

  • meyati
    Morning Barry----Hope that it's a beautiful day, and you're doing OK. I checked out your last video-- I hadn't heard the song- I'm a Do Wap person "The Unchained melody", The Boardwalk, Up on the Roof, I think it's called the That New Yorkman -the girl groups Soldier Boy, Leader of the Pack-the Shirelles.

    So I expected the thief to be a doctor in a white coat---LOL---
    February 2015
  • meyati
    Hi Barry, my oncologists are in a rage again. Because of my statin toxicity problems- and stats about cholesterol-lipids, etc, they ordered my veins be scanned for plaque build up---- especially since I eat a 1880 to 1900 diet- no veges except potatoes and carrots. I have less plaque than many people under the age of 35. It's called minimal for any person over the age of 20. They are so upset that I was nagged into it, and that it's on record that I refused statin over a dozen times. They feel that the health system should have used a scan on me, and then decided. Like you say- genetics play a role and nobody on either side of my family had any heart problems- died from accidents or cancer- while in their late 90s.
    February 2015
  • marie71
    what were your first symptoms?
    February 2015
  • I_hate_cancer
    Hey Barry, thanks for the positive words. Thanks for the reminder of a better diet, too. I guess that wouldn't hurt. I eat too much chocolate probably. Yes, TINY is a good word when it comes to anything involving a tumor. You seem pretty cool.I play music also!
    February 2015
  • geekling
    Mom Nature is very smooth, barryboomer..

    Like a mother's kiss
    February 2015
  • IDphil
    When I found you on this site recently, I spent a few hours reading back in your posts - I enjoyed what you had to say and started following you. I'll check out your blog more often, but just know there are many of us who came away from your posts feeling better...and that's worth a lot to most of us. I'm not sure what lead up to this decision, but all I want to say about it is there are a lot of us who don't do well controlling ourselves given our circumstances. It's easy to 'strike out' at others when we're down and that's when we need the most understanding/support from others.
    Thanks for your contribution here and I hope your find great satisfaction from the time you're redirecting elsewhere. I believe everyone's purpose for being on this earth is primarily to help others - you're doing a good job at that. IDphil
    January 2015
  • pennym
    Thank you, such a sweet reply like a gift with a smile inside! Good luck on your healing journey.
    January 2015
  • vet613
    Her name Is Lisa. Thank you for your response!

    My best to you & yours,
    January 2015
  • lilymadeline
    Hi Barry, Please don’t leave!!!! You just have to stick to the guidelines I guess, that should be doable? I hope so anyway, you are wonderful and will be missed!!! HUGS!!! but see u on youtube regardless! Lily!!! XOXOXOXO
    January 2015
  • lilymadeline
    HI BARRYBOOMER! Please don’t go!!! you are a wonderful addition to this great group. I disagree with you often as you know but the disagreements are good and healthy and you always come from a good place!!! XOXOXOXO
    January 2015
  • meyati
    Barry, I've talked in the past how I was poisoned by cholesterol lowering meds, Statin toxicity. It affected my Achilles tendons, it hurts to walk. I had to have physical therapy-lots of it to walk again. I had seizures and urinated black for 90 days. In the scan yesterday, they addressed plaque and cholesterol in my veins. Almost non-existe, as the French say.

    My lab work in June, showed everything normal- all factors in the middle. My lab work done Dec 30th showed that my kidneys are starting to collapse and give out, just like the specialists told me would happen about now. It dropped really quick. If I go dialysis, I'll probably be on the list for a kidney transplant in 2016-it goes fast.

    Part of my psyche is that the doctors already killed me, what difference does incurable cancer make? I'll talk to Dr. B about that next week.
    January 2015
  • scasey
    Barry, wanted to share with you a little thing i wrote in my dark hour just after being diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer.
    Where was it written, where could I of found it, Was it written in a book, Or just some single page, How could I of known, And what would I of changed, Would I even want to know, The path that led me here, If I had the knowledge, Would I have the courage, Is that power within me, Or just an elusive myth, Where was it written, How was I to find it, Is my search over, Or has it just begun, Will I ever know, Where was it written, And how was I to know.
    January 2015
  • Erik1059
    Hi Barry,
    I see by your posts that you are into alterenative medicines. I started using a traditional chinese therapy called "gua-sha". I have been using it for about 5 months, it works wonders! check it out
    January 2015
  • IDphil
    Thanks for all your posts, BB - I'm going to look at some of your links.
    January 2015
  • meyati
    Hi, my scan came in today. It's amazing how it changed. It's more professional. It covered more glands and areas that are prone to secondary cancers-all clear. They finally made a determination that my throat is stable. I know they couldn't do that right off. They also included a gland on that side is a bit larger, but it's been stable.

    My hounds sleep with me. They woke me up at 3:30 to let me know. For some reason, I didn't feel like starting the day then.
    January 2015
  • meyati
    Hi Barry. I'd like to go to Mongolia, and ride where Genghis Khan rode, but now I'd be run over by a Chinese ore truck.

    I feel so disappointed, scared, and proud today. I had my bi-annual scan today. I had a touch of the stomach flu-vomiting the end of last week. I got scan prep directions late Fri. fast 4 hours.

    I never had been asked to fast for these things before. My mind went around like a tornado. Anger too, because so many things are wrong i the readings-and readers not signing off. If you know who the reader is, you can find some consistency in their readings, and be alarmed or not alarmed. When I met my radiologist, he said that the scan was almost useless. I kept asking questions that should have been in the report.

    I called the scan company this morning and asked them if they wanted me to vomit on them or could I eat?

    This is the first time the techs asked me just where the nose cancer and surgery was. He couldn't believe that I had surgery inside of my nose, and part of my nose removed. He got on the phone, and somebody brought in paper work,

    When he set my head up, he was very careful this time. This report shouldn't say- View compromised-table at wrong slant.

    He actually said, "It's not on the end of your nose? I thought that it was on the end of your nose. All of these women complain about the end of their noses."

    I asked here, if anybody got scared when the routine for something changes.

    Oh, it finally dawned on them that I have only one vein, and all of my doctors are complaining that's getting unusable. I've bee telling them at the scan over and over that I have only one vein. It helped my cause that my vein was hiding, but now on they will use a vein in the hand or wrist.

    Anyway, I get really scared when instructions or the procedure of being checked in changes. I guess that I'm the only one that does.

    I just needed to talk---- That should be a funny song-like nurse having you sit on a bed pan while they take your - told to fast 24 hours before the appointment-come in 2 hours early- thinking that they are doing a toe scan and they do your head. They keep coming in with different types of thermometers.

    January 2015
    how you doing friend
    January 2015
  • ivyJ
    Hi, I'm loving my 88 key keyboard. The sounds are soothing and when I am playing, all troubles melt away during that time. I have more good days than bad days and I'm fighting on. Oh, I'm a little rusty because I played the piano many, many years ago. I have to practice the ledger lines on the bass and treble clef. chanllenging. The doctor said that it's a good way to expand the synapses in the brain.
    January 2015
  • meyati
    Good for speaking up. I don't know if you heard about Justina Pelletier of Conn.
    Major Updates in Justina Pelletier Case: Lawmakers Get ...
    Massachusetts lawmakers are getting involved in the Justina Pelletier case and have begun circulating a resolution asking the Department of Children and Families (DCF ..

    Her doctors sent her to Boston Childrens Hospital for 2nd opinion. The doctor that did the intake was a shrink that had been licensed for only 3 months. because he was intake doc, he didn't allow the gastroenterologists to examine her, he contacted childrens services. She was a prisoner for 15 months. A general surgeon inserted the feeding tube. She's now confined to a wheel chair and can't eat. Her Conn doctors, and the Bostons Children Specialist testified for her to be released. That shrink and that judge-along with children's social services need to rot in hell. I signed so many petitions.

    Before this happened, Justina was a sparkling fairy, spinning and dancing across the ice in figure skating competitions.
    January 2015
  • angeldancer
    Hi Barry. Got a question. I have to put at least 1300 calories in my diet a day. I have lost a lot of weight because since the chemo surgery and stuff I have tried to do just a raw diet. My doctor is super concerned now because i am still losing a lot of weight. I can't seem to eat more than two salads a day and I do drink eight or more glasses of alkaline water a day. I don't want to be put in a nursing home and it is concerning me. Please give me some ideas about how to stay on my healthy path but gain some weight. Thanks
    January 2015
  • Rebelladyp
    What type of diet or change did you make in your life. Thanks
    January 2015
  • geekling
    I got a nice laugh out of your huggy and contagious answer. It was quite clever and good positive thinking.

    If you check back to the question, BoiseB really has a good attitude. I also believe that our words have effect .. That is why it is so important to have hope and keep faith.

    Best wishes for you to enjoy a happy & healthy new year.
    December 2014
  • angeldancer
    Barry I was wondering can you put together a healthy meal for me to eat. One of the people on the site said even eating healthy the cancer cells like. That does not make sense to me so I know you are organically driven where did the person get that information from. I juice in the morning, eat a piece of fish in the afternoon, and basically juice for the evening. Confused but I am trying to build a happy immune strong body.
    December 2014
  • meyati
    Barry, I have a question. With your personal position, do you get lots of lecturing? People telling you to cheer up, blah, blah? That you're doing the wrong thing?

    How do you handle it? I know they mean well, but I hate being told what to do.I hate being told to cheer up-do what I want-reduce my stress-be more positive. I've also been told that I'm cranky. Also funny, i make them laugh. It's just that if I'm having a bad time, I get so mad when people tell me to cheer up.

    OK, I ordered turmeric to lower my glucose. I paid for my ticket to Japan so I can visit my brother and his wife. None of us are getting any younger. I'm going in April. We had a hard time scheduling this. My calender of scans and other some such. Not be there when it's 100 degrees and raining, miss typhoon season. I'm barely missing some Okinawan flower festival, where they go into a patriotic banzai frenzy against Americans. I haven't told my brother there might be a chance me be snowed in at Denver for a week. I just bought the insurance that guarantees me a new ticket- no cost or fees if your flight is delayed by sandstorms (Albuquerque), blizzards (Denver), earthquakes, nuclear melt downs, a stray typhoon (Japan). Then I come home via San Francisco.

    I think that personally, I'm doing what I want.

    I'm just so tired of living here. I can't really complain. I've had worse neighbors.

    December 2014
  • meyati
    Cured of cancer Wed. Do you remember when they had 'cure' not NED or TED? My father met a fellow traveler at the cancer clinic. He was an Italian contractor in Los Angeles. My Dad was then a building inspector and taught a light load of math at UCLA. He began teaching there during WW II. They often met-inspecting the construction-sometimes having lunch at a mafia bistro, but they hid their cancers, Real men don't cry.

    So this contractor decided to be a cancer mentor. He went to appointments with my dad. Came over, got my Dad into the very low stakes Italian poker games, where nobody talked about strikes like the irish did.

    This man went 7 years without cancer treatment. They planned a big Paisano party at a nice large Italian place. All of the plasterers and masons from the Milan area were there-about 200 people. I dance with old men, teen-aged boys, everyone. I wasn't irish-I belonged to an Italian family.

    We were the last to leave. The contractor paid the bill-tipped- walked out to the parking lot, and he was hit by a drunk speeding down the alley. Dead just like that.

    My father lost his heart after that. No more fighting. He just tried to do what was best for all of us.
    December 2014
    Dear Barry you are so right about everything you said your advice has been great for me. I am staying away from parties for a long time. And I have surgery tomorrow and I am feeling really optimistic and calm (weird hah) but I am :) Thanks for your support and caring my friend! I am always here!
    December 2014
  • LubeDude
    I retired from UPS IN 97 AND Went into business for myself. I had a fleet service company up until the time I was diagnosed and closed it down. As far as being a mechanic, no not by todays standards.
    December 2014
  • ivyJ
    Hi, I have just viewed your reply to terminal illness. I like the way you think.
    December 2014
  • karenb-189521
    Thank you for the info!!! I go to new Onc. today.... I will check it out when I get home! xo
    December 2014
  • lilymadeline
    HI Barry,
    I’m fine thank you! I had a close call a few weeks ago but dodged another bullet and now I am doing great again, but I guess the close call wasn’t that close but it sure felt like it! I was in serious pain because one lousy bone lesion had gotten out of hand, but somehow I knew it would be alright and it was. And they said I could perform NYE which was what I was most concerned about are you????
    December 2014