk-in closet see the most tears.
    October 2013
  • dan7264
    Nicki - how have you been feeling?
    October 2013
  • zoe
    Hi Nicki....You're right, "What Next" does make a big dirrerence.It really helps just knowing we are all here to support each other. Thanks for thinking of me. Zoe
    October 2013
  • dan7264
    Nicki - I also found a whole forum of just Follicular Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma folks. Very good info and an excellent newsletter each month plus good forum for discussion. You do have to join to get all the info they have in producing the newsletters and articles but past that they are not trying to sell anything.
    October 2013
  • acshipway
    Hi Nicki, how you feeling, hope you got the hydration thing a little better under control. When is the next treatment?
    September 2013
  • Cellkiller
    I apologize ford my answer my intention was to uplift you not walk into a dress will never happen again
    September 2013
  • acshipway
    Hi Nicki, how did day 2 go? Looking forward to hearing great news from you on how the new treatments are working!
    September 2013
  • acshipway
    Hi Nicki, any word on that approval for your treanda? Hope you are having a good week.
    September 2013
  • acshipway
    Hi Nicki, just wondering how your week is going? Hope all is well with you. When do you start your new treatments?
    September 2013
  • geekling
    Congratulations on finding a doctor in whom you have faith.

    Best healthy wishes for you
    September 2013
  • 7luces7
    HI Nicki, yes It had a rough week. I was paralized from the great pain on my head. It was terrible. Now that pain go away. only my legs hurts,I get fatigue and dizzy. tomorrow I have another quimioteraphy. thank you.
    September 2013
  • AlizaMLS
    Hi nicki,

    I'm glad you found my advice helpful. I understand your wish to be out of the house much of the time while he's there, but try not (underline not) to runyourself ragged. Remember you're the one who's sick, NOT him! If there's any friend, male (pref) or female who can stay over until he leaves that may be preferable.

    Two things I realized I neglected to tell you if you haven't already done them. Give him the 30 days notice in the presence of one of your friends (a witness) and above all, whatever your past relationship, he gets to sleep in "the other room" or on the couch now. If he doesn't like it , "tough". You can tell him, again, in the presence of a witness, that you're ill and if it's a problem, you'll be heading to a lawyer! Mean what you say!

    August 2013
  • 7luces7
    HI! Nicki. thank you for your words. This is helping me to cooping and learning more about my sickness. i wishing he best in your journey. Have a wounderful day! Margarita.
    August 2013
  • acshipway
    Hey Nicki, how did the consult go? Hope things are going well, and that you got some helpful/positive info at the Mayo.
    August 2013
  • acshipway
    Hi Nicki, love your plane pictures! Hope you have a great meeting at the Mayo. I am sure you will find a Dr. there that can give you better feedback and support than you were getting before. Hoping for the best for you. Hang in there.
    August 2013
  • geekling
    Are you and your new night things pretty well packed? :-) Healthy best wishes go along with you on your journey. Big hugz
    August 2013
  • ssandiin
    Hi Nicki, When I went in for the first surgery - hystorectomy- I woke up with a port on my left side in my chest. My doctor automatically put the port in. I'm sorry you have to go through all the pain from the use of your veins. I found out that I have a power port so it is good for other uses besides chemo. I thought it was an automaic thing.
    August 2013