

  • SueW
    Can you please explain more about the type of surgery, treatment-radiation or chemotherapy, where is the pain etc?
    April 2013
  • CAS1
    Did you have radiation? Is it the skin thats burning? or from inside from the surgery? If you had radiation you could have radiation pnumenitis (sp) tell me more of whats going on.. I am 7 months out from surgery, was cut both sides and not vats and I am on the tread mill everyday for 60 minutes..I wish i would have gotten moving faster than I did.
    February 2013
  • CAS1
    How are you doing? I had a lot of pain after my surgery and it turned out to be Radiation Pneumanitis. I went on steroids and within a few days was feeling 100% better. I am now 6 mo out and I tread mill everyday 60-80 min. Make sure to get yourself moving as soon as possible. Very important.
    February 2013
  • SueW
    Welcome to WhatNext-I am glad you found us, though not under these circumstances. I am part of the TriHealth Cancer Institute (Good Samaritan Hospital, Bethesda North Hospital and Butler County Hospital). Please let me know if I can do anything-connect you to resources in the greater Cincinnati area-I'd like to make your journey easier.
    January 2013
  • Shoeless
    Receiving a diagnosis of cancer can be very scary. Your statement doesn't really tell us much beyond the fact that you have a malignancy in your right kung. Which lobe? What type of cancer? What stage? Your doctors should be telling you those things. What doctors have you talked to so far? Where are you being treated? You could be looking at a few chemo treatments and a lobectomy, or it could be something more complicated. If you haven't done so yet, get a second opinion. The pressures, cost saving measures and endless maze of insurance bureaucracies all guarentee that mistakes will occur. It's up to you to make sure they don't happen to you. Question your diagnosis. Two equally competent doctors can look at the same test results and reach different conclusions. This is very important - your second opinion should come from the team at a major teaching hospital. Good teamwork will reduce the risk of complications. You will want to make sure that all of your doctors are the best available. The place to find this is usually at a major medical center associated with a teaching university. Those hospitals offer the latest and most effective tests and treatments. I drove three hours each way to IUPUI for my treatment, and it was worth every minute and every mile. Cleveland is a great place for cancer treatment, but that is a really long drive for you. Indianapolis is much closer, and I definitely think they are excellent. However you have 2 options open to you that are closer. I'm sure Cincianatti and Louisville each has a university affiliated teaching hospital. As for how well they perform, I don't know their ratings, but I'm sure someone here does or you can get on the internet and find them. Whatever you do, choose a really good hospital - the team in place at a top ranked teaching hospital will be your best bet for treatment. Keep in touch with the group here and fill us in with more info. Best of luck to you.
    December 2012
  • GregP_WN
    Welcome to the site, and "whatsup"? We are glad to have you here, sorry why you have to be though. There are lots of people here to answer your questions, so if you have some just post them in the questions tab at the top of the page.

    Here is a link to our lung cancer page to give you a little information, at the bottom you will notice some links to some of our active users, you can click on their pictures and go to their page if you wish to talk with them. https://www.whatnext.com/conditions/cancer/lung-cancer

    Thanks again and let us know if we can help with anything.

    Greg P
    3x survivor
    Team WhatNext
    Community Mgr.
    December 2012
  • DaveWaz

    Welcome. Thank you for registering. Here are a few tips to get you started:

    1) Find other people like you. You can do this by clicking on "see more" in the "People Most Like You" box to the right.

    2) Go to our Questions page to see what's been posted, ask a question or give some advice. Here is a link to our most popular questions: http://bit.ly/MfN45w

    3) Complete your journey profile to share your experience. You can do this by clicking on "Add Experience" in the box next to your picture above.

    4) Don't forget to upload a picture!

    Thank you for being here and sharing your story. If you have any questions, please check out our FAQ or contact us.

    Team WhatNext
    December 2012