

  • ILDenlou
    hi merry christmas hope all is well let me know life for me is crazy just got out of hosiptal with colon infection let me know how you are denise
    December 2013
  • ILDenlou
    why are u taking adjuvant therapy has it spread my dr wants me to take i131 if im not in remission i told her no way it doesnt work that well on tall cell one chance so i have to look into other ways of killing it.
    August 2013
  • ILDenlou
    hi i found out i had cancer march 29 2012 did biospy one came back positive so.june 4 had a radal surgery 12 lymph nodes out 1saliva gland whole thyroid 1 para thyroid came back tall cell my tumor was 7mm .went for i131 aug i have lesion all over my tongue lumps on my taste buds i have had 40 biospys of lymph nodes because they come looking like cancer has enter them when biopsy came back lymph node which needle biospy said positive said neg this time so dr says put me on 175 mg of levothyroxine real bad and pain all over my body then goes away which makes me hypereo i also get leg cramps that go away i never had the shots because the first time before i 131 the dr said i had to do the long way because of tall cell so no thyroid medicine for a month on the diet for 2 or 3 weeks i forget real sick and tired felt like i was pregant now here i amm in no idione diet feeling sick to my stomach taking aug5 shot aug 6 shot taking i131 small amout for body scan aug 7 body scan aug 9 tumor maker my tumor maker has remain low all this time now they said the cancer has been surpressed so the diet and shot if there will bring it out and show up have to pass body scan no tummor and blood test no cells and she said if im in remission it means cancer too small to see.How big was your tumor and did you go threw the same as i went threw and why are you on a differant drug .thank you for getting back to me i believe we learn from one another thank you denise
    August 2013
  • ILDenlou
    hi how are you doing im doing low idione diet and taking to shots and body scan tumor marker its been 17 months and praying i hear remission have you had these shots yet how are they im getting a little scared to find out if im in remission they say tall cell is hard to kill my tumor was 7 mm when they took it out they were watching it for 3 years.well ill let you know how your doing well
    August 2013
  • donnatu9122
    Actually I feel good. I work in a hospital 40 hours a week. My grandson is 16 years old. My husband and I have raised him since he was 4. He keeps me busy, but I enjoy it. I am tired at the end of every day. So I get to bed earlier than I used to. Life is good.
    July 2013
  • ILDenlou
    my aunt had thyroid cancer my other aunt had thyroid cancer and me my doctor think its in the genes because of my family historythey sais hashimotto doesnt cause thyroid cancer but itfunny that my aunt had hasimotto i had hashimotto and you hasimotto and we came down with cancer later in life
    they want me in for gene testing because of all the cancer in my family called the cowden disease i really hoping i dont have that my daughter maria 34 has a 5 mm cyst on her thyroid my doctor is going to look at it to make sure its nothing .denise
    March 2013
  • ILDenlou
    hi do u have lesion on tongue thats wired you had hashimotto too thats wierd we both have tall cell maybe its something that causes thyroid cancer
    March 2013
  • ILDenlou
    tall cell from what ive read is a hard one to kill hopefully minen is dead been threw hell and back in 1 year.keep getting biospsy on lymph nodes they look like cancer in them so far none find
    had 40 needles so far i hurt all over my body from the 175 thyroid medicine i lost 3 teeth this week 1 teeth just crubles from very dry mouth and cpat from sleep antea well let me know hows things are going for u between both of us we will learn alot about tall cell how big was your tumor minen was 7mm very small
    March 2013
  • ILDenlou
    did u have the body scan 1 year after i131 treatment if yes how was it i take 175mg a day to make me hyperthyroid to keep cancer down so far blood test says no thyroid found i also had alot of thyroid tissue left but untrasound says its gone my doctor said thyroid cancer can hide this one is very subborn what have you learned about this cancer adjuvant therapy i hope we can help each other hard to find people with tall cell thyroid cancer denise
    March 2013
  • ILDenlou
    hi my name is denise i have tall cell thyroid cancer im 58 i was told march 29 2012 since then had 40 needle biospy on lymph node that look like cancer is in them so far none find had 5 hour radcal surgery 12 lymph nodes remove saliva gland remove 1 par thyroid removed whole thyroid remove my tumor was only 7 mm when take out.my blood test says its not there need to have body scan in aug before they will say for sure if im in remission can u tell me why your cancer is chronic love to hear from you denise
    March 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Thanks for being with us! As a survivor you are very valuable to the community. Your experience and knowledge from having been there and that fact that you "get it", is extremely helpful to those who are just starting their journey.

    Please feel free to chime in on any question on the questions page at www.whatnext.com/questions that you think you can add something to. All of us can offer a little bit of help, and it's all welcome.

    Thanks again for being with us, and let me know if I can help you around the site.

    Greg P
    3X survivor
    Team WhatNext
    Community Mgr.
    March 2013
  • Carolina18
    Hello, hiho! Just letting you know that you are not alone in your journey. Have you been to www.thyca.org for support? Thyca.org is a website totally specific to those of us who have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. If you have not been to this website, I highly recommend it for support and answers to your questions. There is also 1 to 1 support available through Thyca's person-to-person network if you request it. I was diagnosed in 2005 and Thyca.org helped me tremendously. Updated information regarding thyroid cancer is ongoing on Thyca.org. I encourage you to check it out. Also, check out the list of local support groups. There may be one in your state or near you. Best regards!
    March 2013
  • joymab
    My name is Joy, a young caring girl i saw your contact on https://www.whatnext.com and i want to have a
    good relationship with you, please i need your cooperation,you can contact me with my email address,
    so that i will give you my pictures and tell you more about me
    (joymabou42(at)yahoo.com )
    am yours Joy.
    March 2013
  • DaveWaz

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    Your WhatNext Family
    March 2013