

  • meyati
    Hi, I just got my olive leaf vitamin C and whatever else I ordered. I do hope that it helps my sinus-sounds like it will---Thanks a lot- I really appreciate you helping me.
    December 2014
  • IronMom45
    Undercover nursing lol continuance through online nursing? See ur still a nurse at heart. Will keep you going and no 12 hour shifts and you may get to go pee when you want. Lol
    November 2014
  • Carool
    Hi, Barry. Have you made a decision on whether or not you'll take a PET scan? Best, Carol
    November 2014
  • DebraC
    You listed green tea extract, which I ran out and purchased. But my daughter told me it is a weight loss product and it really wired her up. I need to lose weight but I'm going to be starting Arimidex and you mentioned it as a supplement. I'm wondering if it will be ok to take and not raise my blood pressure too much. Thanks so much for all your positive feed back. Look forward to hearing from you, thank you
    November 2014
  • IronMom45
    Hi Barry, you ever read about this one? Essiac.htm
    November 2014
  • meyati
    Hi, I think that your recommendation of Olive leaf extract will be a good fit. I also got Oregano and Vitamin C. I ordered online-my way of shopping. I'm really excited by the olive leaf---

    i just took my augmentin pill for tonight. I'm taking it for a sinus infection, fever, infected ears, and my right sinus seems to have stopped bleeding. I have to admit that gets the doctors interested. .So Olive leaf--sinus health, better circulation,, improved immune system, more energy.

    Barry thanks for helping me with this.
    November 2014
  • meyati
    Hi darling. I want to wish you a happy Thanksgiving Day- we really should call it Turkey day. I'm saying it now- because in my mind-since I thought of it-I did it. I'm known for for sending father's day- Birthday cards about 2-3 months before the event or not at all. It's not cancer brain-I've been this way all of my life.
    November 2014
  • meyati
    Hi Darling, I had to go to Urgent Care yesterday and the doctor cried. I have a sinus infection-courtesy of the PCP's nurse coughing and sneezing all over me, while she asked me if I fell, been to Africa, took vitamins CDABE, etc.. My son was in another part of the exam room, and even he got sick with the same symptoms a day after me..

    Anyway, when the biopsy was done-the surgeon scraped out too much of the inside of my nose and thinned out the wall between my nose and and sinus cavity. So this summer, my sinus bleeds- drips-seeps blood into the nose mucus. Getting this from a nurse-that was fired about this- just makes it sadder.

    This week- it went into my upper sinus and my ears. I try so hard to keep off of antibiotics and etc. After examining me, the doctor cried- he says that all of the time he gets people coming in and screaming about sinus and sinus pain, and here you are with cancer- the surgery mess, the whole right side of the face affected, and you're doing absolutely everything right, waiting to see if it's the flu, lavaging the nose with sterile saline." and he cried. I told him that I don't have any control over anything, and I just try to take care of the little things like this.

    Barry- so many people say- Don't sweat about the small stuff-but that's all I can do-- take care of my little things- fight with the DOD, Social Security, my bad doctors that I had, take care of teeth and dogs---

    I'm just so tired of the fever and getting weaker-
    November 2014
  • Carool
    Hi, Barryboomer! Haven't seen any posts from you recently. Miss them! Best, Carool
    November 2014
    November 2014
  • bjhorine
    I LOVED YOUR SONG, A TIME TO LIVE AND A TIME TO DIE ! My grandson listened with me and loved it to. He is going to learn to play it on the piano ( and try to sing it) for me...He is a beginner and I love him for it !! You are a talented man....your voice sounds so much like Neil Diamond !!
    November 2014
  • Grammyma
    I agree about humor. I try to use it when I can - it can defuse a bad moment or two, and help you to get past and move on.
    November 2014
  • IronMom45
    Hello. I've been reading your various post for some time now particularly the one from today where you question if you are the insane one in regard to your view/choice on refusing chemo/radiation. As my apprehension grows for my next round of torture I'm beginning to wonder the same of myself if this is all insanity. What life expectancy did the doctors give you when you refused traditional treatment? How does one get an antioxidant level you referred to? Thank you for the info.
    November 2014
  • MoveIt2012
    Barry I have been reading the answers that you have for people. A lot of the things you say make a lot a sense regarding diet stress and inflammation. I'm in the 3rd stage of my treatment plan, chemo/surgery/radiation, and have started to think of after treatment how to give myself a leg up on staying healthy. Can you recommend credible sources of information on these issues? It's really hard to change all my bad habits, but I didn't do all this just to go back to what helped put me here. Really appreciate the help.
    October 2014
  • DebraC
    I enjoyed the links! I am on statins for cholesterol and now wondering if I should get off of them. So much to think about!
    October 2014
  • DebraC
    Thank you!
    October 2014
  • shryrdcnry
    I googled this: Radical Nutritional Program Special supplements/Green Juices. All I got was a bunch of random stuff.. do you possibly have a link that i can go to?
    October 2014
  • meyati
    Hi handsome, I guess we've been following different questions. I'm happy to come to your page and see that you're active on other threads. I've been in a very small group where we're talking about Cary grant comedies like "Father Goose' and I was a "French War Bride" Of course, Cary Grant was the French War Bride that married his CO-Ann Sheridan- They were hunting Nazis.
    October 2014
  • ivyJ
    I am in 4th stage cancer. My cancer was not diagnosed for a year, I was in 4th stage when they found it. Last year my doctor told me I was terminal and had a year and a half to live. I have Lynch Sydrome. It runs in my nuclear family. For over a year, the cancer progressed. I have been taking Graviola plant capsules since last November, made from a Philipino, South American, West Indies, and African root. When I was told that I had a new tumor in April, I immediately increased my Graviola. Also called Soursop and Guayabano. Last week the oncologist said that my tumor had stopped growing. Purdue University has been researching the benefits of Graviola and believe they have the answer to a new antitumorous med. They have applied for nine patents on their findings or maybe a new medicine made from the Graviola plant. The info did not say. Anyway, research Graviola, I believe it stopped my tumor from growing...AND I FEEL GREAT! Peace and Blessing to you.
    September 2014
  • ivyJ
    Hi Barry, I had my PET scan last Monday. I have received good news. For the first time in 14 months my cancer has not progressed. I had a new tumor in April and my oncologist said an operation would be too risky. I eat well and take Graviola. PLease look it up on Ehow. It is said the shrink tumors. I'm in 4th stage cancer which started in my small bowels. I'm feeling okay. I swear by Graviola but I don't know if it's for all cancers. Read on it or go to IvyJ, it might be on my page. Take care of yourself. You have nothing to fear but fear itself. I pray for strength and not to fear whatever happens. Take care of yourself, do the best you can while you can.
    September 2014
  • meyati
    i just read an interesting discussion by oncologists about the "Over-diagnosis of cancer or the dangers of early detection" one of the views is that people are told that they need chemo-they didn't pick on radiation-for pre cancer or stage 1. . So one of those freezes, breast biopsy, etc. could remove all of the cancer without poisoning the patient and putting the patient in debt. One thing I disagreed with-is not bothering with BCC and other skin cancers. Well nobody bothered with mine- and I had cancers in my nose and blowing my lip up like a balloon. Why in the world is it wrong to do what the marines do to my bother? slice it off- biopsy it. Tell him it was pre-cancer or stage one- and just check him once in a while.

    The oncology world cannot have a happy medium that protects the patient. It's either all or nothing-IDIOTS
    September 2014
  • Roborjdz
    My signs that something was wrong were always feeling tired and burping a lot. I also felt the cold even though I live in a subtropical climate.
    September 2014
  • Asanayogini
    Hi Barry, adjuvant tx , is addition to the initial tx of chemo for cancer. This helps to keep the cancer from coming back .it is a milder chemo therapy, but it still comes with all the bells and whistles. In my case, the cervical cancer is gone totally, but there are some inflamed nodes. Adjuvant tx will target these nodes( I hope)
    August 2014
  • meyati
    For fun---I'm going sort of nuts not being able to go out in the sun-during the day. I hate housework- I hate being inside.

    During the summer solstice I got up at 5-My Walker doesn't know the sun is coming up later and later, and I want to sleep more because it's dark. I'll get my act together-maybe?

    It's my version of your crackers and missing bread, especially if you go to a place that serves fresh hot bread. --

    Have you seen my wall posts? I used meyati for a tag-

    August 2014
  • meyati
    Hi Barry, I was asked at oncology if I had funeral arrangements-that would be a good idea. So far, I want "love me tender" by Elvis, a cremation, and for my ashes to be spread during a wind storm-so I can be free again.

    Actually, my disabled vet son tends to be obsessive at times. I don't want him driving around with my ashes, crying, "momma" Remember the movie, "A Mad. Mad World" where everybody was hunting for the money? And Sylvester driving and screaming,, "Momma, I love you. I'm coming to get you.Oh Momma I'm coming"?

    Then in real life, a young Indian drove up to the Paraje Trading Post on the laguna pueblo reservation. He went into the post, and my son was pumping the gas. Hansi said, "It's good to see you. Are you out of the marines now or on leave?" My daughter was clerking and heard this. Then Hansi says-"How is your uncle? I haven't seen him for a while." "He's out in the truck." "Can I see him?" "Sure"

    So Hansi and the kid went out. Hansi says, "I don't see him." The kid opens the door, pulls out a coffee can with a lid, and he opens it.

    Hansi almost fainted when he saw the ashes- got all white, so the kid puts the can down and grabs Hansi, and he and my son help Hansi back in and is apologetic. the kid was explaining this way he could take uncle out to see the sheep and go to uncle's favorite pow-wows.

    Hansi did faint when he saw blood. How he got through WW II on the European front, nobody understood? and he wasn't in an office or supply.

    Anyway, I have this vision of my son driving down the road crying "Momma", while I'm in a coffee can.

    August 2014
  • doebuns
    Since my full diagnosis and $6700 in bills after insurance, so far I'm choosing to stay away from the recommended treatment. I have eliminated sugar from my diet and am brisk walking twice daily. Other diet changes to come. I feel great with just those 2 changes made.
    August 2014
  • Nel17
    Thanks for the link Barryboomer. The fellow is so young to already be in his tenth year!
    August 2014
  • Nel17
    Oh yes, all these issues are running around and it's one heck of a struggle to figure out what is the best thing to do. Or what can realistically be done or what can be done at all. Gotta try though.
    August 2014
  • meyati
    Hi Darling, I hope that you feel better today. We pretty much share the same philosophy. Different cancers and their treatments certainly causes people think differently. For me-quality of life is my main drive. I need to take a bath and walk the hounds-then I'll have to ice my legs to kill the pain in my legs -a result of being poisoned by a doctor-I'll fall asleep with my legs covered with ice packs.
    August 2014
  • amontoya
    Hey there, for facebook...Angela Montoya
    I can't find you because I don't know your last name.
    August 2014