

  • RuthAnne
    Hi Karen,

    Here's the podcast that I just did with my oncologist that I communicated with you about. http://www.patientpower.info/program/personalizing-therapy-for-the-treatment-of-patients-with-lung-cancer
    Although I wasn't allowed the space to mention whatnext.com during the podcast, I think it could be a good place for whatnext.com to partner with.
    Check it out!
    March 2012
  • ElizaM
    I appreciate the recipe and I am planning to try it tonight - I need all the help I can get to sleep beyond just a couple of hours Thanks.
    September 2012
  • Lynnette
    So many tips! I'll try to keep up. I've read alot and they're great thanks.
    June 2013
  • samcat
    Why can't we have a section on MDS? (myelodisplastic syndrome) It may me more common than most people think. We with MDS go through chemo, loss of white and red blood cells, and platelets. We have to deal with a lot of the same issues as any other type of cancer.
    September 2012
  • AmyKay
    Have you run across anyone that has ringing in their ears? I'm on Cisplatin/Gemzar. I've only had two treatments (newly diagnosed) but this ringing is crazy! And TIRED - so weak & tired...
    October 2011
  • purplekathy46
    Hello hope everyone is ok since i haven't been on in a while. Well we have choice of calling hospice or try chemo. My darling hubby has been feeling well so we were in shock to find out the it metastised to the lungs. Looks like they have the measels. Tommorow we see the chemo dr in ordr to make an educated decision.
    February 2013
  • maralyn
    "thank you for sharing your journey", wow, mine is so minute compared to you and so many others, i need to remember that, when the days come and i want to complain,,, i need to be grateful for all the support and doctors/surgeons who have landed on my doorstep!!! this site is an attitude adjustment for me, a positive one!!! "bless you all"
    February 2013
  • gadawg00034
    what is your opinion of all the natural cures, like that super juicer. it says something about making sure it is ok with the doctors.or is this just grasping for straws and may do more harm than good?
    November 2012
  • Marathonmom
    So much I don't understand. Why me? How did I get this? Thyroidectomy went great. First TMS came back clear. I hated going hypo and no insurance so I didn't go back for second scan (NOT becaue I intellectually knew it was the right thing to do). But ultrasound of neck recently showed something on 2 nodes (PCP says not to worry, nodes pick up everything) but to be safe fo back to oncologist for TMS, so in process of going hypo. and have second scan in 3 weeks. Nobody tells you about side effects of going hypo and how to manage. Nobody tells you what's to be expected or not so each symptom makes me insanely worry like I'm dying. If this is SO curable why do I read so many people having multiple surgeries and doses of I131? Why did I have hair loss and others don't? Why isn't mine growing back and others do? Why can't I tolerate cytomel and others do? And now I just read that I131 can possibly lead to Leukemia???? My oncologist didn't tell me that (is it because it's so very rare? and benefits outweigh risks?) One more thing now I worry about. If I131 is recommended in 3 weeks, do some decline? Hate to complain because oncol. said this is the best CA to get and curable. Just tired of feeling alone and all of this makes me feel contaminated. And tired of breast cancer talk/help so available but feeling in the minority on this, like breast CA is the only. Wish I had someone to be there for me so I had that same support, feel like I'm dying all alone.
    September 2012
  • gloktr
    October 2012
  • gloktr
    October 2012
  • Clyde
    I havnt received a What Next digest for a couple of days. Any particular reason?
    September 2012
  • zem