

  • SueRae1
    The Berkshires are in Western Ma - right by the boarder of NY and Connecticut. The place I go to is right next door to Tanglewood. I got lots of healing arts (massage, energy work, etc) yoga, walks, etc and just plain relaxing - reading and talking to people. DD &DH took a cooking and nutrition program, but I stuck with R&R (or as they call retreat and renewal) because I didn't know if I had the energy to commit to 2.5 hrs in the AM & PM - I went to a few R&R workshops as well.
    October 2013
  • SueRae1
    Hugs right back at you
    October 2013
  • Rob
    Rob KimG
    My prayers are with and for all cancer patients, I am only by the grace of God, Cancer free
    I had lung cancer.
    January 2013
  • SueRae1
    oy - I wound up in the hospital for 9 days 2 weeks after I started oral chemo in 2009. I had a bad tooth ache that developed into an abscesses. The interesting thing is I saw my dentist who called my oncologist, and they both thought it would hold until it could be pulled in 10 days. Nobody thought to give me an antibiotic. It wasn't infected, but I think all the wiggling around did not help.
    February 2013
  • SueRae1
    Hi Kim - we got lucky only 11.4 inches. It looks beautiful, but it is cold and icy out. So I'm being very cautious. When do you start your new job. I'm so excited for you.
    February 2013
  • AlizaMLS
    Thanks Kim for posting on my wall!! I'm sorry I didn't get back to you until now. I had trouble with my password and then I had 2 post mastectomy cases of cellulitis and was hospitalized (one for about a week because I came down with the flu in the hospital and was put into isolation and on Tamiflu-lots of fun!!). I;m glad to meet you though and hope to be able to chat with you more!!
    February 2013
  • maralyn
    KimG, you are so compassionate and loving, you are a "blessing" to this site!!! i had a fall at work that resulted a few weeks later into having a ct done on my pelvis for possible fracture that was overlooked before,,, and my doctor says " do you want the good news or the not so good news???" i had a tumor on my ovaries, and a contrast ct showed a lot of mass and fluid and they figured ovarian cancer,,, i was recommended to a specialist, i chose des moines, and i had surgery to have a hysterectomy, debulking procedure,,,
    well once inside they tested and found the tumor was from my appendix, they changed course a bit and did all they could and closed me up,,, my blood pressure was poor and i lost alot of blood,,,i have stage 4 since it metasized to my ovaries, but they say it is slow growing, (what ever that really means) i was so depleted before surgery because i was so nutritionally undernourished, from not being able to eat (bloating, and the fall only made me more weak, since i could not walk for a week after the fall),,, i came home with TPN for about 7 weeks,,,
    so now i wait to gain about 5 more pounds and then have the HIPEC treatment done hopefully at the end of february,,, i am getting over bronchitis now and have started ensure plus and what ever else that will give me good calories and i try and walk 1-2 miles about 4 times a week,,, some days i want this surgery over with so i can get some of these thoughts out of my head and move on from this limbo, and then other days i think maybe it will just go away and i will gain weight and be fine!!! boy, can i fool myself!!! i hate the thought of any remaining cancer inside me getting any extra time to grow!!!
    i do know what you mean when you say you didn't take the time for "you",,, i didn't either,,, i was caring for me mom for over a year until she passed in june,,, i blew off symptoms, "its stress, they will go away", "its summer, i eat more fruits and things that make me bloated!!!", "my annual is on oct 1, it will wait",,, us women, put ourselves on the back burner and never think we will boil over!!!
    wow, i have poured alot on you here,,, thank you so much for "listening",,, i want to be on here one day looking back on all this and be in remission!!! i know it is God's Will what will happen next, i just need to stay focused on God is in Charge, and i just Trust Him on the good days and the not so good days!!!
    ***May God Grant You Good Health and Peace Each and Every Day***
    "With Christ All Things Are Possible"
    January 2013
  • SueRae1
    I just replied to your e-mail.
    January 2013
  • maralyn
    the XXX at the bottom must mean i need to use God, i am sure you know the word i put in there!!!
    January 2013
  • maralyn
    our family and friends don't know what to say or how to say things sometimes,,, for me "family" is what you make of it,,, i have my "church family", "AA family". and friends that i call "family", and i know they all do the best they can, sometimes i don't know how to communicate to them either, so i figure it evens out,,, that is why i love this site, people here DO understand and i am so grateful for that!!!
    January 2013
  • Laurie-68091
    PS---that picture is of Mango and Spankelmeyer when they were little laying with Calvin next to the computer at my office. Mangster and Spanks are at my house now. Calvin is our #1 office cat.
    January 2013
  • Laurie-68091
    Hi Kim. Yes, I do like the kitties. I am a veterinarian and work with Spay and Stay, spay/ neutering the feral cats in our county. I have had dogs as well, but, for me, cats are easier and quieter (well, except when they fight!). I have 6 at home and we, unfortunately, have 6 at the office because we haven't been able to adopt some out like we planned. So, yes, I am a crazy old cat lady!
    January 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Hi Kim, I emailed you some instructions on posting. Let me know if you need more help. Another point I didn't make, if someone writes on your wall, like I am now, you can answer me by just clicking on the comment link at the bottom of this post. Or you can go to my wall by clicking on my name, then just write in the text box on my wall.

    It's all fairly easy once you get used to it. Let me know if you need anything else, we are glad to help.
    Greg P
    January 2013
  • DaveWaz

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    Team WhatNext
    December 2012