

  • fluteplayer
    Hi Paw, I am also stage 4 and seems like you did every thing ,like I did, and it still came back .I also am having jaw problems after taking xgeve for the past 2 years. I often ask God Why ? very hard to accept this 2nd time but it does make you stronger then you ever thought possible
    August 2013
  • MMarie
    Hi Paw,

    Thanks for the message. Obviously cancer is not the biggest dragon I've fought. The rapes were by a clergy when I was a teenager. Took A LOT of hard work. Grateful I stuck out treatment long enough to heal. Eight years of trauma treatment.
    September 2013
  • Samcharlie
    I hope you see a difference. Let me know.
    August 2013
  • Samcharlie
    Hi Paw,
    They are manufactured by NOW FOODS.
    Hope they help you.
    August 2013
  • JEML
    JEML Paw
    Hi Paw, I saw your comment on debmarsan's post regarding her concerns about osteonecrosis. Have you received any answers regarding the pain you are feeing in your jaw? If not, I may be able to offer some insight or suggestions.
    July 2013
  • matt323
    Thank you for your additional comment. That helped a lot. I'm not sure if my sister is naive about the cancer or what. I am still trying, very hard, to understand. She says she has a "gut feeling" that it is gone and nothing more needs to be done. She thinks she should feel sick if it is still there. Regardless, her Dr ordered a PET scan next week because she is refusing any other treatment. So, I guess we will go from there.
    February 2013
  • Nellie
    I looked at their website under brand and they do not sell nioxin online. You have to go to the store. I hope you have one in your area!
    December 2012
  • Nellie
    Beauty Brands. I bought a small bottle #2 cleanser. I was told if it doesn't work to bring it back and get a full refund.
    December 2012