

  • Abdul
    In March 2013 I was diagnosed with Stomach Cancer (tumor)
    after my first Chemo, the endoscopy shows the tumor was shrunk, or no longer visible. I have Pet scan and shows good news. I went to surgery for removal half the stomach but the surgeon aborted because he visually found more lymph node than previously diagnosis and two small spots on peritoneal and was elevated to stage IV. Endoscopy, Cat Scan, Pet Scan did not help only the surgeon has to go in and visually verify. I went back to Chemo as requested by the surgeon. Now it has been two months since my second Chemotherapy and waiting for second surgery attempt to remove the cancer with possibility full stomach removal which I am not happy about. Because lack of information about people who are living without a stomach. I am not sure what is waiting period without the chemotherapy before the cancer returns. I was told by third opinion from overseas oncologist that should not wait for to long, and he is appalled of slow treatment. He is a friend of the family.
    March 2014
  • aserafin2001
    First time while being pregnant I was told by GI oncologist that there is no treatment for me. Second opinion from GI oncologist; I have heard that I will be given few months to live( back in June 2012). No guarantee to deliver baby even and risk for the baby if she will be born. Using modern medicine, alternatives, healthier diet, juices and of course prayers brought me to the point that I am still here with stable cancer so far, deliver healthy daughter- now who is 4 months. And so more important with hope and willingness to fight. My husband is very supportive to us, and he event quit medical school to be with me and my children and to help it out. He have told me when I was in doubt that " No matter how hard to get kicked but it matter how you handle it" Be fighter not a victim helps me a lot. And I have to win for my wonderful little two daughters and my lovely husband. Also, I am a nurse and I was dealing with death, sickness and suffering together with my patients but never event fought that cancer could reach me when I am still young and have children to rise and whole family life in front of me. But it does happen and we as a fighter have to do everything to win and we will, but we must believe and trust the God. Give the God your hand and He will guide you in your journey. God Bless you and your family and enjoy the Christmas with them. They are with you and in mental pain but next to you with their support. Sorry for my English, it is my second language.

    December 2013
  • aserafin2001
    I was diagnose with stomach cancer stage IV in May 2013 while being pregnant in 26 weeks with my second daughter ( other 2.5 years old). I have had 4 chemo via IV during pregnancy and other 8 after labor. My baby was born healthy, thanks to God. I am in your age 33 years old. I am still fighting this silent killer- stomach cancer.
    December 2013
  • ladyc
    No one knows what our limit is. I was recently diagnosed with lung cancer... I am going to fight and keep a positive attitude. To much still left to do... Miracles do happen all the time .... will be thinking of you.
    December 2013
  • mkjetset
    I am like JewelF. I believe that miracles happen every day. I have known many people in my life and thru others, that have proven prognoses wrong. The have blasted thru their 'six to twelve months' and have thrived far beyond that. I say, make this cancer your b#$@h! And work closely with your oncologist team to do everything to improve your comfort. I will be thinking of you everyday!
    December 2013
  • JewelF
    I was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 ovarian/endometrial cancer. It's certainly not easy. But please remember, only God knows how much time you have! I'm adding you to my prayer list
    December 2013
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome to the WhatNext family! The WhatNext family is made up of people like you who are looking for help or looking to help others. To help you along your journey the WhatNext family has put together a Beginner's Guide to Cancer that I highly recommend you check-out here: Also, please do not hesitate to reach out to others or ask for help.

    Wishing you the best.

    Founder, WhatNexter
    December 2013