

  • fluteplayer
    Thank you so much for posting on my wall. After my pastor said that. My tumor markers went from 20 to 91. I can not get it out of my head that God is getting me since I argued about the old testament. Am starting on Ibance and should see someone to help me realize he is only a man not God.since radiation last month I am suffering from a numb breast and starting to go across my back. Keeps me up all night . Dr said they hit nerves and just have to live with it.So much we have to live with.
    September 2017
  • meyati
    Carool--I think that I'm fairly cool and tolerant, but I get upset when something is singled out for causing all of the ills of the world. I know that Christian denomonations or their leaders try to build empires, but to dump all of the world's woes on Christian missionaries. There's more than enough blame to go around for the evil in the world. Look at Japan in and after WW II-monks going around piles of flies and praying for the flies' souls, but not a care for any dead baby or child. The Army used DDT for a super duper problem of flies, maybe of Biblical proportions. uugh!
    August 2017
  • meyati
    Carool- I just went to Fluteplayer's wall to apologise. It's ghastly about her cancer treatment and co-pays. Could you wish her well and hugs?
    August 2017
  • Molly72
    That's a good one--"Central park is too rural for me"!

    You might freak out where I live, we live on a gravel road out in the country on a lake.There are woods & farm fields surrounding us.The woods are full of coyotes, raccoons & deer & other dangerous creatures! We have close neighbors though, & I do not like that at all. I would prefer to live on 100+ acres with no close neighbors. Maybe just a few bears close by!

    My best friend lives in New Hampshire on 130 acres, she feeds bears on her property & has seen a moose. She says many city folks from Boston & NYC visit her area in the fall to see the leaves change & buy jam, pumpkins and apples. They bring many dollars into the economy there!

    I lived in Chicago in the 60's & moved away just a short time before before the Convention. I did not like living there at all, it was too dirty & crowded. It was a really bad time for me in my marriage as well, so the whole thing was not good. My goofy husband left for South America to find himself. .....he never did.
    July 2017
  • Molly72
    Don't disengage yourself from "Politics 4" please! Pretty Please?
    Here's some funny political gossip:

    Did you know that Sean Spicer, yes, Trumper's own little Goebbels of the RepublicanParty played the Easter Bunny at the White House Easter Egg Roll Party during Bush's administration? I think it was Daddy Bush, but really not positive.
    Now that's really funny!!!!!!
    See what you will miss.
    July 2017
  • Bug
    Hi, Carol. You have a mammogram on Wednesday, yes? How are you doing?
    June 2017
  • geekling
    Not an arguement, Darling, a discussion.
    June 2017
  • 2943
    Age has nothing to do with this diagnosis or the impact it has on 'normal'. Am also support person to 49 ye old with stage 4. Just need to have and be as positive as possible as we navigate this.
    May 2017
  • geekling
    Yes. You could have kept your mouth shut. There is no reason to pull a rug out from under a person. I dont understand why an egoist physician cant simply say the truth which is "I cant help you." instead of insisting that there is no help which is a horrid attempt at control over another being.

    A beast obeys its master while a human being rails against Fate until exhaustion sets in at which point one makes peace with one's maker. I know you havent ever been at that point and, from her writing, I dont believe the questioner is at that point either.

    In any case she needs to be free to do what she feels is right and not give up because of the teaching of an ill deserving respected person.

    I was told I couldnt survive or expected to not survive more times than I care to think upon and mostly by doctors. Shakespeare explained it best "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

    As John Lennon said "Give peace a chance." Dont think that taking hope from a person isnt an act of war. People in the WW II camps had no chance either but some survived because they imagined hope even when there was none. There is no blame in illness but there seems to be plenty going around for surviving it. Put your spear aside. No one is attacking you or your seemingly narrow ideas of morality. P. I. T. A. you can be so clever. I simply dont understand why you can be so fearful. Xoxox. Nitey nite.
    April 2017
  • Bug
    Hi, Carol. You crack me up. You sound so much like me sometimes. In one of your responses you said, "My cancer was many years ago (though I'm always looking for a fresh one!)...". That is so me!

    How are you doing these days?
    April 2017
  • Jbird
    Thank you carool it's so hard without him. Glad to have support
    April 2017
  • geekling
    Thanx for the sympathy. I just realized that it had to have been purposeful. I want to scream all over again. They did not give me anti nausea meds the first time! Someone knew just what was being done to me.
    April 2017
  • meyati
    Here's a petition about Melanie living in the White house or her paying for her security
    April 2017
  • meyati
    Hi. New Mexico isn't allowing the feds to access and build the wall on NM state land.
    February 2017
  • Bug
    Hi, Carool. How are you doing? Did you see the press conference yesterday? He's such a buffoon. I have a hard time watching him so I wait for the news reports.

    I hope all else is well with you. Hugs to you.
    February 2017
  • Molly72
    I think you mis-understood my comment about my skin surgeries: when I said "Today" I meant present time, not actually today!! All a matter of semantics!
    I had a melanoma surgery when I was about 24, I had 3 Moh's surgeries.... one was 2 years ago, another was 1 year ago, the last was last year. Now, the above mentioned incidences do not include all the other cancer & pre-cancer non-skin surgeries I have suffered thru. (I must of been a real beast in several of my past lives.)

    There is another possibility of yet another one, it is about 1/2" away
    from my eye, and I am so dam sick of these Moh's tortures that I am pretty sure I will refuse treatment, 1/2" is just way too close for comfort. I don't like anyone fooling around near my eyes!

    To change the subject, I read today that Trumpalini's doc confessed that the Trump takes hair growth meds! I hope that's not an alternative fact.....MEOW
    February 2017
  • Molly72
  • meyati
    About talking to my doctors--most are muslims from the old country-I don't know what to say, except---I'm so glad you are my doctor--

    The non-medical muslims- I call them sister or brother--
    February 2017
  • gonewest
    Everything I've sent to you comes back. At least 3 according to mailer daemon, have mail undeliverable. Hope you are well and I'm thinking of you.
    January 2017
  • Molly72
    Ya know, I am going to be catty, trite, and witchy for a minute here. But I just have to say that the dress that Madame Trumper wore to the Inaugaration ceremonies looked like a powder blue burka sans head gear! Who the !&%# picked that out for her?

    Forgive me, but I have no one else to say these terrible things to.
    January 2017
  • Bug
    Hi, Carol. Happy New Year! Well, as happy as we can be considering... Anyway, I wanted to check in with you. How are you doing? You posted about an inner ear problem. Are you feeling better now? I have "a weakness" in my "vestibular system" which can cause balance problems, dizziness, some nausea... It can be debilitating when it hits. I hope you're doing better. Hugs to you. Grace
    January 2017
  • Ydnar2xer
    Hi Carool - read your comments on the "Politics" page and agreed with ALL of them. You go, girl! Some people will feel like they're being attacked if you just mention their name...paranoia lives. But you were right on target with your comments, to me.
    November 2016
  • meyati
    Hi, Gone West is in the UCLA Santa Monica hospital. She's having enough rectal bleeding where they can see the blood in the toilet. She can't poop either.

    She hurts pretty bad-and morphine isn't working at all.
    December 2016
  • Bug
    Hi, Carool. What is happening with your housing situation? Thinking of you and hoping for the best.
    November 2016
  • GregP_WN
    Thanks for supporting others by offering advice and positive wishes! It does make a difference for them to see that other people have been there and are doing OK.
    October 2016
  • janec0488
    Carool - Pleased to read about your case. What do you think helps keep you cancer free during the 17 years? Are you the same weight, special foods, diet, life style? I was in remission 16 years and I think gaining weight (30 lbs), stress contributed to my recurrence.
    October 2016
  • geekling
    Sorry to hear of your landlord strife. Hope NYC laws are still tenant favorable. Best wishes
    October 2016
  • Bug
    Carool, I'm catching up on posts... I saw your post about pain in your right flank. How are you doing?
    September 2016
  • meyati
    Hi, I still have strep. My doctor was explaining false positives and negatives. I didn't whine. I just said- I'm better, my fever never broke. She ran a strep-and it was positive.

    My temp was down to 97.4.. I explained it has pretty much been that way, but I get nurses that write or manually enter 98.8. I think that her nurse is wonderful, because she let's the actual temp stay in my record. I just said- I have trouble getting medical care, and it's been hard.

    With the new antibiotic guidelines -starting with a low antibiotic and going to a stronger one just seems to make my nasty bacteria stronger. She wanted to give me Augmentin, but the network wouldn't let her. I'm in a really sucky era of medical care.

    Stonewall and I slept well last night-coughing excluded
    September 2016
  • meyati
    Hi, how is your bathroom going? I really hope that they have it repaired, and will be putting the fan up soon.

    How are you doing with the pain in your back? I certainly hope that it's nothing serious.

    I know my pains should be over with soon. I think that the penicillian shot might be working somewhat. I hope. My ribs hurt so much from coughing. I slept last night, first time in a few weeks.

    The Iraqi Afghanistan Vets Association Forum was last night. NBC was horrible-I think that Matt Lauer was really good. They had the candidates on stage seperately-excuse my analogy- it was a form of muzzles on 2 pit bulls.

    NBC was so horrible in so many ways. I think that they used the vets. NBC kept announcing a time change. Then they started announcing the Forum at a certain time. It wasn't on. I'll put it this way, it was pure accident that I watched it. Not good Carool.

    Then the vets wanted Gary Johnson there too. As a last minute IAVA Email went out, NBC did everything to not have Johnson. NBC isn't the government and it's not like the regular presidental debates thatt are governed by federal regs.

    Everyone applauded Hillary when she came in. About half of the people refused to applaud Trump. Only 1 Republican military person asked a question at all. Everyone else was a Democrat or swing voter.

    So the winner was Matt Lauer
    September 2016