

  • goodkarma
    Hi, Jeannie! So glad you're doing well!

    I saw your old comment about your hair growing back during treatment which is what I have going on now, same drugs as you were. It is a recurrence after 4 years, but my body is reacting very differently that the 1st go round. I've had 2 infusions, 21 days apart- this time I've been getting VERY sick on day 3.

    Now my hair is growing back (patchy!) & I have folliculitis, which scared the ___ out of me. Saw a dermatologist today & will hopefully get it under control. I'm in Texas, so head shaved, wearing hats, hair trying to grow & sweat are a BAD combination!
    Looks like pimples, itches- ick!

    So your hair growing back during treatment was not a bad sign, which relieves me. Now if I can just control the nausea for 4 more!

    Blessings & continued healing-

    September 2018
  • kalindria
    Hi Jeannie, Glad you found the site and hope you're still dancing with NED. I was also stage IV at diagnosis and had a lot of constipation troubles with my ovarian cancer. Ugh. Very happy to be past that now. I'm coming up on the anniversary of my diagnosis which makes me a bit apprehensive. I've been disease-free since January of 2014 but the fear is still with me.

    Your story gave me hope. I am glad you're here and would love to hear more about your experiences post-chemo. Hope life is treating you well.
    October 2015
  • Lynne-I-Am
    Hi Jeannie and congratulations on being NED. I was diagnosed Sept. 2013 at age 66 with stage IIIC ovarian and have been in remission now for eighteen months. Had two rounds of chemo then debulking surgery. Along with removing the numerous rumors in the abdominal cavity they removed a small growth on my colon and diaphragm . Had four more rounds of chemo both IP and IV. My family found this site for me early in my diagnosis . Over the past two years I have found great support and useful information while being able to help others fighting this xxx disease. Ask your questions, perhaps help answer other's questions. Post on the pin board . All of us are here for each other. Take care, talk anytime.
    October 2015