

  • MillieS
    Sorry I meant to include that mine was lobular too.
    May 2013
  • MillieS
    Hi, I have stage IV invasive metastatic BC and have positive hormone receptors. I have had 6 rounds of ATC.but no radiation since the little beastie had metastized to my bones and one met in the liver. My CA 27-29 has dropped this month back into the normal range and my liver met has shrunk by 1cm. I was diagnosed a year ago . And I turn 70 this summer. Also had a bilateral mastectomy last summer with no reconstruction.. I am on Arimidex and Zometa. I would love to keep in contact with you and others like us.
    May 2013
  • DorothyV
    Thanks for your post. I was stage II. The tumor was 7 cm. The onc said 5 years on Letrozole. I have fatigue also. I thought it was mostly from the chemo and radiation.
    December 2012
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome. Thank you for registering. Here are a few tips to get you started:

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    Team WhatNext
    November 2012
  • Lynnmcdonald
    I had a mastectomy on the left side and lots of chemo,radiation,and hyperbaric treatments. Clean for 5 years and I just had reconstructive surgery done and am quite happy.
    Are you are meds? How are you feeling?
    February 2014
  • ArleneB
    Thanks for your answer. I took Levetrole for a while but markers kept going up. I do take vitamins D and B12. Right now I am taking Tamoxifen but have only been taking it one month so will see at my next visit what my markers are doing. Doc says my scans don't tell him much either. He uses my blood work and my pain levels to tell how I am doing.
    June 2013