

  • PennieEckard
    Hello stage5guy. It has been a while since you have posted, how are you doing? We are concerned....
    June 2016
  • robsterstu
    It wouldn't let me post under your story, but thanks for sharing your testimony of outliving your diagnosis. Victories in this area are always a pick me up for everyone involved. I'm newly diagnosed its not been easy, but these type of testimonies keep hope burning bright! Thanks again and Merry Christmas!
    December 2014
  • Sheryl123
    Im not sure if they have tested for genetic mutations, can you give me information on this? I know its squamous cell he does chemo every monday one drug and two drugs every third week, after his first 9 weeks the ct showed chemo was reducing the tumor and lymph nodes, we get another ct scan in 4 weeks, any info you can give me is well appreciated, God Bless
    December 2013
  • Bax5454
    Just dropping by to say Hi! I hope you are feeling well and things are good. Thanks again for all of your information and support.
    October 2013
  • Bax5454
    My mother was just diagnosed with the same type of cancer. I cannot tell you how glad I was that I found your profile. While I wish that none of us never needed this site, I cannot tell you how awe inspiring and encouraging you and others have been. The Diagnosis came this morning, and my partner and I are still reeling from this all. We have a tough and long journey ahead of us, but we got this. Thanks in no small way to stories like your's. Thanks for keeping us informed. I wish you the best.
    October 2013
  • RuthAnne
    Hey Stage5Guy - Just wanted to check and see how you're doing. Hope you're holding together okay.
    May 2013
  • chrissy-100571
    March 2013
  • CAS1
    I am so happy for you. And yes, they are making fast progress in Lung cancer targeted treatment options. You are in the best hands at MD..Hold on the cure is comming.
    February 2013
  • nobrand
    Thanks so much for the uplifting message-- I really needed something like that. I have always feared being too negative, and making others fearful of treatment. This is doubly so recently, as I see what happens firsthand when you avoid battling this mess. Keep on keeping on, Hook 'em, and best wishes as treatment moves on for you. Just let me know if you need to vent!
    November 2012
  • nobrand
    Hey Steve, thanks for the good thoughts.. I appreciate them plenty. I know I'm going to have to wait a bit for some answers, but I'll give any decision some good thought. For some reason, I really haven't considered finding a second opinion. I think if the PET results aren't looking good, I'll head up the hill to the university hospital. I hope things are going well with you in Austin.. UT alum here :)
    September 2012