

  • banditwalker
    I believe it was you flamingogirl that recommended the cytoxan be administered slowly and that would reduce the headache. It worked!!!
    November 2013
  • cloverlady4
    I wish you lived closer, I know 2 cats who desparately need a home. They need to stay together which makes it hard to find a new home. I'm glad you are thinking about getting 2 this time. They keep each other company and Lord knows there are so many that need forever homes. I am on the last one of three siblings. He's 13. I do think that he misses his sisters. His name is Mr. Mitts cuz he has the biggest double paws I've ever seen. Like catchers mitts. He is an indoor cat. Anyway, I'm sure any cat(s) you get will be very lucky indeed........:)
    November 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Hi flamingogirl....just checking on you to see how you are doing. Did you dress up for Halloween? I planned to but was not up to it when the time came. Chemo week. I stayed in and dressed as a cancer patient.....lol. Anyway, getting cold here..42 degrees today. ARGH...winters coming. Hope you are well. Catch you later....:)
    November 2013
  • avonlea02
    Hi. Thanks for the post. It's always wonderful to make a new friend; especially one who understands all the insanity that is involved with fighting this beast. But we do. And I love the encouragement and spirit of love that surrounds those who need it on this site. It helps. It is also good to be able to give back. I am not physically able to do much. I am working at my job through this chemo, and come home just exhausted; no energy to do anything. But I can most often write; even on my "bad" days.

    I didn't catch the early part of your kitty story, so I'm not sure what happened to him. If it's not too painful, do you wish to share that?

    I had a cockatiel a few years ago that was so loving and special, and he flew away, never to return. One of my daughters, who was 16 at the time, was so heartbroken...as was I. I hadn't believed in clipping his wings, and one day his cage was not adequately locked and the door was open, whoosh, out he went. We watched him circle the house a few times and disappear into the sky. I still miss him/her (we never knew what gender the little guy was). It was Feb., so I never knew whether he froze to death or was taken in by someone; he was so friendly. I understand the "not knowing" part.

    Anyway, hope all goes well for you. I also hope you have a job you are happy with, and that the people treat you well. I am very blessed that I work at a job I love with people that care about me. I work for the same hospital system that I've had my treatments and surgeries. My co-workers (mostly postdocs and grad students - I work in a research lab) come to visit me during infusions, and I am very lucky that way. It helps.

    But I have been told that my cancer will be chronic, and the times between occurrences will get shorter. That's hard to hear. I told the NP that I saw on Friday that I can't keep doing this, working and getting chemo...this will be the last time. I'm headed toward remission, and will finish this out. Hopefully, I will work for a long time (although last time, it was only about 1.5 years to this recurrence...we'll see. I had thyroid cancer in between. This is really getting old.), but I'll opt for Disability next time, I think. Working and feeling so awful is so hard. Not to mention the chemo brain that keeps me from being at my best.

    Anyway, enough about me. I'm not feeling all that well, and I guess I'm whining a bit. I am VERY happy you are on the mend. I hope all goes well for you, that you are welcomed back at work, and ease into your routine. Write when you can, and keep me posted about your kitty. God bless...

    October 2013
  • Mastectomytatt
    Hi Flamingogirl,

    I'm a producer working on a segment about mastectomy tattoos and I was hoping to find out a little more information about the process. Any and all insight would be unbelievably helpful.

    Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

    October 2013
  • AlizaMLS
    Dear flamingogirl,

    I a;ready made my appointment with my Rheumatologist for my 2nd Synvisc injection 6 months down the line. The doc said I should feel some relief from this one so that I'll know if I want a second, but everyone's different. One woman in their waiting room told me a Synvisc horror story about numbness. Frankly with the pain I feel coming down the stairs, I'm not so sure I'd mind numbness...;)

    Nice to hear from you!

    Warm wishes,
    October 2013
  • cloverlady4
    You can vent to me anytime.......:)
    October 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Awwww, so sorry no kitty. But awfully glad your surery and recovery is going well. Awesome that you didn't have nausea. The thought of dealing with that bothered me more than the surgery part last time. Hope you continue to recover smoothly.......:)
    October 2013
  • ld_105
    How are you doing? I see you had your surgery today, hope all is well.
    October 2013
  • banditwalker
    Well, hope reconst. was a success and you are feeling as best can be. Just wanted to touch base and you write when you feel comfortable.
    October 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Sorry no kiity yet. I will be thinking of you on Wed. Don't forget to ask about the Scopolomine patch for nausea. I had to stay in hospital an extra day 2 times because nausea post-op was so bad. This last time they used the patch and it was great., went home the next afternoon..........:)
    October 2013
  • banditwalker
    Hey there, I don't think I asked you what kind of reconstruction are you having? Are you excited? nervous?
    Will be thinking of you Monday!
    October 2013
  • zoe
    I"m thinking of you...praying all goes well and extra prayers that Loofa wil be home to comfort you. I still have hope. Good luck, let us know how you are doing.
    October 2013
  • zoe
    Still praying......Zoe
    October 2013
  • banditwalker
    Hi there,

    I was just talking with cloverlady4 and she tells me you are pharm tech also. Too bad the 3 of us are all at opposite sides of the country. She northeast, you west, and me south. I started out at Walgreen's and then went to our local hospital. Did IV's. I miss it. I learned something new every day. I have been out of the pharmacy business since 2004. I imagine a lot has changed since then.

    I read your journey before writing. You have been through it all sounds like. It's always good to hear there are success stories out there. Gives the rest of us something to remember. What keeps you going? Did you have inspirational stories to lean on?
    Well, I hope this finds you in good health and great spirits. Thank you for being here for the rest of us.
    October 2013
  • cloverlady4
    I trained at a hospital for a year when I became a pharm. tech. for no pay but got paid through a State thing, not much but I was young and living at home...lol. I probably would have gotten grandfathered in but became disabled with Fibromyalgia. I never worked Retail but we filled RX's for employees of the hospital. I liked making the IV's the best.
    September 2013
  • cloverlady4
    OMG I am a pharmacy tech, too. From way back. I always worked in hospitals...mixing the very drugs I am using now for cancer.
    September 2013
  • cloverlady4
    Flamingogirl, I too got horribly nauseseous after surgery. This last time they put a Scopolomine patch behind my ear pre-surgery. No Nausea. God forbid you ever need surgery again but if you do it worked for me. :)
    September 2013
  • Teachergirl
    You are so amazing~I just want you to know that your posts and answers to questions keeping me grounded and smiling. I love your attitude! Hope work is going well! Cyndy
    September 2013
  • zoe
    Thanks flamingogirl ! Hope you have a great weekend. Zoe
    September 2013
  • zoe
    Thanks... that's the way I'm leaning.I'd like to know before surgery so I can be there to comfort my family.
    September 2013
  • ksavage
    Thanks for the response. Same thing with my dad. All tumors gone in brain and smaller elsewhere then off chemo and about 3 weeks later gone down hill so fast. A scan was ordered but really no point putting him through going as he is so weak. I hate wondering what happened and where it moved to but think about it a lot. He finally agreed to morphine today and I think it's helping with pain and more restful sleep.
    September 2013
  • Ydnar2xer
    You 'get it', but he doesn't! Also, he shows an inordinate amount of anger for being told I don't share his views. Would J e s u s act like that? Hmmmm,....
    September 2013
  • Teachergirl
    Thank you so much for sharing your journey and experiences. I have the same diagnosis. I am finishing my last chemo(#8) on wednesday and will have surgery on Oct 3. I think I have been avoiding admitting to myself that I am afraid that the triple negative means reoccurrence. Reading your experiences has given me a boost today~THANK YOU!! I'm so happy that you are doing well`you are awesome!
    August 2013
  • Bobby58
    Thank you for your answer i appreciate it.You said the chemo wasn't as bad as you thought it would be did you do something special Bobby
    August 2013
  • Ydnar2xer
    Hey. I don't understand why you couldn't shower for so long? My breast surgeon (a woman) WANTED me to shower the next day w/my drains & everything. Am curious...
    August 2013
  • peachpoppy
    Hey Flamingogirl,

    Was just curious about your experience with taxol. I am on A/C for 4 rounds then will start taxol about sept 6th. Onc has said there is a weekly option for 12 weeks, or an every other week for 8 weeks. Both equally effective, but she feels the weekly one is better tolerated by patients. Any opinions, comments?

    My issue is that I currently have a PICC line from an antibiotic that I was on for a port infection (port was removed). I have been using this for last 2 infusions. Onc wants to remove PICC due to infection, but my veins are not great (according to infusion nurses). So onc has suggested another port.

    I'm thinking that if I do the every other week option, which is 4 infusions, my veins might be ok to use. Otherwise I am either getting another port or keeping PICC. Decisions.
    July 2013
  • sue1037
    Hi , I have read you post with positive things . I too am triple negative her2 negative stage 1 grade 2. I am getting my port Thursday and treatments start Monday. Taking act same as you. Four and four taxol. Really scared but staying positive. How did you do it, was your diet good and staying active? That's what I am going to try a good diet and staying active
    July 2013
  • ticklingcancer
    Hey Flamingogirl, Welcome to WhatNext!! Glad you decided to follow me. Lots of great folks on here. I'm am certainly glad to help in any way I can.
    June 2013
  • GregP_WN
    Hello and welcome, we are glad you found us.Please feel free to join in the conversations. Here is a link to our cancer dx page for your type of cancer. Take a look at it to get you started on some information. You will notice at the bottom of that page 4 of our active users who have had that journey already, you may wish to contact them for their experience and wisdom. Also, I encourage you to go to the questions page now by clicking on the questions tab at the top of the page and post what is the most pressing issue you have right now. This will introduce you to the community and get you started on the help you need right now.


    There are also subtypes listed on this page to narrow down the type of cancer to match your dx.

    You may also find our "Beginner's Guide To Cancer" page helpful Click Here for that=> http://bit.ly/10BQKCi

    Also, if you can take a few minutes and fill in some details of your journey so far, it will help others as they try to answer questions for you, it also helps others as they search through the data base to find someone like themselves. Confirming your email will allow you to receive updates and notices from the site when someone answers your questions or writes on your wall.

    Thanks for being with us and let me know if I can help you find any information on the site. After you have an opportunity to look the site over and see what great things there are here, we encourage you to invite your friends, family or anyone you know that may be helped by the connections on WhatNext to join the site also. Just click this link to invite them to join. http://www.whatnext.com/recruit-a-friend

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    3X Survivor
    Team WhatNext Community Mgr.
    June 2013