

  • tampa83
    I was at the chemo place for 7 hours. They gave me 2 rounds of carbo and 3 of taxil.
    March 2015
  • barryboomer
    I write most of my songs from GOD'S point of view. If you ever want to check me out this is my youtube page.

    March 2015
  • tampa83
    Also what preventive things can I do so as to not suffer from neuropathy? Any other suggestions to continue feeling good?
    March 2015
  • tampa83
    Just wanted to tell you that I came out of the st chemo feeling better than went I went in. Is this unusual?
    March 2015
  • better
    Hi IM, you're still up to your good answers I see! What a lady you are :) Sending you FL sunshine and blessings!
    March 2015
  • tampa83
    Hi how are you doing? It has been a while since I've spoken with you.
    No my tn appeared about 3 years ago. It is a nerve that comes from the Brain stem and radiates down your face in 3 different branches. You get unbearable electric shocks that go from your face out the top of your head.It goes into remission for months at a time and returns whenever it feels like it. I think sometimes that stress is a catalyst. It is related to palsy. They have horrible medicines you can take that make you like a zombie. I prefer to do acupuncture and vitamin therapy. I was wondering if it would get worse with chemo.
    I had the port put in last week and having chemo this Thursday.

    March 2015
  • barryboomer
    I'll check it out.....I sound like a cross of many singers mostly am totally invisible but had a lot of fun throughout my life writing songs and singing but am pretty much retired from it now. Just don't have the passion anymore for a dead end street.
    March 2015
  • cam32505
    You can find out about HAP classes at:
    March 2015
  • timetoshare
    Dear Friend;
    I am so grateful to receive your message. It is so kind of you. My sis is almost done with ext. radiation/chemo and then it will be decided if to ahead with brachy at this time. I hope she will have some time off from treatment. Hope you are doing okay and enjoying with your family.
    March 2015
  • tampa83
    Installed port today. It was a piece of cake. Stopped in I hop for breakfast on the way home.
    Chemo next Thursday. Progress
    March 2015
  • tampa83
    The doctor prescribed promethazine and offsetting for nausea. Are these what you were taken?
    March 2015
  • tampa83
    Hi there
    I don't get angry because I have to take a hiatus from my normal life. I just view it as it as one more adversity and challenge in my life. One which I will overcome.
    March 2015
  • tampa83
    Well I called the surgeon and his office said that they have everything they need. The blood work was from 2/17, the EKG A and XRAY was also from Dec. 8. Not only that but the doctors office had sent them to the surgeon a week ago.
    It's like I don't have enough stress in my life. This is why it took 6 months to get me the first diagnosis.
    February 2015
  • tampa83
    I got there 11:15 and they had me sit and wait for almost an hour. Then the nurse put me into a small room with no Windows. She took by blood pressure and weight. She then handed me two printouts about the chemo drugs. They were the same printouts they already had given to me the previous visit. That was it. I was kind of disappointed. Oh she did send 2 prescriptions to my pharmacy. One for nausea and something to put on the port. She said only take the nausea med when I needed it. All this doesn't sound right to me.
    February 2015
  • tampa83
    Thanks for tips. So far I am not impressed by the doctor I am having chemo with. They made an appointment to come and see the nurse for a chemo orientation at 11:30 yesterday. Well I'm got there about 11:15
    February 2015
  • tampa83
    Good morning
    What foods do you stock up on? I am finally starting on Thursday 3/14. The installation of the port is 3/4
    February 2015
  • tampa83
    I finally got to schedule the port for next Wednesday. I am kind of nervous. Then after that I can schedule the first of my chemo. It seems like I am always jumping hurdles.
    February 2015
  • carrie2409
    Hi I have same cancer and stage. If you'd like to join an awesome group on Facebook look me up my name is Carrie Day Snelgrove from Massachusetts. Hugs!!
    February 2015
  • barryboomer
    IF you ever need another good laugh check out the Dentist Routine as I laughed so hard I got a stomach ache.
    February 2015
  • L_Meligne
    Hey!! Congrats on finishing chemo! How are you feeling? Stupid question, considering you're probably in the bad days. Been thinking about you and sending love and hugs!
    February 2015
  • barryboomer
    Thanks for getting in touch. I wrote a song about all this living and dying BEFORE I got my diagnosis and it's called A TIME TO LIVE AND A TIME TO DIE.....check it out below. Hope you have a great day today.....

    February 2015
  • tampa83
    Congratulations on your last treatment. I am just about to start mine. I will keep you in my prayers to have a clean scan. You are an inspiration to me.
    February 2015
  • tampa83
    I am sure that no matter how she seemed on the outside your daughter was filled with emotions on the inside. Everyone displays emotions in there own way. So don't take it personal.
    February 2015
  • tampa83
    In about 2 weeks I will be given the Carbo and taxol , 6 rounds of 1x per week(three weeks in between each). How are they giving it to you? How did it affect you?
    February 2015
  • tampa83
    Thanks.I had a complete hysterectomy in December. Now I am meeting with the chemo doctor this Tuesday. The unknown is scary.
    February 2015
  • Nonnie917-89591
    Contact Greg for my email address and we can email you. I will let Greg know.
    February 2015
  • Nonnie917-89591
    My husband said he would be glad to sell you three of them if you want to email him at
    February 2015
  • silvern8v
    Thanks,IronMom45. Your CA 125 was lower before surgery? I had a radical hysterectomy, removal of uterus, ovaries, and cervix through a vertical incision all as one initial surgery. I was so fortunate that the whole ordeal seemed expeditious compared to some others, surgery in less than two weeks and chemo started about a month later. I just had my first CAT scan on 1/26/15 and had no concerns. I quit smoking the day of my hysterectomy and am trying to stay positive.
    February 2015
  • better
    This may seem sappy, but it's heartfelt. I've read some of your posts and they're short and useful and cheerful.
    God bless you, young lady, you are a blessing to all on this site, and I'm just guessing, but probably an angel to the rest of the world too.
    It's sad to see your friends/family say no to hospital/illness/cancer and great to see some step up. I understand those who can't, sometimes when I visit people who go there a lot I got the willies and had to leave. No explicable reason, just had to flee. Not that I didn't still love them. So ask them if they still want to keep in touch and give them your email so they know they can approach from afar and not have to cut off friendship just because they can't handle seeing you sick. If they can't handle it at all, well, that's their loss, I've lost friends when they got married or moved, any life changing circumstance can change your circle of friends.
    Sweet lady. Know you are greatly appreciated! And admired. Get well soon. God has miracles in his pocket.
    February 2015
  • ivyJ
    Hi, I had endometrial cancer 40 years ago, then breast cancer, now small intestine cancer that has metastasized though out my digestive system. I don't see a divine plan or I see is fate or destiny. It is in my genes called, Lynch Syndrome. No rhyme or reason to it. It was written as a corruption in my DNA. (generational cancer) I've been in chemo for 14 months. I hate it but what else to do? When I had endometrial cancer, my entire reproductive system was removed at 28 years of age. I hope they removed all of your infected parts and treatment will take care of the rest. . I hope you will recover and live a long life. After endometrial cancer I live 40 years before the breast cancer. I hope you will live another 50 years with treatment.
    December 2014