

  • celiasarajian
    Hi Beaner: I saw that you were diagnosed with metastasized endometrial cancer in your lung. I was diagnosed with Stage !V endometrial cancer in Nov, 2013. I just came from having a repeat CT scan of my lungs because a CT scan last week showed multiple nodules in both lungs that were suspicious of metastasized endometrial cancer. I was wondering how you are doing and, dare I ask you if they gave you some sort of prognosis. I AM PETRIFIED and can't stop crying. I have an only child. She is grown up but recently had a baby that I absolutely adore and the thought of leaving them is unbearable. There are tears dropping on my keyboard as I type this. If you can offer me any words of hope or wisdom please share with me. I live in Southern New Jersey and I will pray for you. Thanks so much. Celia
    August 2016
  • meyati
    Beaner- Has anybody suggested that you squeeze your rear end together 10 times in the morning and 10 times at night. I do that to keep from leaking for a stomach disease. Radiation does effect muscles, and I have to do mouth, jaw, and ear exercises to keep my head functioning and reduce pain.

    Has anybody worked with you to see if any foods in particular make it worse? If not-do it yourself since you seem to be on your own. Often the #1 problem is milk---go a month without cow milk. See if that helps. If that doesn't help, try eating gluten free and go back to milk, but eat gluten free. Sugar and grease are my no-nos. It takes time, I can't eat vegetables or fruit either.

    I was diagnosed with IBS-D in the 1960s. I used to have care like you are wishing for-somebody in charge- a plan-concern
    I am 74, and the preventive medication sells for about a thousand if you can find it.

    I naively went in to find a comparable preventive medication or get a mild child's tranquilizer as I was given last century. Apparently children are given horrible stuff now, and they won't give anything to an older person in this state. They are worried that I might get addicted. Meanwhile I suffer.
    . #1, it took me 2 months to see a gastroentologist-and you should try to find one-- ask for an older GI.

    #2--nobody has any sense anymore, I told them what did work, and all else didn't work-- could I please try something made after 1995. The first med was approved by the FDA in 1944. It was horrible. I had fecal matter running down my legs, my anus wouldn't open. It was like my anus was sewn up. Anyway, they seem to lack basic knowledge about the gastroentology tract. In the 1990s, I was told that I had so many episodes for so long that my guts lost their tone, and that's one major reason I hurt so much. A young GI sat and listened to me say that I can eat eat and drink milk-grease and sugar set me off. I went to water, chicken broth, and over boiled white rice when my stomach had problems. He told me not to eat gluten, not to drink milk-and told me to take GAS-X 4 times a day. By the 4tyh pill, I was swelled up like a hot air balloon. I was in agony. I couldn't fit into my clothes.
    The gas wanted to come up, my old guts just stretched out. It hit me Jan 29, and my system did not get back to normal untl March 30.

    So ask for an old doctor. Do the exercises. Try to find irritating foods and eliminate them from your diet.

    Good luck!!
    April 2016
  • BuckeyeShelby
    Hi Beaner! It's been awhile since I've seen your name pop up. Other than the colitis, you doing ok? Hope the sky is blue in your world. Stay warm!
    January 2016
  • Scottishcc
    Thanks sooo much for answering my question on the genes stuff test Braf etc! I am just getting up to this site so will check out your story soon! In the meantime I am thanking you and sending you heaps of "SCOTTISH THISTLE POWER"!!!!! Courage!!! from the wee Scottish Lassie
    October 2013
  • 2fizz
    Hello! I just joined this site and saw some of your posts- don't ask me how or where,lol, I don't understand much about how this works. I'm also a stage IIIc and finished my radiation treatments almost 2 yrs ago after being diagnosed in May 2010.

    I'm located in the Baltimore area and am dreading this upcoming monster hurricane which will no doubt knock out my power for up to a week or even more.
    October 2012
  • teddyfuzz
    I saw your response to the fun friday question and I'm sorry that you aren't feeling well. It is hard to get motivated to do anything when there are so many changes going on and you feel like crap. That's how I spent most of my time - at home, alone, on the couch watching TV. When you are being treated for cancer the side effects are a daily reminder of what you are going through. The disease does consume you. Don't beat yourself up for not being your usual perky self. Your body needs rest. If you feel like stepping out for some sunshine then do it. But if you just don't have the energy to do anything except watch TV then watch TV. And don't feel bad for doing it.
    October 2012
  • GregP_WN
    Beaner, try something for me, go to your home page, then click on the account link at the top right of the page, then you will see an option to receive emails and daily digest. see if you have that set to none, click the daily, or weekly button for how often you want to receive email.

    Let me know if that was not set, I can look into it more for you.

    Thanks for being here!

    Greg P
    3X Survivor
    Team WhatNext
    Community Mgr
    October 2012