

  • survivor2012
    I am so sorry for what you are going through. My husband is now battling lung cancer and I cannot imagine my life without him. So I can only begin to imagine your pain.Not sure If you are a believer, but I will pray that God will give you the strength you need to keep going. He is now in a much better place. Much love and prayers for you.
    April 2014
  • CAS1
    I have been where you are.please don't think that your point of view is not needed here because every point of view is important. Your grief will change. I am not going to say the hurt will go away. If I can help you I will try.
    March 2014
  • SueRae1
    Just read your reply to Greg's question . Sending you lots and lots of hugs, a virtual hand to hold and a shoulder to cry on.
    March 2014
  • meyati
    Oh god-I don't know what's wrong with today's doctors. We had more knowledgeable doctors years ago. My father often had obstructions-this was before scans-so they did exploratories. You really had some lousy radiologists that should have had their licenses taken away-and maybe put in a gulag. My father was in agony each time the cancer blocked a new section of his small intestine. He at least had the confidence that he would be opened up, and the problem fixed for a bit. medically we live in a 3rd world country because of poor medical practice.

    I had strep for 5 months last year. Nobody would do a strep test because they said it was from nose-mouth radiation. I went to teh oncologists, and they wrote up why it wasn't strep, but they didn't order a strep test, because they didn't do strep. I think that they will now do so-and follow up can be done in primary care.

    Something that should have cost medicare less than $200 ended up costing about 10 thousand dollars-and for some reason, I didn't suffer any heart damage. Do you think that cardiology or ER would run a strep test? Scans do not show infections.

    February 2014
  • Delta
    Hi, was just reading through your wall and posts. I am so sorry that you & John are facing all these harsh side effects. I will remember you in my prayers and pray they find a way to bring some relief to John, to resolve the pain & blockage.
    November 2013
  • Peroll
    If you need info on how to push the Drs and HMO or how to get a second opinion on your BFs condition let us know here as there are people here that have done most if not all of this before.
    December 2012
  • Peroll
    Carol, I saw your story due to Greg Ps post on your wall. I see what your Drs are telling you and your BF. I am a stage IV colon cancer suvivor/patient. Mine has been in both lungs a lymph node which grew into my trechea (wind pipe) and my right adrenal gland. I realize what the Drs are telling you is scary, but I am proof that even with stage IV colon cancer one can survive a long time. And I am hopeful that my CT tomorrow will be clean. You and your BF need to assess the situation and look for all of the options including chemo. There are people here including me that will help you learn how to talk to the Drs and what questions to ask. This can be beat and life goes on. Talk to yourBF and let me know how I can help. Good luck!!!!!
    December 2012
  • GregP_WN
    Hi Carol,

    Thanks for being on the site, sorry for the reason your here though. I see your BF has colorectal Cancer. One of our power users on the site is CarolHRN, she is a Colorectal survivor. You might look her up, just click this link to go to her page. www.whatnext.com/users/carolhrn

    Let me know if you need help navigating the site, lots of great people here to help you.

    Greg P
    3x Survivor
    Team WhatNext
    Community Mgr
    December 2012
  • Geeker
    Carol, I, too, saw your story due to Greg Ps post on your wall. I was not his caregiver (he didn't want one), but my ex-husband survived an aggressive colon cancer and a prostate cancer at the same time this past spring/summer. He went through both chemo and radiation. For a while, because the chemo ended up dropping his white cell count to zero, it was stopped for a while. He was really miserable, but determined to beat it for the sake of our 5 year old granddaughter. His follow up body scan revealed that ALL the cancer was gone!!! Take heart and encourage your BF to be compliant with his doctors' recommendations. My ex, who also has sickle-thalasemia disease was not a candidate for surgery except as a very last resort because the sickle-thal disease carries the possibility of death when given any general anesthesia.
    December 2012
  • DaveWaz

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    Team WhatNext
    December 2012