

  • Lynne-I-Am
    Congratulations on being WhatNexter of the month. . Read your experiences and you have had quite the journey. You are an inspiration surviving thirteen years with Stage IV Cancer. I have a later stage also but a different type of cancer and currently in remission living life. Although everyone’ s journey is different, there are similarities, and we have all heard those words “ you have cancer.” Wishing you always better days ahead
    December 2017
  • AlexMc
    Hi PhillieG
    September 2016
  • indycat
    Thank you for posting your journey. It is the first one I read when I joined this group. My brother was diagnosed with Stage IV Colon Cancer and had surgery 2/18/14, ending up with a colostomy. He met with the oncologist for the first time today. Researching FOLFOX AND FOLFIRI on this site and reading your experiences, I asked the oncologist if FOLFIRI could be chosen v. FOLFOX because of the side effect of neuropathy with oxaliplatin, and diarrhea with irinotecan. She said either one could be chosen. She also mentioned adding Avastin. If you could choose today whether to get FOLFOX or FOLFIRI, which would you choose?

    March 2014
  • glam
    dear phillieg....I miss you here in this site with your positive attitude and example. ..... When I was just starting my journey your example gave me strength and faith that we can. ..... Please let me know how you are doing. .... How is your lung. .... And if I can be of any help just let me know. ....I wish you all the best and always pray for you. .... God bless you and continue blessing all of us
    June 2014
  • Joyex
    HI Phillie G Just reading your story. Thank you for sharing it. You have certainly been through the wars and I am so sorry you are on this site for that reason. But good to meet you. And wishing you all the very best. xx
    November 2013
  • cuddles456
    What is your opinion of Whole body Hyperthermia in Germany. My daughter has colon cancer, Stage 4, spread to her lungs? Has anyone tried this?
    March 2014
  • cuddles456
    I was wondering how you were doing? My teenage daughter has colon cancer diagnosed about a year ago.
    March 2014
  • WISmom
    Just have to say PhillieG that your journey gives me hope and strength. I have gone back to read it a few times. Thank you, hope, peace and prayers to you!
    January 2014
  • glam
    Hi PhillieG, it has been a while since we last talking......hope you are doing great and everything is ok in your life.....God bless you and wish you a great week....please keep in touch......
    September 2013
  • glam
    Hey my have you been? it has been a while since last time we talked....PhillieG Thanks a lot for everything in 2013...I have learned from your experience and your video gave hope and faith that we can do..... I wish you a Merry Christmas among family, friends and loved ones and wish that God, Santa Teresa de Los Andes, the archangels, the angels and all saints be among yours to listen to your wishes and to concrete all of them in 2014.....count on me and I wish you a 2014 full of health, happiness and piece...God continue blessing all of us
    December 2013
  • GregP_WN
    YO Phillie G! Could you stop by this new WhatNexter's page and see if you could offer any help? Her husband was just dx'd with stage IV colorectal and this is his second dx. She is looking for someone who has been stage IV. Thanks!
    November 2013
  • Cole
    I am just starting on my journey but I am in awe of your perseverance and positiveness. God bless you and I am praying for you!
    October 2013
  • zoe
    Hi Phil ! I'm doing ok.Had my PET and pre-op testing today...long day. I'm dreading surgery on the 16th of course,but I'll get through it like everyone else.Not fun but gotta be done ! Thanks so much Phil for helping me out with all my questions,you really helped me..I hope you are doing well,keep taking care of yourself. Zoe
    September 2013
  • zoe
    Hi Phil, I want you to know how much I appreciate you taking the time to write to me. You really helped me so much. Your answers were not vague at all. It was just what I needed to hear, not too much, not too little. For some reason,the chest tube scares me more than anything else. I feel much better about it now that you said you didn't really feel it when it was in,and coming out felt "odd" that's great for me to hear, as I pictured myself screaming while they were taking it out. That's a little dramatic,but I really am a big baby about tubes and needles. I don't think I handle it as well as the average person. Anyway, you did make me feel a lot more relaxed about it all. Well,maybe relaxed is not the right word,I don't think I'll ever be relaxed again in my life,but I sure feel better since reading your reply.
    I know you'll keep helping people like you helped me. I hope you know what a difference it makes to hear from people who have been there.
    Thanks again,Phil. I will always keep you in my prayers. I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this. I wish you the very best always, Zoe
    August 2013
  • eyewonder2
    THANK YOU! :-)
    August 2013
  • glam
    Dear Phillie, I really loved your interview and have already posted my general comments on Greg's note at the website homepage, but anyway I would like to congratulate and thank you directly for your example, courage and generosity to let us know your story.....If you allow me I would like to know a little bit more about your "maintenance protocol". WHen have you started with this protocol of 02 months each time? ow does it work? do you have two months of chemo and two months off it or the "vacation time" is shorter than that? have you ever used Erbitux for the maintenance period? what is the drug you mentioned you have together it? do you have it once a week? sorry for too many questions but I am just starting this maintenance period, after almost 10 months of chemo wuth Folfox 6 modified+cetuximab then Irinitecan+cetuximab and now that all exams were ok, I should start the maintenance so your experience will be very helpful to me and your answers and comments highly appreciated.....many thanks in advance, congrats again.....God bless we....
    August 2013
  • MFitzell
    PhillieG - Found out today my colon cancer has spread to my liver...Thought I was on top of this but today packed a wallop. My main question: Diet. What should I increase, decrease, etc. I read your story and am blown away by how well you negotiate your situation.


    M. Fitzell
    June 2013
  • gizzyluv
    Don't I know you?....=) (from the other site)
    June 2013
  • zoe
    Hi Phillie, what a story you have and how nice of you to share it.I know it has to help a lot of people, it helps me even though it scares me so much. After all you have been through I hate to ask such a silly question, but I know you will have the answer. I got the diagnosis of stage llb pancreatic cancer Dec.2010. I had surgery (not the whipple) chemo and radiation.All scans have been clear until 3 weeks ago. I have 3 nodules on my lungs. Two are very small and will be watched.One is 6 mm which will be removed by vats wedge resection on Sept. 16th. I am terrified beyond words. I'm not sleeping and crying all the time because I'm so scared about what it will be like when I wake up from surgery. My question is,
    am I making a bigger deal about this than it needs to be ? How painful is the chest tube and how much pain is there when they take it out ? Did you think I will need an NG tube ? If ,God forbid, I am headed down the same road as you with more surgeries to come I also would feel more comfortable being treated at Sloan. Can you give me your Dr.'s name ?
    Your story is amazing to me. It made me sad to think of what you went through,but so happy for you and your family that you're still here.
    Thank you for reading this. I know how busy you must be, so no rush to answer.
    I wish you the very best,Phillie,you'll be in my prayers and thanks again for sharing your story.
    August 2013
  • zoe
    Phil, don't worry about it one bit, I know you're busy. I'll be here whenever you get around to it.Thanks, Zoe
    August 2013
  • ljleonard93
    Phil -
    My friend Kim talked to you earlier about me, and said to look you up on Whats Next and Facebook. I did not realize, but I was already following you on Whats Next...amazing! Anyways I Facebook messaged you, and told you some of what is going on w/ me.
    I was diagnosed Mar 27th 2013 w/ stage 4 colon cancer. Had my colon resectioned, and 8 lymph nodes removed. They put a colonscopy bag on me till I am done w/ chemo. My colon is suppose to be clear now. But it metasicised to my liver, w/ 6 spots. As I stated in my Facebook message, the first chemo about killed me. So I am very scared doing it again. Hopefully you can read both this message, and the Facebook message and then message me back. Facebook may be easier, as it goes to my phone but I will check this out also. Kim said that one of these pages has you story, I would very much like to hear it.

    Thansk you,

    May 2013
  • RickinFla
    Hi PhillieG - First hope you're doing as well as you can and that you're still going forward.

    Secondly, on another post, you mentioned SSDI. Is that something Stage IV Colon Cancer patients can get? If so, how does one go about it, the short version would be appreciated.
    June 2012
  • GregP_WN
    Sorry to hear about your parents. That's a tough one. Lost both of mine within 10 months of each other to cancer.

    And glad you slipped out of that accident without being hurt. Maybe all of a sudden your "luck" is coming around?

    Wish you well friend.

    Greg P
    October 2012
  • Beaner54
    Just finished all treatments for endometrial cancer diagnosed Dec.2011
    PET scan last week shows I may have cancer in my descending colon. Will see colo-rectal surgeon 8/15
    for a consult. I live in western NY, near Binghamton
    August 2012
  • ElaineA
    Congratulations on your continued success in fighting this disease. I an also receiving treatment at Sloan for colon cancer which has spread to my liver. I just had surgery a couple of weeks ago for a liver resection and pump placement. I start chemo this week and I was wondering what side effects you had. I had such violent reactioins to my prior chemo that I am a little nervous. I still have the neuropathy in my hands and feet that just won't go away. That I can manage, but I would like your input so I can have a realistic expectation of what's ahead. Thanks so much for your posts.
    August 2012
  • teddyfuzz
    Hi PhillieG. I hope you are well and enjoying the things you like to do. Give us an update when you have a chance.
    October 2012
  • janeth1986

    i am Janeth by name i saw your profile in this web
    site and i was so interested i will like to have a good
    love relationship with you please write me back
    through my private e-mail
    so that i can send you my pictures
    and tell you more about my self
    hoping to hear from you soon
    with love
    July 2012