

  • meyati
    Hi, please go to the pinboard----and see my friendship contract---LOL
    January 2016
  • meyati
    I removed the post where you asked why 'miserable'. This is the one thing that should be private. I don't get it. Why don't they feature the PIN Board Friendship Contract? It's funny-It's nice-etc. I've got to get ready to see if the GI doctor can help me. I'll talk to you later.
    January 2016
  • meyati
    Hi, how are you and Bernard doing? My eye is finally feeling better-not aching or hurting very often. I think that my vision is improving-knock on wood. Did you know that Kenda was an NFL player before he was a cop? I need to eat-I'm going to see my wonderful radiologist. I'm wondering if he has scan info that I don't have-who knows?
    January 2016
  • meyati
    Hi I found out was wrong with my eye. The Urgent Care doctor prescribed the correct med for a cut cornea, but he wrote the wrong instructions, and I lost part of my vision. I'm certainly not blind. I showed them the alarm Levi set for the doses every 4 hours, so they knew that I followed instructions. I kept the medicine box, and I actually found it. They gave me regualr eye drops, and said that should stop further damage-maybe help. The doctor said that I should go to the ER for any eye problems, where they have an optholomologst. I've had such bad care at ERs. The doctor kept saying, "she did everything right. She followed the instructions. She did everything right" I guess that somebody will hear about it.
    January 2016
  • meyati
    I picked up my new stomach med-- 93 cents. I'm mad and scared. What I'm taking is not addictive-sort of like an aspirin for the stomach. This is highly addictive. Next it has side-effects that have caused seizures in my past-basically dehydration that can cause kidney problems and seizures. Next it raises blood pressure. This is my first year that my thyroid worked correctly, which meant that my blood pressure finally got normal. Then they say it causes vision problems sort of big time for older people. The pharmacist suggested that I stop driving.

    December 2015
  • meyati
    Hi, I don't know why, but lots of times my question comments won't post. To my surprise, I can go to a home page and paste the same comment on their page. Some others have mentioned this is happening to them. That's a big reason why I'm not on so often. Like the question by Greg-what do you say to people when they ask. This is what I wrote
    People that need to know-which are few, I say "I was diagnosed with a rare incurable cancer and much to my surprise It's gone."

    I cut - closed the the site, then re-opened, pasted, and to my surprise it was posted the second site. I don't have trouble with other sites- just WhatNext. Maybe I take too long, maybe sometimes my security upsets the security here- or the frequency is overloaded- I don't know-----If I'm going to parrot everyone else, I don't try. If it just won't post, and I think that it's important-after a few fails- I usually can post on their wall.

    Did you see that Ba Ba is having another really tacky show this week?
    December 2015
  • meyati
    Levi got interested in Joe Kenda-- Did you know that the actor that plays the young Kenda graduated from West Point and served in the Army the required 4 years? That he was a police officer a few years? They put out a cattle call and he was picked. Part of it is his military bearing. He's good looking to- has a nice voice-- I don't think that Kenda minds that.
    December 2015
  • meyati
    Boy can I ever do it. I seem to have tetanus, besides a sinus infection. My thighs have been killing me-my neck hurts so bad.-both signs of flu and tetanus. Fever-fluid in my ears, lymph glands swollen. A bit over a month ago, I picked up some dirty screws and put them in my pocket so I wouldn't use them again. They went through the cloth and punctured my thigh. I got a really funny sore, and the sinus problems. Did you know that lock jaw symptoms are the same as the flu and sinus with muscle aches? I went to Urgent Care yesterday-the doctor was very nice and comforting, until I showed her the sore from the screw. I'm on an antibiotic for sinus and tetanus. I was told that I should go back to yearly tetanus shots like the military did. I just sent a message to my PCP that I want a yearly tetanus.

    Carool- if it's there- I can trip over it.

    When I was a teen, we had a retired sailor in the church. I asked him what type of ship did he serve on. He was on a 2 man mail boat that left Manilla and delivered and picked up mail at remote islands that had a few sailors and Marines---maybe 6 on an island. They didn't have a radio. About 2 months after Pearl Harbor, they reached Manilla Bay.

    They said, "It looks like the Japanese fleet is doing a good will tour.

    December 2015
  • TXHills
    Some people need very badly to feel special. They would rather be right than be kind. It's tough to be that kind of person and they need compassion, not information, apparently. I taught HS Biology for years and used my best neutral teacher tone, to no avail.
    October 2015
  • GregP_WN
    Just wanted to let you know that after warning this "Dr. Suba" person to not be posting quack posts and offering medical advice, (however bad it was) that I deleted their account. Please let me know if you see any posts re-appear that look like they may be coming from the same person under a different name.
    Thanks for looking out for the best interests of those on the site.
    November 2015
  • barryboomer
    Hey Carol....thanks for asking but I'm still doing great after 26 months. Could be the Indolent Form, could be by Diet and Supplements or maybe both. I don't answer a lot of questions as I used to as I don't really have anything in common with all the chemo and radiation crowd here. AND most don't want to hear from me.....Some are angry that I seem to be doing well and some are bewildered. Who cares....I'm 70 and my time is limited anyway. Every day I wake up and feel good is a good day. Hope you are ok.Barry
    November 2015
  • meyati
    Carool- let's try the positive-what little there was. In spite of Marx and lenin being Jews, the communists became very anti-sementic under Stalin. Also Jews owned property-and all property owners were being killed. Many Jews went to China and Japan-Manchuria. This was in the 1920s and 30s. In the 1800s, a poor Jewish peddler from London made Japan the center of his company. He got into the oil business by figuring out safe containers for oil from America. Americans were using wood barrels. So, he hired people to set up electric plants-poor Jewish engineers, etc from Iran and England. The Emperor was impressed, and he had a rabbi join his spiritual advisors, and a Jewish community was started and welcomed in Japan. I think his name was Samuels or Samuelson, but he designed the world's first tanker, and his oil tanker was the first to go through the Suez Canal. When Japan needed a loan, nobody and no country would loan Japan any money. Samuels talked to American Jewish bankers that were making money from the Japanese oil trade.

    wait for it--The oil company was named -Shell Oil company-owned by Samuels and Japan. You can see the 1800s and Shell Oil made the Japanese feel indebted and trusting to the refugee Jews from Communist Russia. Japan and Russia were at war along the border for territory and Jewish rights.

    The Nazis sent Japanese officers stationed in Europe to Jewish threat to the world schools. The Japanese were polite, didn't say anything to insult the Nazis, but they thought and reported to the Japanese government- Hey the Jews are more important than we thought-they are the Chosen people of the White gods. The Germans are scared of the Jews, we should help all of the Jews that we can.

    The International laws of the time were that anybody that had a visa to go to another country could legally stay forever in Japan until they could safely go to their destination country. The Dutch moved their governement from Holland to Arruba in the Carribean, when the Germans overran Holland.So the Dutch were still legally an independent government.

    The Japanese and Russians decided that they shouldn't fight each other, as the Russians-other than Stalin-were worried about Hitler-after he invaded Poland-. The Japanese governenment said that the Russians had to give safe passage to Jews going to Japan and had permits. The Russians did not have to provide transportation-the Japanese provided transportation once the Jews reached the designated ports, where japanese ships transported Jews to Japan. The Japanese already were condenmed by the West for taking Manchuria, Korea, and some islands. They were pretty sure they might go to war with the English and Dutch, and America might join the English and Dutch.

    So Dutch diplomats in the Baltics passed out immigration visas like candy at a Spanish parade. Japanese Army and Navy officers did everything they could to get the people out of the Baltics before Operation Barbarossa. Many of the torahs in your part of the city came via Japan, as the japanese tried to get the rabbincal schools and torahs out first. Yeshivas?

    Samuelson returned to England. He became the Lord mayor of London- was made a heridatry Sir- all of his sons, etc were gov. recognized "Sirs" He was already a "Sir before he was the mayor. During WW l, his private country home was turned into a hospital for wouned military personnel. He paid the wages of all medical staff, paid monthly wages to the families of the wounded, fed and paid for all medical care. At all times, he had over 600 wounded in his home.

    When he died, not only was the funeral over run by rabbis, but every Japanese diplomat and military officer was there.

    Those cozy English gentlemen's clubs for the rich and powerful in London. He was never asked to visit or join one because he was a Jew, but how many English were were friends with a Japanese Emperorer?

    November 2015
  • meyati
    Kenda was at his best last night-and he got justice. I really liked it. Did you see a "Crime to Remember" that followed Kenda? It was "WOW". Apparently it was one of the first Bundy or BTK type killings, where the killer had sex with the dead victims and made fun of the cops. The bodies weren't found, so the killer contacted the local newspaper editor in South Carolina. He didn't know what to do--a cop went out and found the bodies. Then the cops decided that somebody in the newspaper was the murderer. Without any modern tech-no FBI- no profiler-nobody to give them any psych help- no other cops to talk to--Those back woods country hicks did well--They were even concerned that somebody was in prison for the first murder that happened over a year earlier.
    November 2015
  • meyati
    Hi, how are you doing? I read that about the barking dog wrong. That is really an insult-a bad one. I wrote on her wall that I didn't like being called names, and we try not to say things. I would leave her alone, but I still wished the best for her and her husband. It didn't help that she decided that I am anti-Asian, so I read it wrong. We all have times, where we're like a dog that won't let go of a bone- and they just keep growling. I know that I'm guilty of that. There are some people that I completely ignore, because I realise at some point it's useless. I realize that it's taking a toll on me, and it's petty, which makes me petty.

    October 2015
  • meyati
    I'm still watching Joe Kenda. Some are pretty good, and some seem to be lacking. It's like they have a bi-polar writer or director-something. Levi is busy watching all of the old kends, and I can see the difference between the other seasons and this.

    That Nightmare show, is it Nightmare Next door? Some of them are odd. One they blamed the step-brother of murdering her, but it was a vagrant seral killer, then the next show the step-father did it.

    Murder Book is starting again. I hope that it stays the same.

    take care and have a good day.
    October 2015
  • Ydnar2xer
    Hi Carool! It's been a long time since I've visited this site. Thought I'd check up on some of my are you doing?
    October 2015
  • meyati
    Hi, how are you doing? Have you been watching Joe Kenda? The frst show this season seemed to be stilted. The third show was back to the old kenda with the remarks, attitude, etc. I may add smoking too. I've been enjoying them anyway.

    I'm doing OK. Things going normal- Levi was trying to look at a pimple on his back and pinch it. The house had an old pedestal sink. That busted. The basin was hanging by one screw. It took a few hours to get and put in a cabinet sink.-Sort of an all day project. I'm building a shed-doing a gravel foundation, so we weren't working on that. I ordered my gravel, and a windstorm came up. I can't get out of this.
    October 2015
  • Agnese
    SO THOSE ARE THE LINKs TO THE SURVEY...i am so sorry but the free website set a limit of 18 questions so i had to generate two different links. They are around 26 questions and I hope my English is sufficiently understandable. Anyway if you notice some mistakes or you have any kind of advice just let me know:) So I've created two different surveys:

    - this is for the caregivers (survivors in your case) who HAVE NOT HAD the need to move from their hometown

    LINK 1:

    LINK 2;

    - this is for the caregivers (survivors in your case) HAVE HAD the need to move from their hometown

    LINK 1:

    LINK 2;

    THANK YOU SO MUCH:) The survey it's completely anonimous. If you want to know the progress of my work let's keep in touch:

    October 2015
  • geekling
    September 2015
  • barryboomer
    ME TOO...
    September 2015
  • Danielle3
    Its okay Carool. I respect your thoughts and appreciate your well wishes. This is the biggest fight of my life...its testing everything in me. I have had plenty of struggle and dark days. I've learned that our mind and words are powerful. I choose to get up when this world knocks me down and fight. I'm scared yes...that's for sure. But I need every thought in my head to stay focused on getting through this (by any means necessary). Thank you Carool best wishes to you.
    September 2015
  • Danielle3
    Hi Carool, thanks for the encouraging words on "staying positive topic". But I'm not always positive (I try to be). However I have moments of constant crying, fear and falling apart. It comes and goes. When I get like that I just "fall". I let the tears flow, I reach out to friends and I pray. I've had sleepless nights (and still really isn't getting a good night's rest). But I try to keep a balance of my bad moments and good ones. I refuse to live in the bad moments because I have learned if you stay there long enough it will be extremely difficult to get out. As a social worker I teach this balance to my families struggling with everyday life. And yes you're right it is totally okay to let the feeling flow, its cancer not cotton candy. Thanks I enjoy reading your thoughts! God bless
    September 2015
  • meyati
    Hi, in the last show where the 2 women were the killers- there was only one cigarette in the whole show. I guess people have been writing or someone got lung cancer. I n the show before that, my son made a comment that the young Kenda wasn't smoking so much-so I guess this is the new show--no smoking-we'll see by the end of the season. If a person started watching now, it wouldn't make any difference about smoking or not smoking-it's his wit, dry humor, intelligence, dedication, logic, empathy for the victims and their families, his dedication to justice. Levi watched the show today on demand-and he was blown away by the short sentences of these 2 woman-that a neighbor or co-worker-his case a classmate could be set off with a key word, and do things like that. He pointed out that these 2 had deeper emotional problems-and it's doubtful they got any help. With the dishonorable discharge-the shooter can't even get help at the VA. These women are obviously documented as being a danger to others- and no help.
    August 2015
  • meyati
    I lost my bet-Joe Kenda didn't say- My, my, my or well, well, well

    I guess that I'll buy you a virtual cup of coffee. I feel so sorry for the victim, imagine walking home- everyone is a friend-- I think that really big guys don't worry so much about things like that-and having that crazy jump you.
    August 2015
  • meyati
    Can you imagine having cancer and a supposedly care giver with dementia? A relative came to help my husband. levi came back from work, and she undid the dressings from the lung removal, and was picking at it, and my husband was crying. It happened again. So they moved my X to a hospice, and the staff had to watch and care for her. She'd throw herself into fits, when they tried to keep her out. That upset everybody-the whole place. They should make them wear the scarlet "A". I'm personally afraid of them. Then there caregivers pass them off for the nurses and receptionists or anybody to care for. I was at a seminar. There was a woman that clearly had dementia. i was the outsider. They walked off, and I went to a balcony to sit down and watch traffic-4th floor. After a few minutes, she came. I ate, and said, yep, uhuh while she blathered and sang. I was wondering where her husband was- With the other people. I tried to get her back. She wouldn't go with me. i really tried. So I went back to the seminar. Where's bonkers?. on the 4th floor balcony. Oh my god, she might jump from the balcony. How could you leave her? She was with you. I asked them, what am I supposed to do-knock her out and drag her back by her hair? I'm not the one who brought her here. Her husband should have taken care of her, and why was she dumped on me?

    I'm sure that Elfrida and the receptionists are wondering the same thing.
    July 2015
  • meyati
    Carool-- I'm so mad and depressed. I had my full body check this week. I wear tank tops, the doctor can see that I'm out in the sun. That I have been in the sun for years. This thing that I have will probably come back, but the thing is that I'm not predisposed to skin cancer. With the skin cancers, you usually get one or more a year. I'm not getting anything but a tan- and I can't stand lotions on me, and half of the time lotions cause me to have bad break outs. My doctors just about cry, because if any doctor had removed the the one caused by fishing and wearing floppy fishing hats-I'd be OK. I have a bad stomach-but exercise is an extremely important part of controlling it, and diet-no fruit- no veges, no sugar, no fat. I have a med that keeps it fine tuned. The RSD was caused by a botched breast biopsy that I was forced into- they said that my husband would lose his navy retirement and his job-insurance would've been dropped. Then being poisoned with statins. I hate American doctors. It's not that I've been injured by cutting off the wrong leg, but they keep it up. I'm just depressed. I asked to be discharged from PT. I'm pain free, I'm walking better- I can get in and out of a chair and bathtub without being scared. I should have got drunk and cut that thing out with my skinning knife. I was a coward that trusted doctors and now I'm paying for it.

    I don't mean to dump on you----but we should get on a magical cloud and wake up in Sevilla- stay at a nice jewish hotel that I like. Walk around and visit Queen isabella's royal garden, visit Roman ruins, watch a tired gypsy woman with too many children sing and have them do a flamenco while waiting for a bus. Sleep during siesta time, go down to the river at midnight and listen to music students play classical music, and they pass the hat around. watch the young woman sit on bicycle handlebars, as her young husband pedals her to her job, then he goes down and becomes a waiter in a tux, listen to construction workers sing and whistle Spanish songs. Oh, well.I'll feel better in the morning.
    June 2015
  • meyati
    Hi, are you going to watch "Cry Wolfe"? That started this week. If you haven't seen it-it has real serious stuff- like a waitresses would slip rufies in water- then she'd walk the young woman out to a friend's van- where she'd be raped, posed- videoed- dumped somewhere naked--Then told to pay thousands of dollars for the DVD-call the police, but he handles lots of things like-- a woman thinks that her partner is having an affair. Finds out it's with her best friend. The woman goes bezerk and puts them in the hospital---Problem- they are planing on a 3 year anniversary and marriage proposal. Her best friend sues her, her partner leaves her. Then "Nowhere to Hide", They're showing old episodes this week- getting ready to to do the season. Rambaum just doesn't do the US, but all over the world--- they are unbelievable----I hope that you and your partner are doing well.
    June 2015
  • GranEM
    Carool I knew someone was following me yesterday. There was this little bed clown behind me - I was the yellow one that you were trying to push off the road! BUT I got ya! Am on your tail now so watch out.....I might have change appearance from time to time so you won't recognize me. Maybe GranPA will show up instead. Have good one Carool - you know your names - spells CAR and then the CAR begins to ool - short for drool. Everybody watch out for the red clown car that DROOLS! Back to work GranEM...
    May 2015
  • loLafolana
    Hi Carool,
    I notice that you are in NY. Are you in Manhattan or one of the other boroughs? I am in the Bronx and I have been working with Montefiore but I am considering switching to Sloan Kettering. Any thoughts on comparing treatment there with other options in NY? Thank you.
    May 2015
  • meyati
    Joe Kenda marathon is on now- I hope that they have him this year----
    May 2015