

  • Richardc
    Richardc earned the First Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for a full year.
    May 2023
  • Richardc
    Richardc earned the Second Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for 2 years.
    May 2023
  • Richardc
    Richardc earned the Third Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for 3 years.
    May 2023
  • Richardc
    Richardc earned the Fourth Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for 4 years.
    May 2023
  • Richardc
    Richardc earned the Fifth Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for 5 years.
    May 2023
  • Richardc
    Richardc earned the Combo Breaker badge.
    Earned badges for 5 different things in one day (now you can say it was 6!).
    May 2023
  • Richardc
    Richardc earned the Sixth Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for 6 years.
    May 2023
  • Richardc
    Richardc earned the Seventh Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for 7 years.
    May 2023
  • Richardc
    Richardc earned the Eighth Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for 8 years.
    May 2023
  • Richardc
    Richardc earned the Ninth Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for 9 years.
    May 2023
  • Richardc
    Richardc earned the Tenth Anniversary badge.
    Thanks for sticking with us for 10 years.
    May 2023
  • IndigoBlue
    Hi Richardc. I think I worded my message wrong. What I wanted to know is how long it takes people to get their groceries from the grocery store every week, especially if they are going to be tired or not feeling well. I think I should post it again. Thanks Richardc.
    October 2016
  • Jm4electric
    You indicated that it took you months before being able to eat again. I am in the 11th week post treatment and still unable to eat. How many weeks were you unable to eat? Did you try and it was just to painful?
    July 2015
  • keahemalie
    Hi, richard. I was reading your experiences & I can certainly relate to the shoulder problem post lymph node resection in the neck. A big, ongoing "pain in the arm"!! I did PT as well. Sometimes my neck/upper chest feels numb, other times like I'm being tazered, sometimes itchy, sometimes burning...seems every day is different! I'm glad you're doing so well now.

    So initially you had swelling in your lymph nodes? Where did your docs determine the cancer started?

    February 2015
  • Criswell
    Thank you, Richardc - As a survivor I have been asked to be part of a Patient Advisory Council for the design of a new cancer treatment building in Kettering, Ohio. The Kettering Health Network saved my life and I am happy to do whatever I can to help. Another survivor on the panel told me about whatsnext. I wish I had known about it as I went through the horror of treatment. Here is a testimonial I did for the Kettering Health Network last year - I was still incredibly sick, had lost 40 pounds and still had my tracheostomy and PEG tube.
    March 2015
  • Johnswife
    Thanks for the message of encouragement. We have heard that the roughest part is right after radiation treatment. Looking very forward to a slow recovery process! God Bless You!
    March 2014
  • Redtrout
    Hi Richadc ,I see u been a member on this website since sep. 2012. that's just happens to be the month and year I got my dx for the squamous cell carcinoma. I see yours is sarcinoma.have to find out the difference,well its not good either way u spell it.but all three of my drs.and my pet scan saids neg.all gone.but its been a year now and I still don't feel like living but for about three hours a day,and cant sleep very well. I had osteo arthoritis,and fybromyagia,before all this happen to me and now its worst. I can,t take my Celebrex anymore and the inflammation in my spine is killing trying to find some natural ways out but there so many u don't know who to trust. I had a tumer on the base of my tonge.sorry never could spell So how long u been out of treatment and how are u feeling?
    February 2014
  • wildebill
    Richard, I read that you had a radical neck dissection and suffered some nerve damage as a consequence. I'm considering robotic surgery for my base of tongue primary tumor. But I'm balking at neck dissection for my swollen lymphs. Will such lymphs ever shrink on their own after the primary tumor has been eliminated?
    January 2014
  • DiaDen
    Thank you for your experience. My husband is meeting with the dr on Monday to get ready to start radiation and chemo. It all sounds so very scary. I wish I could take it all away.
    December 2013
  • annemacbeth
    Hello Richard,
    I am helping my husband through what is going to be almost a year of fighting cholangiocarcinoma. He was on Gemox for 4 months and is now on Folfiri (FU-5, Leuvocorin and Tarceva)--
    we are at MD Anderson where we are getting great care from a great team. They think they have it under control because it is not resectable--the tumor is stable.
    this has been a very rough road.
    thanks for the support.

    October 2013
  • Tinashaw9
    I dont want to believe what the doc says of my husband's cancer it is hard to believe,6mnths is not that long he is my world l spend every waking moment praying he will get better
    September 2013
  • Tinashaw9
    Hearing your situation with eating l wonder why the doctor doesnt want surgery,l wonder if its becouse recovery time is longer than the life span tjey are giving him.l am going to ask when we go in
    September 2013
  • Tinashaw9
    Good luck to you n thanks for talking with me.
    September 2013
  • ableabe
    Just started following this site. My friend and love was diagnosed with hypopharyngeal cancer in January. He had surgery one month ago to remove 2 lymph glands on the left side of his neck. The tumor board met and now they want to do radiation and chemo. Tomorrow morning we have an appointment with the dentist at the hospital. We live 100 miles away from the hospital and are concerned about the effects of radiation and chemo, and from reading everything, it looks like it would be wise to stay close to the hospital for treatment. Any advice?
    April 2013
  • musician8245
    Just finished up The Surgery. Went through all the the other procedures, Chemo and Radiation.
    And even after month's of that I wasn't prepared for this. Just your resolutions note on Family and friends Struck me in a very meaningful way.
    Good luck hand happy 2013 to you and your family and friends.
    January 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Welcome to the site! If you have questions please ask, be patient sometimes it takes a little while for someone with the information you need to see your question.

    I certainly don't know everything there is to know about all cancer treatments, but I have been through lot's of procedures, scans, treatments of different types and radiation, through the course of having cancer 3 times, so please feel free to ask anything you like of me.

    There are others on the site that are a wealth of information that you will find valuable, so ask what you need, someone will have your answer. Also, please feel free to chime in on questions that you can share some of your experience with.

    Hope your doing well!

    3X survivor = 2X Hodgkins 1X Head and Neck
    American Cancer Society Hero of Hope Speaker
    September 2012