

  • Marinace
    So jealous you have good tomatoes. I moved from NJ to Florida and my favorite times are when we go home and tomatoes are in season. I eat those tomato and mayo sandwiches every meal til it's time to come home! Enjoy
    July 2017
  • Marinace
    For sure,. I lived in the PA Poconos for 10 y ars.
    July 2017
  • gwennm
    Thanks Schlegel. He is doing a lot better than I am right now. He believes in miracles, and I am so scared of where we will be going next with this cancer. His next PET/CT scan will be on September 20th, and then on the 21st will will get the results. With there being a 87% increase during the last 6 weeks, another increase will have us re-thinking the next move. I hate this waiting.
    September 2016
  • Mautioce
    I started chinese acupuncture this week with treatment number two pm today. we are confident of a positive outcome and have two months treatment plan. will post results after this. thank you for this suggestion. regards maurice
    June 2016
  • Mautioce
    I like acupuncture option and will try soonest as we have two practitioners here in north queensland Australia many thanks
    June 2016
  • geekling
    Hi. I was amazed at how many people have your name on FB. There is, however, lol, only one Kathy Effin Rebel. Hope u can find and friend me soon.
    February 2016
  • TXHills
    Good morning,
    If you are considering hospice care for the future and are concerned about adequate pain control, you might have a frank conversation with your doctor. Most medical folks now understand the need for really good pain relief and that the risk of addiction for cancer patients is very low. Plus, if one is in hospice, who cares? I think the hospice nurses and caregivers have to follow the doctor's orders on medication, so discuss your wishes now, while you are still clear and able to communicate them. Best to you.
    February 2016
  • Agnese
    SO THOSE ARE THE LINKs TO THE SURVEY...i am so sorry but the free website set a limit of 18 questions so i had to generate two different links. They are around 26 questions and I hope my English is sufficiently understandable. Anyway if you notice some mistakes or you have any kind of advice just let me know:) So I've created two different surveys: - this is for the caregivers who HAVE NOT HAD the need to move from their hometown in order to take care of someone LINK 1: LINK 2; - this is for the caregivers HAVE HAD the need to move from their hometown in order to take care of someone LINK 1: LINK 2; THANK YOU SO MUCH:) The survey it's completely anonimous. If you want to know the progress of my work let's keep in touch: [email redacted] PLEASE SHARE THIS SURVEY TO THE OTHER CAREGIVERS:) - See more at:
    October 2015
  • judyinflorida
    I got into the barryboomer debate strictly because of his provocative statement saying that he wanted to say goodby. I was concerned that his condition had worsened. When I read more I assumed he really WAS leaving, I commented that perhaps it wasn't the right forum for him, but I wished him all the best. I thought my message to him was kind, but your response to ME wasn't. I didn't say that I wanted to leave the forum, but your response to me was that perhaps this forum isn't the best place for ME. REALLY?!!!
    Then you commented on the "childish women" complaining about him. If they disagree with him (or you) does that automatically make them "childish"? I have received nothing but compassion from the people on this forum and when I first started I really needed it. I was actually kind of shocked by your reply to me. Just thought I'd let you know that I found that response a bit hurtful.
    January 2015
  • time4moore
    Thanks for your reply... I am more than a bit concerned about having the ONC recommending RCHOP. The tumor in my thigh is painful and about the size of a lime and wasnt there in November....I would like them to remove it as it is causing lots of leg pain. I was down on my hands and knees today "spring cleaning" (since I live in SW Fl. "spring" is a relative term) my kitchen cabinets and could barely get back up without help. I don't like not being able to do these things or relying on others...
    February 2015
  • geekling
    I think your "Morning Walk" poem is quite good.
    February 2015
  • BarbaraB
    Thanks for your note. I will attend a chemo class this afternoon and then begin on Friday. Taking one thing at a time right now. Had a wicked week of tests and procedures 2 weeks ago with a bit of a break between. Now we begin the changes -- hopefully the good outweigh the bad.
    October 2014
  • GregP_WN
    You said earlier that you had a question but didn't know where to click to post it, just click the Questions tab at the top of any page, then you will click on the "ask the network a question" button and post your questions. Let me know if you need help.
    June 2014
  • barryboomer
    I see where you played in a band....Check out some of my songs below...

    Are you doing any Nutritional things?
    Check out my profile site for some ideas.
    Good Luck!
    February 2014
  • geekling
    Hi, if you click above on the purple line, where it says "people", it will take you to a place where you can find a box to input a nickname. You can look up nicki0920 and look through her posts. She found a few dollars for gas and copay drug reimbursement and was kind enough to post the results. You can also click "follow" when you get to her page and her posts will begin to appear on your wall.

    Fare thee well.
    August 2013
  • Ydnar2xer
    Wow, just read your post on the "stress-free life". That seemed rather harsh!
    August 2013
  • geekling
    Hi; Read your post on the Gilda's Club question. We are peers in years on the planet. :-) Just don't ask me my age, lol. We are all going to die. No one gets out of this life alive. OK, maybe one or two folks if you are of religious beliefs. The real question is when we are going to die. The blessing is that we are unable to know. Just live each day, each moment, one day at a time, one breath at a time, one step at a time because we are promised nothing more and nothing less except the birthright of joy in the moment. Blessings.
    August 2013
  • tomget
    Thanks for your Medicaire answer Schlegel
    November 2012
  • Harry
    I saw your post about getting more specific concerning the type of NHL. You should be able to. Select Add Diagnosis on your Home Page. Select NHL as your diagnosis. Note that there is a button to Get More Specific. Click on it. You will be offered the choice of groups and, within each group, the specific cancer type. That's how I have mine listed. I did have to remember that Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia is no longer the "prefered" name.
    November 2012
  • marshala1
    Thank you for your reply. My diagnosis calls it follicular, also Diffuse Large B-Cell. It is referred to as medium grade. I did R-CHOP and have been in remission for almost a year. My diagnostic letter says it is curable, but one never knows with cancer. My attitude is positive--I am not worried about a relapse, but at the same time pragmatic. It does happen after all, I just will not dwell on it.
    November 2012