

  • lindsayfanelli
    I just finished treatment on 9/1 for stage 2 as well. It was a very rough time with lots of pain and fear. You will come through this and be stronger and more full of love and appreciation then you ever thought possible.
    October 2015
  • diaturtles
    Look for Anal Talking on face book and leave message and I'll find you
    October 2015
  • diaturtles
    Hi maryshap,
    I'm an 11 year survivor of stage 3b squamous cell carcinoma ( anal cancer), I'm also an advocate, buddy and have a private and secret support group on FB for women only and the gals in there are either starting treatment, going through tx or finished treatment. I'm almost right around the corner from you as I'm in Mt. Clemens. my email is : and if you need anything you can email me and I can give you my number.
    October 2015
  • svhous
    Best wishes. I was diagnosed in March, finished treatment early June. It wasn't fun, but I hold to the information that this cancer is usually curable and non-recurring. My exam in September showed no sign of it. Keep in your mind that the bad parts are temporary. Include as much laughter in your life as possible and stay away from people who want to feel sorry for you - they will just bring you down. You WILL get through this.
    - Sally
    October 2015
  • subie
    I was stage 3B, it was not an easy time for me, had alot of problems from the toxicity of the chemo/rad but I am happy to say 7 years later I am here. My thoughts are with you and know you are stronger and can fight this
    October 2015
  • warrior3
    Best of luck with your cancer "trip" - you can do this!! Like diaturtles, I am a stage 3b survivor of 10 years. It can be a tough road but there are so many people on this site who will share their tips on how to get through it and offer lots of encouragement. You will get through it :)
    October 2015
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome to the WhatNext family! The WhatNext family is made up of people like you who are looking for help or looking to help others. To help you along your journey the WhatNext family has put together a Beginner's Guide to Cancer that I highly recommend you check-out here: Also, please do not hesitate to reach out to others or ask for help.

    Wishing you the best.

    Founder, WhatNexter
    October 2015