

  • kelley_gleason
    Thank you for the suggestion about mouth sores. I will look into it.
    April 2013
  • barbaraanne
    Hi Leepeen,
    I'm getting ready to start my treatment tomorrow, chemo, scheduled for 4 treatments, followed by radiation in the spring. since you have triple negative, u understand that chemo is really the only choice, since the cancer doesn't respond to any hormones. Kinda hard to understand at 1st. When i heard "negative" I though it was a good thing, little did I know... I'm taking four pills today, cortisteriods to start. Two questions have is 1: (and I know this sounds vain, but I have to ask, did u loss hair and if yes how soon after the treatmen tstarted? Did you use the drug: Neulasta? I love to workout, so I'm hoping I will be able to..thanks for any advice u have.
    December 2012
  • Nomadicme
    Awesome on keeping active. You must have been a very active person before? Did you get lat reconstruction? That gave me pain from the pressure put on handle bars (I was an occasional bike rider, 20 miles on the weekend, slow)
    December 2012
  • Giraffe
    Love you positive response. Think I will be sure to have a dual purpose shirt... It will not be low cut and pink. Thanks. You have indeed given me the inspiration to exercise every day.. Will do the bike every day at the gym. That way when summer comes I will be ready to ride outside. Thanks again.

    January 2013
  • Giraffe
    Love you positive response. Think I will be sure to have a dual purpose shirt... It will not be low cut and pink. Thanks. You have indeed given me the inspiration to exercise every day.. Will do the bike every day at the gym. That way when summer comes I will be ready to ride outside. Thanks again.
    January 2013
  • Giraffe
    Love you positive response. Think I will be sure to have a dual purpose shirt... It will not be low cut and pink. Thanks. You have indeed given me the inspiration to exercise every day.. Will do the bike every day at the gym. That way when summer comes I will be ready to ride outside. Thanks again.
    January 2013
  • Giraffe
    Love you positive response. Think I will be sure to have a dual purpose shirt... It will not be low cut and pink. Thanks. You have indeed given me the inspiration to exercise every day.. Will do the bike every day at the gym. That way when summer comes I will be ready to ride outside. Thanks again.
    January 2013
  • Giraffe
    Love you positive response. Think I will be sure to have a dual purpose shirt... It will not be low cut and pink. Thanks. You have indeed given me the inspiration to exercise every day.. Will do the bike every day at the gym. That way when summer comes I will be ready to ride outside. Thanks again.
    January 2013
  • Giraffe
    Love you positive response. Think I will be sure to have a dual purpose shirt... It will not be low cut and pink. Thanks. You have indeed given me the inspiration to exercise every day.. Will do the bike every day at the gym. That way when summer comes I will be ready to ride outside. Thanks again.
    January 2013
  • Giraffe
    Love you positive response. Think I will be sure to have a dual purpose shirt... It will not be low cut and pink. Thanks. You have indeed given me the inspiration to exercise every day.. Will do the bike every day at the gym. That way when summer comes I will be ready to ride outside. Thanks again.
    January 2013
  • SueRae1
    Thanks for your support and understanding. It is hard but you and others on this site help make it easier to get through it all.
    January 2013
  • SueRae1
    Thanks for your support and understanding. It is hard but you and others on this site help make it easier to get through it all.
    January 2013
  • Ydnar2xer
    Leepenn: you have been such an inspiration to me w/your active lifestyle. Thanks for you answer. I liked what you said; it all makes sense. Thanks for the hug as well!
    December 2012
  • fleener
    Sounds like you are doing well. How sooon did you start to exercise after treatments? I had a lumpectemy Nov2 for a tumor that was 1.7 cmm ER Positive. Had radiation and (bad LucK) got a staff infection. I've been in a lot of pain and getting my breast aspirated every three days. Not fun and I'm doing my best to not let it get me down. But I can't help it. I just want to get to the point where I can do some exrecercise Just like you - thank you for letting me vent
    December 2012
  • geekling
    Hi leepenn! Thanx for your comments. Often it is difficult to speak about raw and living food because, when you are outside of the norm, folks who are eating conventionally take it as an attack.

    T Day and Year End celebrations are especially difficult because they center the meal around meat as part of the Tradition. Sssshh, don't tell anyone, but I truly believe that is about control and habitizing folks to eating what once might have been OKay for them but is now the dead flesh of a poisoned and tortured animal. This translates to chemicals & bacteria in the flesh which, when eaten, is transferred to people.

    Cell function best when fired up by oxygen. In a pinch, the cells will fire themselves up, if enough oxygen is deprived, via anerobic methods (fermentation). The by products of this internal and unnatural anerobic fermentation, can include dead cells which, in turn, produce bacterial fungus which, in turn, become cells dividing uncontrolled and/or otherwise counter to health .. cancer.

    It is actually my personal belief that Anton Bechamp was correct in his theories but that Louis Pasteur's theories were accepted and pounced upon because they enabled a medical and pill pushing industry to flourish based on fear of germs rather than prevention of bacterial intervention through nutrition and environment. The British Medical Journal of the time called his ideas "unprofitable".

    Hope that isn't too much information and that you continue to recover until you are again in good health. I envy you your energy. Blessings.

    "hey geekling - your posting is very interesting!!!! one thing i love about t-day is simply being able to EAT! we have been celebrating t-day with another vegan family for several years now, and it's so relaxing to simply be able to eat EVERYTHING brought to the table. when we do actually make the trek to spend the holiday with family, we have both the long drive and the bummer of a total mismatch in edibles.... but when we visit family OUTSIDE of a specific holiday, we are all more relaxed about everything, and we have MORE fun.... does that make sense? anyway... i hope everyone had a great holiday!!!!"

    November 2012
  • Poconos3
    Thank you for your encouragement Leepenn:) Unfortunately, I am not typically a mover, but a thinker...this is torturous and I get your point... laying about feeling every little difference is not good. I just took my pain killer; maybe that will be the trick...I didn't want to use them because of all the other stuff floating around in my system...but, the bone aches and twitches, are beyond weird...in addition to, all the dryness and mouth/throat stuff. So I learned today, a) take pain meds, b) get out of bed, c) it will dissipate. I appreciate this forum and thanks again Leepenn.
    November 2012
  • Crash
    Yes, but not a good one. I'm a fair weather rider. I have two friends who ride to work every day. They are the ones I consider "real" cyclist, and I have another friend who wins races continuously. I have a group that gets together once a year, and we ride to raise money to fund research for a cure for Multiple Sclerosis. This September I rode my first and last Century. It took me 9.5 hours!!! At least I can say I rode one. I'd like to ride to raise money for cancer research, but I haven't found one yet. I'm probably not trying hard enough.
    How's your riding?
    November 2012
  • deborahkleen
    Hey leepenn, what a cool thing to use your son's art. That's awesome!
    November 2012
  • cranburymom
    Hi Leepen - just wanted to say thank YOU for your positive attitude and intro to the cycling. I am now a bike crazy - this is all I think of. When and how long I can go for a ride! I completed a 62mile Tour DeCure ride at Princeton NJ. many hills and loved it. Want to continue as long as I can.... hugs. makiko
    July 2012