

  • mom66
    I have checked out the website and their is a group near us about 20 miles or so
    December 2013
  • mom66
    thank you for your message. I am familiar with cancer treatments as many in my family have gone through our family it is not what if...just when? and who is next? I will search out Thyca support group, but I sometimes have trouble speaking to strangers about it. Any great questions to ask the docs? Does everyone lose their voice or get dry salivary glands....these scary me the most right now.
    December 2013
  • donnatu9122
    I had two CT scans with contrast. one in Nov. and one in Dec of 2012. The contrast contains iodine. It normally takes up to three months to work it out of your system. The 6 weeks of the diet was to remove the extra iodine. Then I could do the RAI treatment. Thanks for your concern. Enjoy jour day.
    July 2013
  • gwennm
    I forgot to mention that I am stage 3 as well.
    June 2013
  • gwennm
    This is great information and the support group meets only a few miles from my house. I just missed the July 18th meeting, but I will hopefully catch the August meeting if I am safely past my RIA treatment.
    June 2013
  • Baileysmom
    Thank you for your kind words & support. The website you recommended is very informational. :)
    February 2013