

  • country
    Hope you are enjoying a great meal and family!
    After the Holiday could you comment on the reason some pancreas cancer pts
    do well into many years. I was told they still have a protective mechanism in their
    DNA that prevents mutation to become resistant to chemo,Allso have you heard of T gen and dr Van Hoff. Trying to decide if new research and vaccines are the way to go,We wenr from stage 2 to 4 in 3months and are now on Folfox,And does anyone have positive comments on Cancer treatment centers,
    March 2013
  • momof5
    Thank you Carm I had a PET scan last week and go to my oncologist on Tuesday. The report showed take up on both sides. The one node is almost 3 cm and the other sode almost 2 cm. IThe dr suggested a biopsy. do you think that is to determine the type of cancer? I had lymphoma and kidney cancer in 2008. I have so many questions. Thanks for taking the time. My email is smstrohl @ if you would want to message me oh there. Thank you!
    March 2013
  • Khoffart
    Thank you for the links. They will be helpful to me.
    March 2013
  • janetamy
    Thanks for your incouraging reply, I'm 10 days into external radiation& chemo treatments, & I have a top radiation oncologist at Lutheran General Hosp. he suggested that two separate 3 night inpatient brachytherapy hospital stays might be needed, but he wouldn't know til one 3 night session is completed. I know he is the best, I want to beat this diagnosis & just wanted to know if this is standard, . Thanks again.
    March 2013
  • 4HeartsBroken
    I was wondering if you had a idea what my moms chances are of getting Pancreatic Obviously you know my Grandmother passed away from it at 77. My Grandpa has it and he is in his 80s but just a week ago we found out my Uncle who is going to 54 has it to. (My Uncle is severely handicapped) (He has the brain capacity of a 3 year old because he had his head ran over when he was 2) I don't know if that last bit has anything to do with it or not.
    March 2013
  • jazzhead68
    Hi Carm - thanks for your info and encouraging words. My wife is receiving both Temodar & radiation, so hopefully your ideas about her fever are indeed what's going on. Her 6 wks of treatment end tomorrow, then maybe things will gradually subside. Thanks again! :-)
    March 2013
  • ibcarolek
    Carm, I just have to say thank you for everything you post. The resources you let Rich - and us - know about are truly lifesavers. You're amazing, and I wish there were a more powerful word than "thank you" to convey my heart felt appreciation for your participation on this site! Please know how valued your input is.
    March 2013
  • Marybm
    Thank you for posting on my question about positivity. It is kind of crazy how you knew my step mom has been making this more about herself than my dad, when I tried to not even get into that part much. Thanks again
    March 2013
  • Laureen
    Thanks! I remember now why I was curious about the Jell-O coloring......when I had my colonoscopy, they said no red or orange Jell-O or juices. I have started a section in my cancer notebook that has all the tests I have taken & all the pre-testing requirements, as well as what the test consists of & any side effects or post-test restrictions.

    One day, after one of my glow in the dark tests, I'm going to go to the airport to see if I set off any alarms!
    March 2013
  • vickz
    hi carm thanks for all the good do help me feel good..tomorrow they will give me this CT planning and on
    monday radiation starts..i hope that everythings goes well...
    God bless you Carm... :)
    March 2013
  • marie60
    Carm, I'm having terrible intestinal cramps. What can I do to stop them? I feel like I should have diarrhea, but I don't, only gas and a little bm. I had these same cramps with my second chemo, but they didn't last this long. This is my third chemo and It's the worst. I don't want to do chemo anymore.
    March 2013
  • marie60
    Carm, I tried lying down and massaging my belly and that seems to have helped a little, but I don't have the confidence that they won't come back. I don't like this chemo at all.
    March 2013
  • Laureen
    Carm, I am getting a PET/CT Scan in a few days. I also have diabetes. These are the preps: No caffeine, carbs, sugar. Can I have diet Jell-O; any colors to stay away from? Do I take my Metformin & Glipizide the morning of the test or do I skip them? My oncologist told me to ask the lab & the lab people weren't too helpful; I don't get the "warm & fuzzies" from them. Any help you can offer?
    March 2013
  • MajorRedneck
    Howdy, I like your straight forward way of talking and respect your knowlage, but how would I be able to communicate to you in a more privet way in order not to speak to the whole world?
    March 2013
  • faswilliams
    Hello Carm..My MIL is not in hospice, we are taking care of her at home.
    March 2013
  • Marianne
    Carm, you are an angel. I love to read your posts, especially the ones that go into detail about the disease(s), the treatments, the alternatives, and your personal outlook. You make things seem so much less scary, so much more understandable and hopeful.
    March 2013
  • ticklingcancer
    Carm, just wanted to stop by and thank you for all the information you provide to everyone on here. It sure is nice to have our own resident nurse to break things down for us when we have technical questions. You're Greatly Appreciated!!
    February 2013
  • Giraffe
    Thanks for your response. I know have an additional question. After having AC on Thursday I am experiencing swollen eyes. Taking Benedryl does not seem to take down the swelling. Any suggestions? Thanks,
    March 2013
  • Tonpowell
    Thank you for your posting!
    March 2013
  • country
    Hello from Pa,
    We went from from hopefull<stage 2b{panc ca} to hopeless in 3 months
    Will all hospitals only offer a different chemo when you become stage 4
    He has 4 lesions in his liver on his first cat scan,Can you go to stage 4 that fast?
    We were on Gemzar and now will receive folfox
    March 2013
  • Risa
    I just wanted to tell you that I think your awesome attention to replying consistently is a real blessing to everyone on this site because of your medical experience. Thank you for your efforts!
    March 2013
  • Jo96822
    Aloha Carm, thank you for your suggestion, I'm going to see if Stanford can offer some names for transplant survivors.
    March 2013
  • bbr54
    Thank you carm. I have purchased the book. I appreciate this advice.
    March 2013
  • merry
    Thanks Carm. I was diagnosed in 2009. I understand MDS as I am also in the health care field. Robin Roberts MDS was much more advanced than mine. Hoping mine will stabilize, but one never knows. Thanks for your link. I just wanted to hear from others with the illness.....
    March 2013
  • reginak
    thanks for the link!
    February 2013
  • Nomadicme
    Hi Carm, I wasn't disputing the cardio toxicity of Herceptin. As a recipient of the treatment I had MUGA scans before and after treatment. What I was disputing was the approval as a first line treatment.
    February 2013
  • sgmom
    Hello carm! I had lymph node dissection with my radical hysterectomy on 2/11. Last night my gyn onc told me to go to the ER to check for blood clots when I reported that my inner groin had all of a sudden swelled up. Everything checked out fine with the ultrasound and the ER doc said the swelling was normal given the circumstances. Just looking for a second opinion as I was reading up on lymphedema. My post-op follow up is scheduled for Wednesday. Any feedback is appreciated!
    February 2013
  • Jivan
    thanks for reply
    February 2013
  • AlizaMLS
    The B-12 is a great idea, but I have to inject myself as because of a fluke with my Lupus I can't assimilate it from food or vitamins. I usually inject 1 ml/wk. (found out from the hematologist I see for Lupus). I need Lupus bloodwork & will be seeing him soon.
    February 2013
  • SouthernMom
    Carm: I have cervical CA, which has spread to the vaginal wall, per the PET scan. One oncologist said everything was fine. One wants me to see a urologist because of something he saw on the bladder and ureters. Is that normal that there are different opinions?
    February 2013