

  • HopefulJourney
    lost your email or number how are ya?
    September 2015
  • HopefulJourney
    did email you and message sorry for the bother
    October 2015
  • HopefulJourney
    Charlie Wanda here how are you?
    September 2015
  • HopefulJourney
    chalieb glad your doing so good haven't heard from ya in along time im back on now
    September 2015
  • Rolltidelynne
    Hey just checking in this morning:) such a beautiful day here in Mississippi!! You can call me Lynne H and we have lynniepoo!!! I love chatting w you and Lynne:) so you hurry and get better:))) I am very proud of you for your attitude and strength!! You are an inspiration to all of us!! And you have a fun wit:)) I will be thinking about you today!! Hang in there:))
    Lynne H
    July 2014
  • Therose
    That's awesome! I was happy to be able to get back to walking on beach I started off with one mile then more in time. I thought I would never wear pomps again. Now I rock them again.
    June 2014
  • HopefulJourney
    chalres lost your email and all do you want to email again??
    February 2014
  • lynniepoo
    Yes I did get my vaccines at one year. My transplant dr started and then my oncologist did the second and third rounds, every two months. I was achy and grouchy for two days after (told everyone that I would never question again grouchy babies after they got their immunizations) but had no other reactions. I get the last of them, measles, mumps rubella at 2 years. I have been on revlimid 10 mg since two months after the SCT and don't appear to have any problems with that. I get zometa once a month and see the oncologist then for blood work. My protein level is stable but I have never really been in remission. My genome type doesn't help. With my 5 compression fractures in my back I take morphine every day, gravity is my enemy. I have retired after 20 years as a church administrator and do much better when I can lay on the couch a few times a day to relax my back. Between the revlimid and morphine I also have intestinal issues for which I take Miralax and senekot every day. MM is truly an experience with all it's ramifications, but I feel somewhat lucky as my ex husband has pancreatic cancer and is on his third type of chemo with no improvement but no worsening. I have 3 kids who are having to deal with two sick parents. I truly enjoy this site as I am able to talk to others with my same issues. I live in a rural area and the closest support group is two hours away.
    February 2014
  • Me2
    My name is Cathy,I am very very close to my cousin Norm(we can talk about anything though it is hard) 46,single father of 2 whom has this cancer..Stage 3 his was to the er and emergency surgery to keep him from not bein parallelized for the rest of his life.,A year and a half later,were now facing his chemo/radiation..Failed last 2 chemo;s and he is on the strongest there is now.His counts are not stabilizing to get him near his Bone Marrow transplant. October 2013 he was given 2 options from a group of Doctors at the Fred Hutchinson clinic in Seattle,do nothing, you have 6 to 9 months to live.Have a Bone Marrow transplant 50/50 it might work and give you a few years.This is a frightening cancer like all the rest.It just seems like everything is failing for my cousin.2 weeks of remission somewhere along the line and the rest a real battle.His cancer has gone from the skeletal,invadeing his Liver now with 3 new tumors.,4 months ago he had Cyber Knife treatment on the first tumor that showed up on his liver. Currantly dealing with just being told if he uses his left arm to open or shut his car door it could break.He has a steel rod in the upper part of his neck that goes up into the base of his head.He has to turn his body to look either way he cannot turn his neck anymore.This cancer is all on the left side of his body.Nobody else in his immediate family has even researched this cancer .They have only read what I have printed out for them.In this chemo now not one family member is there helping him he is (DRIVING) doing this all alone and I fear so much.Any input yo would like to share would be a blessing Sincerely Scared Cathy
    February 2014
  • CraigThomas
    Hi Charlieb,
    My friend Cora a medical research coordinator is currently looking for cancer patients to participate in a PAID confidential Phone interview. If you qualify and participate you will receive a $75 check after you complete a 1 –Hour telephone interview. If you want to participate in this study please contact my friend CORA at 888-863-4353.
    September 2013
  • HopefulJourney
    Charles how are you? Hopeful here miss ya!
    August 2013
  • HopefulJourney
    charlie hi lost your email
    and everything would like to talk!
    July 2013
  • HopefulJourney
    hi Wanda here lost your email~
    July 2013
  • Lindy
    Hi, I learned my biopsy was positive over the phone. Surgeon was playing telephone tag so I just left her a message to leave me the message. i knew when I initially felt the lump that it was cancer and given the sudden appearance of a large lump, aggressive. I wasn't surprised just knew I had hopped a train for a journey of unknown time and distance.

    Love your face, your smile, you wear humanity well.

    September 2012
  • leslie48240
    Somewhere on this site i saw a comment you made about.."'I didn't think of myself as a survivor, since I wasn't in remission". I know just what you mean. And then when my tests were 'clean' I was afraid that if I got too cocky and used the survivor word I would be jinxing myself. Then someone at a relay said "If you have cancer at ANY stage and you are still on this Earth...YOU ARE A SURVIVOR!!! Changed my whole mind set....I walked proudly in the survivor lap and wore the shirt i had been hiding in my bag. Now 5 plus years since dx...and still a survivor!
    June 2013
  • gwenstacy
    Good morning! Hoping all your way is well. Yes I will be having an autologous stem cell transplant. My aunt will be my caregiver. It is scheduled for August 20th. My DR. wants to harvest extra stem cells for the future. This week, on my off week , I didnt take the dex either, just to have a break, it feels good to kind of feel like myself again. Tuesday I will start up on both again. I have to read your posts again, but Are you still needing to take either of the rev, or dex? How did you cope, through your transplant? I appreciate all that you share! thanks Charlie, God Bless!
    June 2013
  • gwenstacy
    I was diagnosed about 5 years ago with mgus, and in march my dr. at mayo told me I crossed over to multiple myeloma so I started the rev-dex. The dex really messes with my thinking and memory. Last visit I had at mayo, dr. told me he would call my oncologist here in bemidji and suggest my dex be cut in half. I havent heard another word its been 2 weeks so Im just doing it on my own and what a difference. I feel so much better so i hope my response stays positive. My stem cell transplant is scheduled for august 20th and I am scarred! not looking forward to any of it! sorry to hear you have to be on the revlimid, hope it works for you, God Bless!
    June 2013
  • eyimam
    Thank you charlie... your humor is definitely helpfull :) My mom is currently suffering from some of the mental side effects of the dex/ rev combo... sounds like everyone has some kind of reaction to this cocktail.

    How's the road to recovery?
    November 2012