

  • KimG
    Thank you nancyjac your explanation helps, I hope I can remember this lol ! I really appreciate your response.kimg09 I hope you get my reply to you.
    January 2013
  • janeti
    Chemo brain is not so bad. You'll learn to compensate. It did cost me my job, but was cancer free for 10 years.
    December 2012
  • gogolf
    thank you I now will try to do that.
    December 2012
  • Terry15
    Nancy Thanks for writing about the ommaya. Did you use one for your chemo? What was the surgery like? Did you have more or fewer effects after chemo? Would appreciate your insights into this device.
    December 2012
  • IKickedIt
    Just wanted to tell you that you are an inspiration! I enjoy reading your posts and I wish you only the best of health. I found WhatNext after I had finished my journey. Honestly, I wasn't looking while I was going through treatment. I didn't want to hear about other people's "problems." I only wanted to surround myself with optimistic people. It was only after I was done and declared cancer-free that I wanted to reach out and help others. You have an amazing blend of both a strong person facing adversity head-on and someone who can help others at the same time. Kudos to you!

    Maintain your optimism and keep your focus. May you be blessed with good health.
    November 2012
  • man
    Hi nancy jam,
    I've just started on my journey - with non small cell squamous carcinoma in my lung. I will start treatment next week so I'm very unsure of the future!! I'm so glad I found this site, being able to read about other situations.
    November 2012
  • liebemutter
    Thankyou nancyjac! I have been struggling to send you an answer. Thankyou for your reply. I guess our cancer experience is kind of similar ---the only difference between yours and mine is that mine was not "inflammatory". Be strong and hope that you would come out winning soon.

    Regards, Liebemutter
    December 2012
  • acalltofaith
    It was inspirational to read your story! As we all know on this website, life can be hard at times, but hope is eternal and it sounds like you have it. I thank you for the advice you have given me and look forward to hearing from you on other issues as well. Your opinions are highly valued and appreciated.

    Happy Thanksgiving and to many more!
    November 2012
  • GregP_WN
    Nancy, you are our Wednesday's WhatNexter of the Week. Please let me know when you see my post about you show on your Homepage. I'm still having a little trouble getting my Media Posts to show on everyone's page. It's taking a few hours for them to show up.

    Thanks for all you do for everyone here, and if I don't talk to you anymore before tomorrow, have a great Thanksgiving.

    Greg P
    November 2012
  • pulley
    Hello Nancyjac, I just read your "Whatnexter" Post. I want to thank you for sharing.
    I have just started mine (Journey) but feel as you do ,I have a wonderful team.
    I am thankful to have been able to have a lumpectomy, from which I am recovering very well. I have not felt so bad, just tire easily. I have not met with my onocologist yet but hope to next week. My surgeon,said I would have three choices of treatment and I and the oncologist would be deciding.
    Thanks again for your story and I hope the very best for you that the Lord will grant you good health and days from hereon. Scouser.
    November 2012
  • prayandhope1
    I am new to posting, but you're story was very inspirational. Thank you for sharing and I send my wish to you for a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.
    November 2012
  • maralyn
    Wow, i pray i can grasp that "greatfullness" and share it with others,,, "thank you" for sharing your experiences,,, i try and remember it is "God's will and God's timing" and do what is put in front of me each day with grace and dignity, and boy it that an undertaking some days!!! Bless You!!!
    November 2012
  • ticklingcancer
    Thanks for sharing your story as the Wednesday WhatNexter. Your attitude towards life is inspiring. Thank you for all you do here on site. I think a lot can be learned from your advice and I truly respect and value everything you say. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!
    November 2012
  • cancervivor
    Nancy you are our Wedensday's WhatNexter of the week. Let me know if you see it show on your home page. I'm having a bit of trouble with my page posting to eveyone's home page. It has been taking a few hours for the post to show on everyone's page.

    It will also post on our Facebook page sometime today.

    Thanks for all you do on the site, and if I don't talk to you before tomorrow, have a great Thanksgiving.

    November 2012
  • tomget
    Thanks for your Medicaire answer Nancy.
    November 2012
  • marshala1
    Thanks for your response! :)
    November 2012
  • dvdbriansr
    Nancy: "staying" or being "active" is nearly an impossibility for me these days. Between constant severe pain, being attached to an electric wheelchair, not even being able to walk from one end of my 60 ft mobile home to the kitchen ( in the middle) without praying to God to "take me now," and now the additional symptoms of this cancer, and the treatments for it, active to me has become keeping my mind occupied enough to not go insane. If I haven't already. Life was all but totally unbearable before cancer, now, I'm just not sure of anything. I "thought" I had it all together before the extra problems (symptoms) of cancer came along. I used to be capable of dealing with most anything before, any more, I just don't know. However I'd like to thank you for the information, I'll try to some how use it.
    October 2012
  • gloktr
    October 2012
  • gloktr
    October 2012
  • dvdbriansr

    Nancy: Thank you for "telling it like it is" I certainly admire that in an individual; however, I REALLY was/am looking to get back to my "pre-cancer" life. Actually, I was hoping for much more than just that. I was kinda hoping that I'd eventually get back what I had before 2010 when I fought my last "life battle" with a near deadly bout of pneumonia that came real close to winning that game. Although I've yet to "recover" from being that ill, nor have I gotten used to my "new" pain level since having my pain meds cut to near nothing, I'm sincerely hoping to regain some strengths and stamina as well as feeling "well" once again.
    I ever so need to find a norm of some kind in my life as I've been without one for so long now. It's also the over and over again that scares me, this is not something that I'd like to EVER have to go through again. But then I'm certain everyone here feels the same way. Don't you ever get tired of fighting the same battles, the same wars over and over? And if there is "no end" how can anyone claim they've won their battle with cancer? Is surviving it the best odds there are?
    I'm sorry if I appear to be missing your point here, as I'm really trying to understand quite a bit of brand new information these days. Some is quite confusing and some is just downright difficult to accept. Even after doing a 30+ year battle with constant chronic pain, I still cannot accept the fact that there will NEVER be an end to that war, and now you tell me that I'll have 2 wars to fight Forever?
    Again, I'm sorry if I missed or misunderstood your point; but, Good Lord, I have got to start feeling better some where along the way. I'm constantly being reminded that this is "Doable" but just what does that really mean???
    October 2012
  • GregP_WN
    Nancy, You are a never ending wealth of knowledge. I don't know how you came to posses such wisdom, but I thank you for being a part of this website. Without some of your answers many may not have gotten the info they needed.

    I appreciate you, and I am sure others here do also.

    Thanks for being a part of WhatNext!

    Greg P
    3x Survivor
    Team WhatNext
    October 2012
  • dora201077
    I totally agree with your post. thanks . yes a pet scan reveals abnormal activity in some cells, which could or could not be cancerous.
    September 2012
  • seacresthouse1
    Hi there...when filling out my profile did not understand HER. ER, and PR...Could you explain?....My daughter was diagnosed last year with left breast cancer (not sure what type) but she did not have to have chemo just radiation for 6 weeks...I am having radiation following chemo...I am staying with my daughter and family in Texas(she has kidnapped me and won't let me go) lol...Hope you are doing good...I did skip that I have had a lumpectomy...Am I considered a "Survivor" yet or do I have to wait until after treatment? Have a great weekend...It is supposed to rain here at our Annual Heritage Festival so say a prayer to Him and ask him to hold off for us..."Always remember that you are His "Precious One" and we have an inside track....Always, Nita
    September 2012
  • leepenn
    NJ- I like your new photo!
    September 2012
  • FreeBird
    Thanks for suggesting that the questions section be changed to the old format, Nancyjac. It makes it easier to use.
    September 2012