

  • kalindria
    Hi Susan,

    I just read your WhatNexter of the Week profile and wanted to thank you for sharing your story. You are an inspiration.
    May 2014
  • msmonkii
    Loved your story on the blog. thanks for sharing. I'm in the waiting stages after my biopsy to see if anything changes... Your story gives me some inspiration!
    October 2013
  • ValerieR
    Hi Susan... I'm just getting back on this site after initially signing upu. Thank you for your post. How are you doing? This site is great. Lots of good info and good people on here!
    March 2013
  • pressinfwd
    Thanks Susan for sharing your journey. I'm scheduled for surgery (bilateral Masectomy) Feb. 21, 2013 and although I feel at peace with what I've had to deal with, I know I'll be very nervous the day of surgery. Best wishes to you!
    February 2013
  • Benge
    Dear Susan,
    You are an inspiration to so many women!!! Thank you for sharing your story and I'm so grateful I got to meet you at church. You are such a great help to me!!
    God sure put certain people in our lives for certain reasons and I am blessed He put you in my life!!
    February 2013
  • BuckeyeShelby
    Hi Susan. Congrats on being "person of the week". And thanks for sharing a part of yourself. You are an inspiration to so many.
    February 2013
  • Netsy
    Thank you so much for sharing your story! I was walking out the door for #9 radiation treatment so you really lifted my day! I too went on for a "regular mammogram" lumpectomy was December 20, 2012. I found this site shortly after and your so correct....this is therapy! When you have been through it, or walking through it it helps so much to have others who have been there! I have been able to reach out as others have reached to me. I make time now because others have made time for me with such's my new purpose. Thank you for touching my heart
    February 2013
  • cris
    SusanK Thank you for sharing your story, I too have triple negative breast cancer & will be having a bilateral mastectomy soon. It helps to hear other people's stories, get's me through...
    February 2013
  • Shellshine
    Thank you, SusanK. You rock, girl! Your grandchildren are so blessed to have a role model like you. You tell that wonderful husband of yours that he can keep on vacuuming!!
    February 2013
  • Viking
    Thank you for your wise and caring response. I appreciate it so much.
    January 2013
  • trixie
    Dear Susan
    Your message was so insightful and encouraging. It has been a long six months. I'm finished with chemo, still recovering and now in radiation treatments which haven't been difficult so far. I feel like I should be my old self and happy that chemo is done because it was so difficult, but I'm stilly struggling with tremendous anxiety. Can't see m to wrap my head around everything and the triple negative diagnosis weighs heavy sometimes.
    You sound like a wonderfully positive person. Thank you.
    January 2013
  • ConnieB
    Susan, I did a clinical trial to see if listening to music or soothing words while going through cancer would help people. I listened twice a day then filled out paperwork for the time I was going through chemo which was 20 weeks.
    December 2012
  • yogatini
    Thank you so much for writing. As I've just been diagnosed about 2 weeks ago, I'm still in the state of shock. Sometimes I feel very strong, but at other times I'm just so angry and depressed that this happened to me....My doctor is recommending a mastectomy, and I'm completely freaked out about that. Thank you so much for your kindness and support.
    December 2012
  • Poconos3
    Thank you For encouraging me Susan! Yes I start my chemo Herceptin regiment on the 15th. I am glad we are waiting since I'm having so much discomfort with the port...
    I was fortunate enough to only lose power for 26 hours right after the surgery on Tuesday. Have a blessed day and thanks again! Shari
    November 2012
  • deborahkleen
    Thank you SusanK for your kind words. Yes I feel very blessed to find my cancer so early and to have such a wonderful husband and children to support me. After I found out it was actually cancer I have gone into information and attach mode. I think about crying once in a while but have put it on a back burner for now as I have too many other things to do.
    October 2012
  • Kelli
    Susan Thanks for the kind words. I was walking around at work thinking to myself how tight my implants feel today. My new normal. Funny huh! I am glad to have friends where I can say things like that and not get funny looks.
    October 2012