

  • Sofi
    Most every morning when I make my bed, I think about you and your telling me that you would make your bed knowing that you always had the option for a nap later! Hope you are doing well. I'm now a year post-chemo/radiation and so glad to be on this side of things. This Minnesota cold is getting to me, so I am going to lie down with a heating pad for awhile...even though the bed is already made!

    All the best! I so appreciated your help and advice along the way.
    December 2013
  • Mastectomytatt
    Hi MsScribe,

    I wanted to reach out to you as I'm currently producing a segment about mastectomy tattoos and I've been trying to gain some insight to the process. I think it's a really brave and amazing choice and would love to find out more about how you came to the decision.

    Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

    October 2013
  • tlwald
    Hey there!
    May 2013
  • Doberwomyn
    The hot flashes etc what do u attribute that to..? Just wanted to say I appreciate all the reasponse as the volunteer for recovery program thru the cancer society has never come thru despite going on 3+ mos and multiple requests even a call saying sorry cant help would be appreciated I am in southern Il
    January 2013
  • debbie1951
    Happy New Year, MsScribe!
    I love your new picture! You are so beautiful.
    Thank you for your words of encouragment. You have been through a lot with both DLBCL & HER2+ breast cancer. My cousin was recently diagnosed with HER2+ breast cancer. Do your doctors think the DLBCL was caused by the HER2+ treatments?
    January 2013
  • janeti
    I wish I had know then what I know now about reconstruction. Mine is a botch job. So Naturally I didn't do anything when breast cancer came to the other last year. Tell your good story whenever you can. it would have saved my sexual life.
    January 2013
  • janeti
    I sent for ginger chews and ginger tea. I also find that coffee is a nono. Will be drinking a lot of tea.
    January 2013
  • janeti
    Mouth dryness is a big problem. I have to walk around with a water bottle. A friend suggested the mouthwash Biotine. It helps some but hard to work it into my day, unless I'm in bed.+
    December 2012
  • alliek78
    hi how are you Ms Scribe? I seen you commented on someones wall about nipple reconstruction. I'm a10 month breast cancer survivor and I had both breast removed... next step is the nipples. What should I be expecting?? I have an appointment a week from today and not sure what to expect. I'm only 34, I just want them to look somewhat normal. Looking down at them today just depresses me but makes me proud too b/c I am here today.:-)
    November 2012
  • CourtW
    Hello, I saw that you had RA and was then diagnosed with NHL. That is exactly what happened to me. I have had 6 treatments of RCVP. The scan after 4 treatments showed no growth but not diminished either. I am having another scan this week. Were you on the RCVP cocktail?
    October 2012
  • Sofi
    Thanks for sharing those milestones. I can't believe you held it together for business. I have pretty much been a slug, and as I was laid off from school counseling, didn't even try to work. Looking for a new job while bald hasn't seemed like a great idea!

    You've had a rough time, and to hear that you are doing well is an inspiration (and a comfort). I have truly forgotten what it feels like to feel normal. I need to regain my body, my life, and get my house cleaned!
    October 2012